Navigați prin lume! Cum facem

Navigați prin lume!  Cum facem

Navigați prin lume! Cum o facem Cum își găsesc drumul din port în port catamaranele de croazieră și iahturile cu vele care înconjoară lumea? Și când ajung acolo de unde știu ei ce să vadă? Unde să ancorați? si ce sa fac? Avem o datorie de recunoștință față de iahturile pasionate care au trecut înaintea noastră. Împărtășindu-și cunoștințele prin cărți, site-uri web și hărți de navigație pe care le împărtășim aici. Și, în timp ce vorbim despre pasiune, navigăm prin casa noastră plutitoare prin faimosul golf Phang Nga, îndreptându-ne spre nord, spre numai satul de pescari plutitor din Thailanda, care este faimos, dar nu din motivul pe care l-ați bănui. Este o poveste frumoasă despre cum copiii din satul plutitor Panyee, care provin de la începuturi umile, au reușit să triumfe peste adversitate când au construit un teren de fotbal plutitor din lemn, cuie și orice resturi pe care le-au găsit. S-au antrenat din greu și, împotriva șanselor, au câștigat campionatul regional nu o dată, ci de șapte ori. Cu Pasiune orice este posibil. Muzică David Mumford – Ball and chain Vă mulțumim pentru că ne ajutați să ne menținem pe linia de plutire și susțineți procesul creativ. Puteți face parte din echipaj pentru mai puțin decât prețul unei cafele. Unii dintre susținătorii noștri preferă să aducă o contribuție directă prin Paypal: Avem și portofele cripto, dacă doriți pentru a contribui la fondul nostru de întreținere în acest fel: BITCOIN bc1qds53n9tqepxvauqn9dygtczltyu6genkfp9a8a ETHEREUM 0xB4Cb9e1Aa9c000055DAde5E077809B904EE34CDD Facebook: /THECRUISINGKIWIS Vă iubesc pe toți, Rob, Rachel, Finn, Declan, Ivan POVESTE ÎN SPATE În 1997, după ce a vâslit la Jocurile Olimpice de la Atlanta, Rob a vâslit un mic placaj de 7 m (22 picioare) barca la 2.500 de mile de la Tenerife (Insulele Canare) la Barbados (Caraibe). Rob și partenerul de canotaj, Phil Stubbs, au avut nevoie de șase săptămâni pentru a câștiga cursa inaugurală Atlantic Rowing Race. Treci în 2014 și, căsătoriți cu trei copii, Rob și soția sa Rachel au achiziționat Javelot, un catamaran Fountaine Pajot de 43 ft. Înarmați doar cu cei 3 ani de curse de iahturi de clasa P ai lui Rob, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 11 și 13 ani, și cunoștințele inexistente ale Rachel, am pornit să învățăm frânghiile navigației pe ocean. Am spart lucruri, le-am înlocuit și am cunoscut barca lor înainte de a pleca în larg cu copiii, Finn (atunci 13), Declan (atunci 11) și Ivan (atunci 8), în remorche. Prin încercare și eroare am devenit călători încrezători, într-un fel. Planul? Să navighez în jurul lumii. O parte a călătoriei va fi reluarea călătoriilor pe mare ale fratelui mai mare al lui Rob, Kerry. Folosind scrisorile originale ale lui Kerry din anii 1970, sperăm să reluăm mișcările sale din Australia prin Indonezia și Asia de Sud-Est până în Cambodgia, unde viața lui Kerry a fost întreruptă după ce s-a rătăcit în apele cambodgiene în 1978. Kerry și doi prieteni au fost atacați de o barcă cu armă Khmer Rouge, capturat, torturat și executat. ***** Urmărește-ne în timp real pe Instagram și Facebook @thecruisingkiwis @finn_hamill @declan_hamill @ivanhamill #sailing #floatingvillage #TheCruisingKiwis


32 thoughts on “Navigați prin lume! Cum facem

  1. Happy feeling gone. YT restricted our swimming nude episode last night and the interest across our whole channel ground to a halt. It seems a blurred out derriere is too risqué. Had Ivan been in a g-string on slow-mo, filmed under the water, with a bit of side boob we would have no problems. Show some consistency YouTube. To cement that the musicbed song used in this vlog didn't clear before release, so this one is restricted too. I feel like I'm whining right now (and I am) but it is hard to get ahead when the algorithm holds you back.
    If you like what you see please smash the like button, share the link with friends and leave us a comment. Thanks for watching

  2. I've sailed phangnga and moored in panyee many times. You didn't mention the hordes of tourists that descend on the place for lunch every day.
    They arrive at 10 and have to leave by 4. Tourists cannot stay overnight, but yotties can anchor in the channel.

  3. As always, another groovy and amazing episode. Your subject content is the best of all the sailing adventure programs, and your passion for what you do and see, and for the people you meet is remarkable. Your story on the kids who built a floating football/soccer field is unbelievable. And then going on to win big, WOW. You are natural story tellers. Stay safe and stay groovy.

