Urmăriți cel mai recent flux live de întrebări și răspunsuri! În acest flux, ni s-au alăturat Mods Light, Elena și Ayzia, plus oaspetele special GentleTractor, care ți-a răspuns la întrebările despre jocul de bază al Sailing! Dacă aveți ceva ce ați dori să întrebați J-Mod-urile săptămâna viitoare, lăsați-le în comentarii de mai jos! 00:00:00 – Introducere și anunțuri Strigături ale creatorului comunității: 00:07:01 – Videoclipul principal al jocului ScreteMonge 00:10:41 – Infografice și modele GentleTractor 00:15:06 – Miniaturile lui Hooti Mod Prezentarea Elena: 03:16 – Recapitulare a navigației 00:16:50 – Ce este o abilitate? 00:17:33 – Sistem de bază 00:18:39 – Gameplay 00:19:42 – Exemplu de pescuit 00:20:49 – Gameplay principal 00:22:00 – Ship Racing 00:23:39 – Port Tasks 00:26 :03 – Navă naufragiată 00:27:11 – Cărtarea mării 00:28:06 – Luptă 00:29:31 – Gameplay secundar 00:31:15 – Vânătoarea de monștri marini 00:32:12 – Traulul de adâncime 00:32 :54 – Dragarea mineralelor 00:33:45 – Cultivarea coralilor 00:34:31 – Gameplay terțiar 00:36:19 – Îmbunătățiri de nave 00:37:36 – Coechipieri 00:38:43 – Rezumat Întrebări și răspunsuri: 00:40: 50 – De ce Sailing a fost conceput ca o abilitate, mai degrabă decât o expansiune de conținut sau un mini-joc 00:51:05 – Jocul primar oferă NUMAI Sailing XP, deci asta înseamnă că metodele primare vor fi cea mai bună modalitate de a antrena indemanare? 00:53:52 – Ați putea sublinia ce metode de antrenament se pot aștepta să aibă jucătorii la lansare și ce tip de conținut urmează să vină după lansare? 00:58:27 – Puteți explica puțin mai multe despre modul în care intenționăm să suprapunem mecanica de joc pentru abilitate, cu NPC-uri etc., astfel încât jocul de la 1-99 să nu fie despre a ridica pânzele? 01:01:51 – Vă închipuiți că va exista ceva pentru comunitatea de nivel înalt și competitivă în care să-și îndepărteze dinții, cum ar fi manipularea căpușelor, pentru a face gameplay-ul să pară cu adevărat destul de captivant? 01:07:51 – Pot să confirm doar că Ship Racing este împotriva NPC-urilor și nu împotriva altor jucători? 01:10:34 – Am văzut mulți oameni făcând comparații cu cursurile de agilitate pe mare. Care este răspunsul dvs. la acest lucru – cu ce diferă? 01:14:40 – Poți să detaliezi modul în care Ship Racing poate avea mai mult atractivitate pentru mai multe tipuri de jucători? 01:18:14 – Cursele cu nave trebuie să fie o metodă de antrenament primară? 01:24:07 – Unii jucători au cerut mai multe detalii despre Ship Combat. În plus, ei se întrebau care este atractivitatea Ship Combat când au deja Combat ca joc de jucător. Gânduri? 01:26:04 – Cât timp vă așteptați să ia 1-99 pentru un jucător mediu? De ce ați dori să aibă în vedere jucătorii atunci când iau în considerare și compară ratele XP în această etapă incipientă de dezvoltare? 01:30:31 – Giveaway 01:32:00 – Puteți explica abordarea noastră față de Sinking și dacă ați considerat că este o moarte „sigură” pentru HCIM? Crezi că jucătorii își vor pierde obiectele sau pot chiar își vor pierde nava? 01:36:35 – Întrebare rapidă despre PvP – este complet opțional și evitabil pentru cei care nu doresc să se implice în el? 01:39:10 – Câștigători Giveaway și Outro Obțineți o lună de membru gratuit plus Purple Skin cu Twitch Prime! https://osrs.game/TwitchPrimeYT În fiecare săptămână, echipa Old School RuneScape vă răspunde în direct la întrebări. Puneți întrebările și prezentați-vă propunerile, urmăriți-ne în direct în fiecare joi la osrs.game/Watch Old School RuneScape este o versiune de joc retro a RuneScape din 2007, pe care am returnat-o la cererea comunității. Comunitatea controlează direcția de dezvoltare a Old School RuneScape votând ce actualizări ar dori să primească. Cel mai mare și mai popular MMORPG din lume, Old School RuneScape a fost jucat de peste 260 de milioane de jucători de la lansarea RuneScape în 2001. Old School RuneScape unește mecanica complicată a MMO-urilor moderne cu jocul nostalgic de tip „point-and-click” al jocurilor de rol timpurii. #OSRSMobile #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #RuneScape
Sailing Core Gameplay! | OSRS Q&A Livestream 16 iunie

44 thoughts on “Sailing Core Gameplay! | OSRS Q&A Livestream 16 iunie”
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I hope it's possible to have perpetual motion, so it's not needed to constantly click. It would be more relaxing
Just pull the content. I want sailing now >:)
Where customer support?
