Îmi place direcția acestei abilități. Există unele dezavantaje și cred că oricine votează instantaneu nu pentru că a vrut șamanism va cauza unele probleme cu votul. Dacă nu vă place skill-ul, atunci nu o votați, dar dacă vă place ceea ce vedeți, chiar dacă nu vă place navigația, nu vă fie teamă să votați ceea ce vă place. Doar pentru că nu a fost prima ta alegere, nu înseamnă că nu este o alegere bună. Videoclip original – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaGr5k0Uf1k&t OBSERVAȚI 35% REDUCERE LA TOATE PRODUSELE EKSTER ÎNAINTE DE 13 IUNIE! https://shop.ekster.com/king-condor Cod: KINGCONDOR Stream Times local în Australia de Vest (AWST) Duminică 20:00 – 1:00 Luni 20:00 – 1:00 Marți 20:00 – 1:00 Miercuri OFF Joi 6:00 – 11:00 Vineri 6:00 – 11:00 Sâmbătă OFF 24 Fluxuri de oră – 1x pe lună Orele de difuzare locale în Marea Britanie Duminică 12:00 – 17:00 Luni 12:00 – 17:00 Marți 12:00 – 17:00 Miercuri 22:00 – 3:00 Joi 22:00 – 3:00 Vineri OPRIT Sâmbătă OPRIT Orele de flux local în SUA EST Duminică 7:00 – 12:00 Luni 13:00 – 12:00 Marți 7:00 – 12:00 Miercuri 17:00 – 22:00 Joi 17:00 – 22:00 Vineri OFF Sâmbătă OFF Întrebări de afaceri – Runenews420@hotmail.com MAGAZIN NOU DE MARFĂ: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/king-condor?ref_id=26057 HATS & MOUSE MATS MERCH STORE: https://www.redbubble.com/people/KingCondor69/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown Alimentați-vă BDE cu Gamersupps și utilizați codul: CONDOR pentru 10% reducere – http://gamersupps. gg?afmc=Condor Rules of Chad: https://youtu.be/aVnzBbQBJJM Join the Naughty Little Bois: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6rK1uaNO-fancmG8huYXTA/join Join the Discord – https://discord .gg/bigdickenergy Socials – https://allmylinks.com/kingcondor685 PO Box is Open – Adresa: SUITE 8036 SHOP 28 206 WARNBRO SOUND AVENUE Warnbro WA 6169 #osrs #runescape #jagex #hcim #ironman #questing #unescapedemon top #topg #gigachad #demon #frumos #bogat #talentat #bestpvppker #dropa5pack #manofgod ABONAȚI-VĂ ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6rK… Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/Kingcondor69 / Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingCondor69 Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/kingcondor69/ Snapchat ► milkman4eva
Jocul de navigație este APROAPE bun în Oldschool Runescape

41 thoughts on “Jocul de navigație este APROAPE bun în Oldschool Runescape”
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stupid af just like i said before CONCTRUCTION 2.0/ TRAWERL 2.0
I’ve wondered about how using a tele tab in the middle of the ocean would work…what happens to the ship??!
Could have something similar to agility where instead of marks of grace, you could get letters of marque for upgrades.
the only skill i would argue needs fixing is hunter. just straight up feels like a ioncomplete skills i dont think the outfit works most of the shit you get from hunting is useless. outside of like chins and herbi
"slavery is S tier" – King Condor . hahhaa Man this guy is a breath of fresh air in this pc culture stay true to yourself condor
Clue expansion for sailing immediately reminded me about Wind Waker triforce hunt
I will be voting no regardless lol
Totally off topic but that comment about thieving towards the beginning got me. Ngl, if you haven't tried the stealing artefacts training route (like the max efficiency one where you use the book to tele and set up all of the guards to cheese it) I highly suggest trying it out. Could just be me but I thought that was pretty sick. Turns training thieving into a mini game about timing and pathing for pretty mad xp rates. Or you have the garden which is a couple clicks every minute. Super low intensive for what you're getting out of it.
Other than those two, thieving licks nuts for sure. But those make the skill tolerable. Maybe plunder too, but never got into it.
Also I still can't get on board with the fundamentals behind sailing. The vibe's all fucked up imo. It feels like it's being crammed into a game that was built around concepts that have nothing to do with it. When you look at mining and smithing, for example, they make PERFECT sense. Obviously the game was designed with those in mind. They make sense in the world. Originally, the players mined and forged their own gear. The quests involve these skills by making the player utilize something along the lines of the skills themselves. But they're all designed around the world itself.
Sailing by its very nature is outside of the world. The only place you CAN sail is in a place that, for all intents and purposes, does not yet exist. The "ocean" is just a vacant wasteland of nothingness. And to expect players to have to leave the land that the entirety of the game exists within to train a skill to do a quest that either exists ON that land or was designed around sailing just to prop sailing up and make it feel like it has more merit to its existence, seems kind of ridiculous.
