Ziua „medie” a unui adolescent navigator

Ziua „medie” a unui adolescent navigator

Așa arată ziua mea trăind pe o barcă cu normă întreagă:) *luați în considerare să vă abonați pentru un videoclip nou în fiecare duminică* mulțumesc pentru vizionare! iubire, jadyn Spotify meu: https://open.spotify.com/user/97rsbcch89ftxvljyryq5cups?si=5vAtFRpPTW6uzns1-giMBg IG-ul meu: https://instagram.com/jadynmorse?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y canalul www.youtube MyMTA2M2Y /everydaysaturday IG al familiei mele: https://instagram.com/_everydaysaturday?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== #teensailing #ocean #sailing #teensailor #boatlife #sailboat #adventure #caribbean #catamaran #travel


48 thoughts on “Ziua „medie” a unui adolescent navigator

  1. Yes!! I started smiling before the video even started! I smiled and laughed all the way to the end and then cried that it was over so soon! You do a lot in a 12 minute video and they are always the best!!! I wish everyday was Sunday!!😲😂……⛵⛵⛵

  2. Starting to get pretty good views on your videos now. And I assume it is just the beginning. You deserve it, clearly have a good eye for nice interesting content. I hear Disney is hiring…

  3. Just found your channel. Wow really good editing and the music over the top without drowning out the people is really well done. Most people's edits aren't this good.

  4. I am sailing as well! I live on a lagoon 450 and sailing the Caribbean with my family, right now we are in The Bahamas but we have been sailing the Caribbean since November 2022 and heading up to Florida for hurricane season! I am not sure if you have seen but there is a tropical storm heading to Martinique and around that area. But anyway our boat is called Novastar if you ever see us come say hi!

  5. Could you possibly make a video of You how to Pull start the Outboard engine?

    (cold start)

    Would be nice… 🙂

  6. Enjoyed your channel! Just Subscribed.I’m trying to convince my wife that a circumnavigation is a great retirement project and went so far as to even start a little channel (@NavalGazingatCampDavid) to sell her on the life style….desperate times and all that. Lol. Thanks again for the great content. I have a whoooole new appreciation for the time and care it takes to create these episodes!

  7. Take me with u I promise I’m not a murderer😭 the fact that we can do anything with this life is so magical I love that we r all just clueless and here like this whole life thing is so random and fresh I feel so connected to y’all and just imagining all the people who have lived similar life styles I’m pondering

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