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Noi raiduri oceanice și navigație PvP?!

20 thoughts on “Noi raiduri oceanice și navigație PvP?!”
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I’m a hater. F sailing.
no matter what they do this is going to be rolled out then fucked instantly we dont even have a normail sailing system in the game.. just an interface and ur there.. 1000$ says jagex rolls it out then within a month disables the shit its a dogshit skill anyway.
terr – shee – air – ee
1:40 missed opportunity for "you wouldn't pirate a boat"
how are you so bad at reading? lol
Ter shee air ee
A new fish that does things like cures poison/venom, maybe give some prayer, a new better karabwan so a triple eat heals more.
You should read some books man, these are not hard words lol
this is a crazy update i did not think it was going to be like this
Sounds awful not gonna lie.
Its so much though lol.. i feel like they are trying to do too much iMO
"And another word that is foreign to me" lmaoooo
grade 5's can read bigger words than you haha
Does this mean I get free charters on my own ship to zulrah instead of paying 1600 from catherby? I say this because agility is crazy. also should there be a fast travel option like how boats currently work for this? I rather have the option to fix minor damages on my boat then pay 1600 every zulrah kill
Sailing looks boring
Really love your videos on how you can go into the new updates, which has kept me up to date !
damn this looks great, looking forward to seeing this, as an RS3 player.
ship pvp sounds awesome