That's another reason why I was for shamanism. Felt much more like a "skill" in that it can exist within the world itself. It can exist within the current questing structure. It would break nothing in that way. Sailing can have some fun activities but it'll always feel like an expansion pack that is attached to the side of the game, not in the game itself. You're putting yourself in a floating jail to explore what is an expansion pack to the world that didn't exist previously, performing tasks that didn't exist previously, for experience in a skill that didn't exist previously. It's too divorced from the game itself. Don't get me wrong, it won't be the end of the world if they add it into the game. But I personally can't help but feel as though it was a bad idea from the start and they're trying to polish a turd that people voted for because of the meme of it all and not because it's a genuinely good idea that naturally fits.
Bots, rwt, cheating galore. Game integrity is basically nonexistent but let’s devote dev power to making a new skill that has nothing to do with old school RuneScape.
Condor try not to slob Jagex's knob challenge (difficulty impossible)
They should use some of the stuff from older content like, hydra leather sails, vorkath figure head stuff like that
If I can effectively put a bank on my boat, and park my boat on any coast so I can bank from almost anywhere in the current game, that would be cool and interesting, a reason for me to want sailing. But otherwise, from what I've seen, I still don't want sailing over the other options.
How is jagex gonna break the game with this one? Surely there will be a inside max money glitch to make someone a million.
max xp/hr should be < 2,000 xp. the max xp nerds must be stopped.
What are they smoking to think this is fun? Yea I'll gladly keep playing other games. Even private servers are more appealing 4head
I'm excited for sailing, the potentials for it seem fun and honestly I enjoy doing new content regardless of rewards in most contexts. Maybe I just liked Wind Waker a lot growing up.
That said, it still just doesn't feel like a skill as much as a sort of minigame. Definitely feels like despite involving other skills, it will seem a bit isolated. But, if it's fun, it's fun and it being a skill is a technicality I don't care too much about. I mean, firemaking is basically just wintertodt and is pretty separated as well.
Slavery in sailing I like it
Got to learn about the new sailing skill from the Tiger King.
its weird that they would develop all this shit without it even being voted in yet
fuck sailing bring backj dungeoneering
another great vid. got my bronze (t) out of an easy clue scroll on the iron man. getting that chad gear might take awhile but someday ill make it king
I feel bad for LynxTitan, losing his spot on the high scores once sailing releases
Slaves gonna be like having a demon buttler in construction
lol the big ass boat at the digsite could never move anywhere look how small the river next to the digsite boat that leads to the ocean is it is too shallow and slim for that boat… lol is jagex gonna fix that? I mean you use that ship to charter to fossil island so technically it does move
I am just worried it will be a minigame skill like dungeoneering is in rs3
Imagine thinking that minigames is a fix for a skill… Hooooooly. Literally almost every skill is useless, but i guess we should play brainless minigames and not complane
6:38 HAHAHA true bro true
I was kind of on the fence about sailing being a skill, cause what can it really do for us. Then I remember firemaking is a skill.
I personally believe pvp where you lose your ship or something would be an interesting addition. Absolutely it would be a new updated version of PVP which is much needed. Everything else will still exist.
“You’re welcome to have a negative option and not like things
” Fucking dead rn
Sailing is going to ruin the game. It should of been Artisan. Makes the most sense.
Tbh I don't trust that we have a real option to say no and not have a new skill enter the game at this point.
Mining and smithing is the dumbest shit ever hundreds of hours to make lvl 40 def gear smh
Haven’t played osrs in months since I just don’t have the skill for endgame content, ie: prayer switches and gear switches for bossing or pvp. and don’t really have an interest in learning to get good either. The game is too hard for me now lol. But I am definitely gonna log on to try out sailing in osrs.
Completely agree on the raid thing. The mention of a sea raid was just to get people to vote for sailing who weren't even close to for it. Don't get sucked in and just vote cause of a possible raid. Even if they do actually put a raid in with sailing, it won't come till YEARS down the line. Another raid will come eventually, don't vote for this pitch JUST because of that.
I love lore!
I think there should be way more effort put into some of these skills. Like sure, Tempeross and fishing trawler are cool but that would be as if the most in-depth PVM content was barbarian assault or pest control. It would be cool to see skilling content that requires hours of practice to perfect on the same difficulty level as getting a CG kc or learning solo olm
"No one cares about lore, they only care about rewards."
My hot take is If every single player in this camp was removed from OSRS overnight the game would be in a much better place.
"Slavery is good, Slavery is S-Tier"
King Condor -2023
Bro that was hilarious.
How about we don’t add it as a skill but maybe tie certain sailing unlocks to crafting, construction, smithing, and fishing?