Navigați în Drakes Pool, o bijuterie irlandeză.

Navigați în Drakes Pool, o bijuterie irlandeză.

Râul Owen Boy lângă Cork.


13 thoughts on “Navigați în Drakes Pool, o bijuterie irlandeză.

  1. Very nice, looks like your rellies had a nice castle. So I'm assuming Drakes Pool is the great man himself, is that correct? What a fella he was, can you imagine what kind of man he was, great navigator, great privateer (the polite word to use) and if it wasn't for him and Raleigh England would possibly be speaking Spanish. I love the story of the Spanish ambassador being in England complaining to Queen Elizabeth that Drake was a pirate and she needs to have him arrested and charged as such. While he was there Drake sailed into the harbour after years away and Queen Elizabeth took the Spanish ambassador to the ship to greet Drake. But instead of having him arrested Queen Elizabeth knighted Drake on his ships deck and had the ambassador witness it. The ship would've been filled with Spanish gold, silver etc as well. Maybe even some Spanish officers from the ships he'd captured, he use to ransom them back to their families for a little earner on the side.

  2. Ooo get you with your own castle. Could do with a bit of work though, may be you need to stop vlogging and looking after Swallow to look after the home. On second thoughts I’d miss your vlogs and explorations. Keep you the good work

  3. Didn't know that you were 'Corkasian's' lol, don't think that's the proper term, but definitely a bucket list destination for me.

  4. Great seeing the area again. We stayed at Royal Cork Yacht club. They were super welcoming and had a great pub.

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