Navigare către o navă de marfă avariată de uragan!

Navigare către o navă de marfă avariată de uragan!

Continuăm să navigăm pe coasta Mexicului, lângă Barra de Navidad și, de îndată ce ne angajăm în ascunzătoarea noastră pentru uragan, găsim o cisternă #abandonată și naufragiată după colț. Este nevoie de mult pentru a împământa o cisternă… ce am făcut? Breaking Waves este un canal despre Ben și Alie care combină surful și navigația și care documentează binele și răul în care se află pe parcurs! SV Kiana este un sceptru din 1989 care a ocolit deja o dată, Ben și Alie o refac să o facă din nou! Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon și obțineți conținut exclusiv! Urmărește-ne pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! Pagina de Facebook: Obțineți Swag-ul Breaking Waves la https:// O parte din tot ceea ce facem de pe acest canal va fi donată către pentru a ne ajuta să curățăm oceanul. #navigație #surfing #liveaboardlife


28 thoughts on “Navigare către o navă de marfă avariată de uragan!

  1. Love following you guys and certainly some of the places you've been able to anchor in down Mexico way have been great but this is certainly my pick, Allie your filming just keeps getting better, the drone shots of this bay and surroundings is fantastic there's no way you could show us the reality of the place from just walking around with the camera. You're both taking the full opportunity of sailing a 41ft yacht wherever you want to go and having helped a young family of three including an eight year old and none of them with any offshore experience sail their 38ft yacht around NZ waters back in the '70s over a six month period I left them with the confidence to continue on their own and in the years to come they successfully made two trips to the Pacific Islands from here.

  2. No stowing the anchor. Intricate part of your safety equipment. I remember the insurance companies demanding that you move north of a certain parallel to keep your insurance for hurricane season.

  3. It's good to stow your anchor if you think you'll 1) be going to weather in conditions you may be dipping your bow, or 2) be going down wind fast enough to plow your bow into the back-side of the wave in front of you, or 3) you want to move some weight aft (often you move the anchor from the bow to the stern locker). You likely don't need to worry about #2 or #3. We keep our anchor on for passages down the coast because we likely want to anchor along the way, even though we risk all three, but we lash the anchor to the anchor roller with dynema so that it doesn't get loose if we dip the bow either up wind or down wind.
    I love bara… slightly bummed that you're showing it off, but at the same time glad you're enjoying it enough to want to share it.

  4. Hola, hope you got the chance to wander around Melaque . Best bbq chicken is beside the bus station but they sell out of course! There is also a street market on Wednesday. Eat where the police eat for the real good pazole amigos Viva Mexico eh !

  5. Cool video hey your drinking my brand of beer (no more Bud Light) Bruce is a great dog I had a Golden please take care down there!

  6. Just make sure the anchor is secured in a way that can't fail. Often a couple holes in a strategic location to allow the addition of a locking pin works well. Just make sure you select a locking pin that's easy to remove in the even that you need to drop anchor fast.

  7. Alle, I don’t think the clutch is so much the problem as is the rusted chain. If you can clean the chain, or better yet, replace it with a specially coated chain that resists the rust and glides better, I think you should find that issue goes away.
    Nice little Mexican town! How’s the food?

  8. 😎🤙🧜🎣🏄‍♂️🥷God Bless You,Your Family,Your Boat, Your Board(s), Etc…But Most Importantly God Bless Your 🏄‍♂️🦮Surf Dog…PLEASE HANG 20 😎🏄‍♂️🦮❤️🤙🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🥳

  9. I've sailed up and down and all around the west coast of N America (Valdez AK to MX) and in the Caribbean a bit in my short 61 laps around the sun. Never have I ever taken the anchor off. Mainly for safety reasons. I have occasionally lashed it to the anchor roller but that's about it and in hindsight, lashing it wasn't really needed either.
    Another point to consider is as recreational sailors we can choose when to make a passage or stay in port, because we live in an era of having advanced wx forecasting tools. Long gone are the days when we could only see a forecast for a couple days ahead and and it was sketchy at best.
    So yes if you have any concerns about your anchor bouncing off the roller, take a bit of line and lash the anchor to the roller. Ensure that you have a quick way to release it if you need to deploy it in an emergency though.

  10. Hello. Thank you for all your content. We look forward seeing you each week. Are you able to let me know what video editing software you use. Thank you, Mike

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