Does anyone know if this is all an instance? Or can you actually roam the map, greet players at shore, meet other players at sea, etc
I absolutely hate trainging rc with lava runes, but that doesn't make it a bad training method. Not everyone will he happy with the 'meta' that's just not how it works..
Sea-Tow is a real thing, maybe it's only down here in Florida but for the point of "what happens if your ship sinks?" there could be some sort of dwarf that runs a business that comes and saves you whenever your ship or yourself needs to get dragged back to the port
You are going to ruin the best game of all time and you are proud of yourselves.
This looks very promising
I think we can incorporate agility by scaling to the top/bottom or the other side of the ship by using agility for timed instances. Say there is an upcoming iceberg and you’re in the bottom of the ship and need to scale your boat and run to the helm of the ship or if you don’t get there in time you would crash and have to do repairs or whatever it may be
RIP new prayers Reddit crybabies win again, Sailing is next on the chopping block sadly.
Vote YES Sailing!
a shame the entire playerbase is going to be wrongfully banned for botting before sailing is released.
I will never forgive myself for missing this. I'm a nightbird though.
I would really like to see the ability to have a small crew or to have others on your ship. I think it would also be really cool to have some gear racks for related items/sailing/water items for ultimate ironmen. Lastly I really hope the end game ships are fun to use and convenient. Just sailing around and waiting for random things to pop up and I decide to do them is kind of ideal for me, but I like laidback content that doesn't require constant input.
Make a version of ship racing that's like Mario Cart!
Tried to watch but I only got 20 minutes in and just felt bad. My acc falsely banned few days ago and just even watching osrs content hurts.
they should add magic to the skill too, using air spells to make the ship go faster
Rename races to regattas and the concern is gone.
I do like Ayiza's idea of "challenges", which may contain time activities, difficult currents or such.
Another thing, like sepulchre, completing it faster gives more xp cause you can do more per hour. For racing that can be part of the xp reward. Completing in 5 minutes instead of 10 effectively doubles the xp rate.
I’m so pumped for sailing but I wish they didn’t give us too much info on what the meta is or exactly what will be coming. I like the unknown on day 1 of figuring everything out as I go
how bout being able to board a boat to capture it and salvage it for more mats by defeating the on board crew rather than sinking it, maybe you get some additional treasure that they were hauling too. could be a way to have more options when engaging another ship and i think would be really fun in game
Sounds great, but PLEASE make sure to give hundreds of different designs for each part of the ship, so that you can have your ship look like you want it and not having the same ship model as everybody else with just different colors/drawings customization on the same ship model.
lvl 1 -> 1k exp an hour
lvl 2 -> 2k exp an hour
lvl 3 -> 3k exp an hour
and so on, nearly 100k an hour at 99 feels fast enough
aye if yall havent take a look into valheim sailing that ish was terribly fun especially with friends
Best in slot PvP sailing gear should include a shoulder parrot
If we get racing will it be randomly generated like gauntlet, so rng plays a bit into the highest level challenges
This, honestly, sounds like a fucking mess. Just release this as content.
Doesnt seem too necessary to add any kind of bonus for fast times. Doing things fast is always going to be better anyway. