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Love that grill
7:38am and watching! Hope you two have had a great week 😁
Beautiful views! What brand grill do you have? Enjoy the week!!!
great video enjoy sail safe. Oh and the new language I would like to learn is the Wife Language as my wife says I don't understand her a d talking to other male friends of mine they also said the same is happening to them, So yes please Babbel learning the wife language cheers lol
Beautiful sail! Love your videos. Thank you!
What was that grill you were cooking on?
Gotta love Aussies living life real, raw and exciting, great presentation, informative content, bloody awesome, how good were those chicken strips, and roast dinner oh yeah, my mouth was watering 🇦🇺👍🌈 the boat looks fantastic.
Great video can't wait till my boat fixed n go sailing
Your videos just keep getting better! I live just north of Brinidisi, near a small fishing town called Torre Santa Sabina – was wondering if I might see you guys sailing by in future? Not so many sailing boats on this coast, but each time I see one I try and see if its Escapade ;)))
With the views and fabulous food, we are quit jealous of the uncomplicated lifestyle aboard! Enjoy Albania, the pizza looked delicious!
We are so jealous of your escapades 😅 I think you should sail to South Africa and pick up my husband and i so we can also go sailing😂😂 Are you and Jason married? Love watching your videos, have fun!!
Just did the reverse of this trip. Bar Montenegro to Corfu.. check in crazy lady wasn't there and it only took 2.5 hours. Then down to lakka was totally different experience for us over 80 boats rammed in dragging anchors and gel coat being traded. We headed down to preveza for a lift out to do the antifouling. Guess this was in April pre charter boat mayhem? Guessing you were doing the shengen shuffle as we call it. Happy sailing ⛵👌⛵👌
Raclette cheese. (a tip)
Great video ❤
Great vid what is the cooker called so i can look on the net to find out some info looks interesting
I'm glad you are back, missed you guys.
" I don't even know what they said, thank you over " lol oh my that's too funny.
I’m a sucker for corn on the barbie and loving the insulated backpack…great ideas. And you included my fave movie ever Scarface! Cheers you two!
In South of Spain,there are orcas attacking boats and bitting off rudders..Please be careful out there..
Hey guys, super looking forward to this season! Being a Greek American I am partial to the greek islands and hoping you explore more of them this season. When you go ashore do you take any preventive measures to secure your boat? Can't wait for the next episode. I am considering becoming a patron!!!
Love the idea. Bring it on 👍love your work.
“I didn’t understand what he said”. Thank you 😂! Cheers guys!
Dont peel the corn to grill it just peel back the husk an put butter an s/p pull it back up then grill with husk on it