Old School RuneScape lucrează la o abilitate nou-nouță. Acest videoclip face parte dintr-o serie mai lungă care va acoperi dezvoltarea continuă a navigației. În următoarele videoclipuri, vă vom vorbi despre recompense și apoi despre integrare și tradiție. Lucrăm îndeaproape cu comunitatea și salutăm feedback-ul tău la fiecare pas. Nu putem face asta fără tine! 1️⃣ BLOG! 👉 https://osrs.game/Sailing-Core-Gameplay 2️⃣ DISCORD! 👉 Noul Skill Discord Server – https://osrs.game/Discord-Server-Invite 3️⃣ SONDAJ!! 👉 https://osrs.game/Core-Gameplay-Survey PARTENERI Am colaborat cu ScreteMonge pentru a crea acest videoclip minunat. 📺 Videoclip creat de creatorul comunității, ScreteMonge. 🎨 Miniatură creată de artistul comunității și câștigătorul Golden Gnome 2021 Hooti Tooti. Asigurați-vă că le urmăriți canalele de mai jos: ⭐ https://twitter.com/ScreteMonge ⭐ https://twitter.com/Hooti_OSRS #oldschoolrunescape #NewSkill #OSRSNewSkill #OSRSMobile #Sailing #OldSchoolRS
Cum funcționează jocul Sailing | Navigare Partea #2 | de către ScreteMonge
32 thoughts on “Cum funcționează jocul Sailing | Navigare Partea #2 | de către ScreteMonge”
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Bro I swear to God if OSRS gets sailing and RS3 only has ports I'll switch games. I'LL FKN DO IT I'LL DO IT.
Sailing has already passed. Ain’t no way Jagex allow us to vote against its implementation
Jagex can't help but ruin everything they touch. Doesn't pass the first 7 polls? Wait a month and poll it again.
It all sounds SO GOOD
Love it so much
This really doesn't look fun. More like a minigame rather than a skill.
Would be cool if Ned from Draynor Village was the skillcape vendor. Would put more claim on his tales of once being a renowned sailor and besides… who else has braved the inhospitable reefs of Crandor?
"I throw in a few high alchs to pretend I'm efficient" I feel attacked
hopefully this replaces some top xp/hr / gp/hr activities, or have stackable items, any advantage to going out and sailing would be great, otherwise this is dead content off the bat. Also shame on you shitters for not voting shamanism.
Crocodile, NOOOOOO!!
this makes me excited for Ingus' series!
Idk I see it and all the stuff being added…….Not a fan of it honestly but eh whatever not all content is for everyone in this game i guess….
This looks poo
did i just see Galvek
Cancelled my membership so, no i wont pay for your sailing update. That boat has sailed a long time ago groomers.
Add bigger ships that you can have multiple players on
I’d come back for this
I'm sort of glad so many people called it a minigame because wow did Jagex do a fantastic job of proving that wrong. There's so much here, but I can imagine all of it fitting well into OSRS.
Lol at people that got a 2277 tattoo
you going to fix the votes for the final poll too?
This could be sick
Ocean raids and expeditions! That sounds so sick
Raids 4!
I was really sad at this skill being chosen, but now it is looking nice
Can we get actually get a kraken rework too if you’re really going to put sailing in the game
I need this released now
I still have no idea how this one won.
can the xp be fast
This is dope. Very exciting!
Not gonna lie, after two years of not playing osrs. This would make me come back. Crossing my fingers
It feels like it would be more fun going to Port Sarim and sail instead of teleporting