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O narghilea ieftină! Vă economisește sute de navigație. Urmărim construcția noastră originală.
8 thoughts on “O narghilea ieftină! Vă economisește sute de navigație. Urmărim construcția noastră originală.”
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I'm a rookie diver but I can manage it. It's much more easy with a hookah, I can see that. For now, I can clean the boat except the keel. If we make a dive, last part of the dive will be cleaning the keel 😅. Now I hope the thunder will go away. We are close to turkey and have them too. Sail and dive safe. R&E
I was worried for a moment till I realized there was no "R" in the word. As always thanks for the video.
I've seen hookah divers using a belt loop for the hose. I'm hoping my tank is going to pass test, otherwise I am going to have a very expensive umbrella stand.
Cheers guys! Only time i tried one we had I believe four people, but they kicked me off, apparently i was breathing too much, as was explained to me later, “that’s normal for first timers” but i was slightly panicked under water..
Glad you got a fine particle filter to trap any piston or cylinder material that might flake off. Water separator is needed when you are running mechanical air powered equipment , but not so much for breathing- you need some moisture in air otherwise very dry mouth.
I could not tell if you have an air intake filter- usually just open cell foam type that prevents any large particle floating in air from getting into the pump. You should not be running any gas/diesel engine or propane oven/hob while using the hookah.
I looked into a while back and think a 12v dc powered two diaphragm pump with 2-3 gal alum tank would be ideal. Quiet, enough air supply for 2 at 30 ft, 12v so can be used with 100ah bat in innertube with inside box/inflatable boat for limited depth diving. Larger tank allows air to cool down and eliminate need for heat dissipation hose used on some hookahs. Diaphragms can be replaced- pistons, not so much. Assume that yellow hose was breathing certified and detachable harness with straps on front and back that allows hose to be attached to back is best. Wear a waterproof watch with timer to keep track of time if using a battery powered hookah for obvious reason.
To solve the problem of the hose floating away. Place the hose over your shoulder then pull it down your back and place between your legs. Pull the regulator up your front and place into your mouth. Then put your weight belt on around your waist and over the hooka hose, then tighten the belt. This will keep every thing in place allowing freedom whilst diving, as the hose will float away from your back whist swiming. I use 40 ft of hooka hose attached to a dive bottle, and this system works well. Cheers Kevin.
Having a hookah rig aboard is invaluable! Great addition.
As a professional diver with years of using hookah rigs, as well as working for dive service company, here are a few suggestions:
1) try to plug unit into an outlet (GFI) or use a short heavier gauge extension cord than your surge strip
2) Add a D ring to your dive belt, then affix a carabiner or bronze halyard clip to your hose
3) to avoid tangles in hose, swim out entire length and take any twists out before clipping it on dive belt. When coiling it up, throw in a reverse coil every two or three coils
4) typical tools for hull cleanings are a 5-6”wide scrapper (round off both points to avoid scratching hull. A wire brush to knock off spent zinc on anodes.
Three different grits of scotch right type pads.
Bottle brush (es) for your thru hulls.
Also small tool such as a 2mm t-wrench for cleaning out intakes of your sail drive.
Lastly, regularly clean your regulator, nothing worse than tasting old algae 😂😂
Depending on what type of regulator you are using, be aware some are not meant to be used completely inverted and will free flow giving you sudden mouthfuls.
If running any other fume producing machinery always make sure your hookah unit is upwind from such.
What a nightmare replacing that belt! Good job mate!
HaHa, your best joke yet pal. made me laugh 🙂