Poarta de lacăt de pe portul de agrement s-a rupt, așa că atunci când valul a scăzut, apa a părăsit portul de agrement. Dezastru total! Barca s-a eșuat și s-a răsturnat astfel încât să se odihnească pe marginea pontonului. Dorim să subliniem că aceasta NU a fost vina portului de agrement, ei au fost complet fără vină și au lucrat neobosit pentru a remedia situația imediată și, de asemenea, pentru a proteja ambarcațiunile oamenilor. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Cum să ne sprijini. NICIODATĂ nu cerem nimănui să ne ajute, dar mai multe persoane au cerut modalități de a face acest lucru, așa că iată modalitățile prin care puteți contribui la acest proiect: PATREON: Deveniți un Patron și obțineți lansări timpurii și filmări bonus și actualizări în timp real pentru cât mai puțin 3 USD pe lună sau puteți face și donații o singură dată. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingmelody KO-FI: Ko-fi este un pic ca Patron, dar nu are o donație obișnuită decât dacă alegi să înființezi una. Avantajul Ko-fi este că primim mai mulți bani, așa că ne-am luat mai puțini decât Patron. https://ko-fi.com/sailingmelody Pay-pal: Dacă faci o donație „prieteni și familie” prin Paypal, atunci vedem fiecare bănuț din donația ta, deoarece nu primesc deloc comision. http://Paypal.me/sailingmelody Lecții de chitară și produse Pentru lecțiile de chitară cu Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la: Sailing-melody@hotmail.com Tricourile și cănile sunt disponibile aici: sailing-melody-merch.creator-spring.com Verificați Lista noastră de dorințe de pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE https://www.promarinestore.co.uk Card cadou https://www.promarinestore.co.uk/sailing-melody-youtube-channel-gift-card Lista de dorințe https://www. .promarinestore.co.uk/blog/pro-marine-store-and-sailing-melody Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă doriți să ne ajutați deloc în această călătorie uimitoare. ___________________________________________________________________________ Echipamentul nostru Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 Gimbal GoPro Hero 11 Creator Edition GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Wireless Go II Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini
Dezastru în portul de agrement: Suntem Pământați și Avariați
![Dezastru în portul de agrement: Suntem Pământați și Avariați](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/1687299148_maxresdefault.jpg)
33 thoughts on “Dezastru în portul de agrement: Suntem Pământați și Avariați”
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Thank Heavens it all ended well, at least for now! No holes in the boat, but it must have been a harrowing experience. As someone stated below, the marina is always your “safe spot”…….lots of luck with the survey!!
If ,heaven forbidden Captain falls overboard and is lost at sea,call me ….lollmao
So sorry for the damage and stress you experienced. I hope the repairs are minor.
I think that I would have checked the bilge the moment I got on board! Best of luck!
Pity you weren't there earlier , Could have run a line to the Jetty on the far side from the top of the mast % one to the wall , It works had to do it in a marina on a 54 ft steel cutter when a similar thing happened , It looks percerious but as long as shes reasonably up right the weight goes on the keel & shell sit there up right , Jib sheets tied to the main halyard & Jbi halyard will do , Good luck
Very unfortunate and unforeseeable for you… can't imagine the shock.
Coincidence that you're making a hard sprayhood as we're thinking of that too : learnt a lot thanks. We just finished having to rebuild our rudder (unexpectedly) so hopefully you dont have to do anything like that…
Good luck with everything and continue to be an inspiration for others…💪
Wow guys, this is so bad! Hope everything is ok with your boat
I feel so bad that this happened to you all. But now I'm sure this will be in the minds of everyone who stays at a marina protected by a lock. Chances are it will be just fine, but just in case: use ALL the fenders!
even thou looking at this it the marinas fault you will end up paying for it when they put their marina fees up to cover the increase they will get in insurance costs
Just found this channel..great content,glad boat isn’t damaged.
Four wheel drive clubs use air bags to recover vehicles they could easily lift you off the dock
There is not 16 tonne of weight on the hull. Need to do some Trig to work out weight on hull. Your not at 45 degrees so at worst 8 tonnes of point loading..
Sorry to feel your stress, but it was no fault of your own.
There will a lot of claims against the Marinas insurance…..
how was the marina blameless when their gate failed ? huh ?
It’s a pity that you have had to endure this minor disaster in that damned marina. I’m sure that insurance will cover any damage caused to your boat, but the stress of this incident is immense for you and your family. For my part, I have enjoyed this vid. I hope I don’t sound churlish, but I don’t have a boat and I’m looking for lessons that I might learn in the event of me parking up my yacht in a marina. Ha ha! I can only think that in future, I would have the utmost concern when placing those bouys or buffers over the side. I’d have them substantial and plentiful. I do hope you recover from this fiasco without too much hassle. To David, I’d say, well done pal, it’s great to know that kindness and generosity towards our fellow man, in such times is still out there. You’re a star!
Saw this in the local paper. What a nightmare. Cant believe you remained so calm.
If the marina new the gate was malfunctioning they could have asked you to move too deeper water. The other boats away from your dock were upright. You could have dropped anchor in the deeper water or do a tie up with another boat?
The marina should have had a fail-safe system. At most you go into a lock with gates at either end and they never set the gates on free flow just in case they fail in the open position. It looks to me like they cut corners on the build to save money and you are paying for the consequence.
This is Heartbreak to watch. But you should be able to claim on their Insurance for that. Chin up guys youll get it fixed.
Make a fibreglass mould of the Deck
bit flex its fine
if you had a fender pump, you could off emptied a fender, then push it down as close as possible and inflate it, to push the boat away. Just thinking about what I would off tried. but hope its ok.
What an absolute cock up, hadn't given much thought to this sort of incident! Best of luck people.
WOW, that was SO unfortunate. I do feel for you all, SO many folks affected. Hope gate can be sorted properly ASAP.
Hard decision to make and it’s so easy to give an opinion on YouTube. But I recon the boats who put a mast head halyard out and let the boat lean away from the wall made the correct choice… that’s if they made that decision! The boat might have started listing that way!
That must have been bloody stressful and I don’t think I’d be visiting the marina office with a smile!!
Lovely looking boat and I hope she didn’t take too much damage.
Sorry to see that happen to you mate. You will work through it and move on, if it wasn’t this problem be sure another would have accrued at some point.
thats a rotten bit of luck…i bet that beer tasted good after all that!! hope you get it sorted
Devastated you're having a set back but you're a solid team and will get through it stronger than before 💪🏽
Click bait
What a stressful situation, hopefully things are not as bad as expected. You have been through a lot, rebuilding one boat and getting another one seaworthy. You will overcome this and have better days ahead.
Haven’t seen this week I hope alls well be safe and I hope the lovely yacht is ok
So sorry to see this. We're local, and we know exactly where you were/are. Our boat is at the other end of the Strait.
I think you handled the stress of that exceptionally well 👏🏻 yes everything can be fixed but, that’s still a crappy situation to find yourself in.. especially watching it happen in front of you and being able to do absolutely nothing. Fair play