Am trăit autosuficient pe barca noastră cu pânze recuperată Eva cu normă întreagă de doi ani acum, cred că este timpul pentru un tur cu barca! Mulțumim lui OluKai pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip! Vizitați pentru a cumpăra sandalele voastre de vară și pentru a primi transport gratuit! Sperăm să vă bucurați de acest aspect intim al casei noastre plutitoare, în timp ce vă arătăm interioarele și ieșirile. Eva ne-a dus peste 5000 de mile prin unele mări agitate și către unele dintre cele mai liniștite ancoraje. Acesta este un tur de ansamblu care arată cum trăim și unde trăim, în timp ce navigați Vă iubesc pe toți, fiți în siguranță, fiți buni! Brett Jade Dingo și Penny @ExpeditionEvans **************************************** Dacă ați venit aici căutând link-urile noastre Amazon, ești un tip special de om minunat. Vă mulțumim că le-ați verificat! Produsele pe care le folosim și iubim: Produsele pe care le dorim
: **************** ************************ *Echipamentul nostru* Camera principală: Obiectiv principal: /3cwZRkl Microfon: Go Pro: Dronă: Laptop: *Găsește-ne În altă parte* Facebook: Jade Instagram: Brett Instagram: EE Instagram: https:/ / Dingo Instagram: Penny Instagram: TikTok: *Site web/blog* *Vrei să ne sprijini?” https:/ / #BoatLife #Monohull # Beneteau #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #sailboats **AG1 este o băutură nutritivă cuprinzătoare, all-in-one, concepută pentru a umple golurile nutriționale din dieta dumneavoastră și pentru a vă susține nutriția organismului. nevoile pe patru piloni ai sănătății: sănătatea intestinală, sprijinul imunitar, energie și recuperare! Este plin cu 75 de vitamine minerale, ingrediente din alimente integrale și combină cantitatea perfectă de micronutrienți, absorbția și gustul pentru a-ți porni rutina zilnică. AG1 este disponibil în SUA, Canada, Marea Britanie și Europa.
TUR COMPLET! (După DOI ANI de a trăi AUTOSUFICIENT și OFF-GRID pe o barcă cu pânze) | EE 111

35 thoughts on “TUR COMPLET! (După DOI ANI de a trăi AUTOSUFICIENT și OFF-GRID pe o barcă cu pânze) | EE 111”
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I really like the raw video style that you guys are doing
I wouldn't mind a bit more of the technical bits of sailing. Would be cool to see how you set sails in different conditions, and how you approach your destination given the current conditions etc. Give us sofa sailors some pointers for the day we win the lottery and get to buy a boat… Well, I would probably never, since my wife doesn't like the open water. However, I still find the technical side of sailing interesting. You guys run my favorite sailing channel, and I do watch quite a few…
Sound like the freezer just needs Freon when they get low they will get cold but not freeze
What! Bodice tearing books
We call it tin foil in my country.
Longest-assed boat tour of all time!
Great video , beautiful boat Love you two. I to have followed y’all since the fiberglass and painting days lol Very nice
The machines become more than just metal, glass, and the sum of their parts. So many times I've heard tales of feats beyond a vehicle's mechanical limits , that they develop a mythical status akin to Paul Bunyan's ox. I don't discount these stories because they are a treasured part of the lifetime story with that machine. They become beloved parts of families and doubting such tales is a grievous insult to the vehicle and by proxy the person sharing the story.
Thoughts from the master mechanic's retirement home, that are applicable to pretty much any machine.
As always, love seeing you guys out there.
Another vote for washing the fish in a bucket of water on deck, much easier to watch without the blood pressure going up etc.
what a delightful video – thanks for sharing
lol… not family friendly?… LOL… great episode!!!!!.. thank you
Great video. I am a filmmaker who was also a delivery skipper for years. This edit was great; high energy, a little frenetic, but still a lot of great info and insights about cruising life sewn in. Jumping around a lot with cuts is probably cool in the tik tok world. I am not sure I enjoy that all of the time, but your audience will let you know. Allowing a little time for contemplative moments, like your voice over intro for this video, is always so captivating and inviting, but you guys, like every other filmmaker, will always be trying to balance what you think your audience wants and how you like to present yourselves. Yes, absolutely, this style creates an "immediacy" and I really enjoyed it. I would say it was boarder line chaotic, but in a really fun way. It did not feel like an hour long, which is great, right. My guess is if you had finished it with another moment at the end with a thoughtful VO and some nice shots it would be perfect. It was already pretty perfect, but I think, and you will probably agree, there is a poetry about the sea and that has something to do with why we all watch. So, maybe just a little more poetry? You guys are great. What a wonderful adventure you are on. It will be hard to return to anything anyone else calls normal. I came ashore once in New Bedford after being out in a force 12 and the guy ahead of me in line was complaining because the Starbucks was out of Half n Half. It was very difficult not to say something. If you learn to handle the sea with humility and wisdom it will turn you into Empire State sized humans. You will have to learn to be gentle and patient with the Hobbits. I think you already know.
Another groovy episode. As always informative, cute and funny. I dig the most how you keep it natural aka real. Stay safe and stay groovy. I've had one of the spoon/forks for years, plus several hard plastic versions that I have picked up along the way.
Love how organized you keep everything! So many clever solutions!
Enjoyed the longer video – thanks for letting me sail with you for an hour.
I've been watching you two since you had a couple of thousand subs, and it's great to see how you've grown and got so confident in what you do. Also great to see how the channel has grown. Well done, keep it up x
Have you guys ever tried BREADFRUIT
I see the waffles, I live in New York State, I’d love to send you guys some real NYS Maple Syrup
When you guys go grocery shopping, do you shop for a month, 2 months or ????
As a person with a lot of welding and fabricating experience the fillet (with the t at the end) is a type of weld where the corner formed when a piece butts up to another surface. The silent t is describing a cut of meat in my opinion but I am for sure no scholar or authority on the subject to be sure.
Semi cooked or undercooked rice if its not burned can be reboiled – probably won't be perfect but salvageable.
Love these real videos.
Love the long form vids keep it up guys
As someone who is deathly afraid of the water (sea/lakes etc) you have made me actually want to go out on a boat, and we’re looking at dipping our toes this year. Thank you for showing everything, the good and bad. Also, Your dogs are adorable! Penny has such a cute face! Thank you!
Great walk thru. Picked up a few nice tips. Really liked the shower soap/ shampoo dispenser. What a great idea. No more chasing bottles in the shower.
New air box any company need research and look to save sailboat from any situation and take body sailboat right left to make if look Titanic or any movie must have this air box look like airbag in car and this save for any situation
I have to say that now I'm REALLY curious about the contents of that port cupboard over your forward berth… Perhaps a video entirely dedicated to that in the future?
Awesome…nice long video!!

Filay..go 'Merica
Hi Jade do you ever play your Chelsea, thanks for showing us your home xx
I really like these long less edited videos. And please, if you are going to do some more, make sure you put in some much longer video of bad weather, like rain, storms and even lightening that seems to scare the life out of all sailors. I am subscribed to dozens of sailing channels and the one thing that almost all of them do, is cut out all of the video of bad weather. They seem to think no one wants to see it, but the truth is, there are lots of us who love to see and hear the rain, the thunder and see the lightening and experience more of what you guys truly experience while you are out there sailing during the days and nighttime's.
Thanks for sharing this video and for the tour, it was very enjoyable. And yes, it is about time you started catching some fish. Well done!
Our dog does the exact same thing with his food! I mean exactly!! Takes it from the bowl walks it to a different location, picks through the colors he loves eats them and leaves the rest .
Nice video