  4. Fantastic video and a well deserved increase in subscribers. YouTube are in my estimation a company who seem to censor some things very harshly and inconsistently IMHO, but I see things that are far more risque on British TV or European Netflix series than Ivan's blurred butt. Declan like your guitar work and well done Chanelle, everyone has to start somewhere. Incredible scenery all round. Great floating village so interesting. Thanks so much for sharing your lives with us. Keep well and safe. James.

  5. I was in that village about 20 years ago and from your video, I don't think it has changed a bit. Thailand is a fascinating place to visit filled with surprises like a floating Muslim fishing village in the middle of nowhere. A bit of trivia, many of the nests used in the Chinese famous Birds Nest Soup are harvested there. A certain species of swallow nests in the caves and rock formations. The harvest takes place after the nesting season. I am so happy that I found your channel and wish you many happy travels. BTW, I chuckled when I saw the now infamous nude swimming video, lol. More prudes watching YouTube I guess. Of course, I grew up in the Deep South in the United States where hot summer days and cool lakes equal skinny dipping for boys. Nobody thought anything of it was just boys being boys. Funny, many of the people who talk about "the good old days" are the biggest prudes today. Oh well, enough of my whining I'll just keep enjoying your wonderful videos and family moments that you are kind enough to share. Peace out.

  6. Great to see subs up. To bad about double standards however as far as youtube is concerned. Prefer to see blurred bum than a G-stringed one

  7. I love it when the younguns play their perants era music. Janelle is looking impressed. Go Decs. The tunes you include on your vids are always good. Even the Kiwi stuff. Kiwis, for some reason, punch well above their weights in both music and sports. Oh yeh the water village was very interesting.

  8. I guess I know quality entertainment when I see it 'caise I been with you all for a while now!

    Maybe if Ivan had identified, at least one week earlier, as non-binary, gender fluid, or even as a tr*nsgendered individual YouTube would allow full Monty on your channel 😁😁😁

    I really love seeing the various land/sea scape diversity around tue planet! Good ol Mother Earth really out does herself. Ya wouldn't expect such deep waters around those seamounts/mountain tops/ancient coral formations. You guys are always so keen on showing us this kind of stuff and I really appreciate that.

    I love that story about the kids building their own pitch! And then how their enjoyment and determination took them to winning so many championships!

  9. Soccer! soccer!! Soccer!!! You mean football. Don't get intimidated by the AMERICAN slang…. Tell me, how does what THEY call 'FOOTBALL' have anything to do with the foot"?. …… It more resembles Rugby. Greetings and glad to see you all well\….. jim

  10. For a knowledgeable woman to say 'SOCCER' i am not so sure about her tale of the origins ofthat tune LoLLl lol lo l have a great week

  11. I amaze me self ive watched this and it only been out a day 😂
    You are not only an awesome Sailing channel you are a great traveling/tourist channel.
    Always with a smile and great sense of humour
    Hope you continue to get more viewers

  12. Well The Cruising Kiwis after a massage recovery program, a quick phone call to the Whittaker’s Chocolate factory to organise direct factory deliveries for the up and coming shows, we are up to speed with all your episodes now. Be Safe, be careful, be aware of your surroundings and looking forward to hearing from the human Funk & Wagnals encyclopaedia Rachel who we absolutely love what she does with the content to air such a informative and knowledgeable segment that has us all enthralled. Cheers The Johnos Noosa 🇦🇺

  13. Great stories Rob…..aweosme footage of the Kiwi 8. That did a lot for Oz rowing as well.
    And we are still keen on the project as well. Safe travels

  14. 👍 My thoughts are the same as everyone else in the commi section..Best sailing channel on YouTube.Love the places and knowledge you give as well as the loving family vibe ..

  15. Pink house! I want to know how you keep up with dental work, food purchases, and whether you're going to make it to this Wednesday's Sylvia's Toaster practise. You've missed a few Rach. Hee.

  16. Excellent "You Messsge" material. You showed various books and other informative sources. Then showed details of the culture, places and people you visited. (Maybe add a little more about the local cuisine.)

    Now, expand. Turn to the camera and speak the word "You". (This word is among the most powerful in advertising. Because it catches the attention of the audience. And triggers their imagination. They start to "see" themselves participating in the things you are showing or describing.)

    Example script (phrased as a "You Message"):

    "It was such a wonderful, exotic experience visiting this almost magical villiage that seems to float on the water.

    Are you looking for an exciting vacation – for yourself and your family to enjoy? This village is well off the beaten path of tourists. You get to see and taste the exotic sights and culture of these friendly people. Unique things that tourists never get to see. … blah, blah, blah …

    Even though this spot is remote, it's easily accessible to you. Once you know the insider secrets. It's only a two hour sail out of Port So-and-So. And you get to see the beautiful azure blue deep water on this lovely relaxing trip.

    Yes, we have our own boat. But, you can rent one from Captain Peg-Leg-Pete's boat rental at …. His rates are surprisingly affordable. … etc., etc., etc."

    Tell them HOW.

    Hint: Did you notice how often the magic power word "You" was used in that script? It Pulls your audience INTO the story.

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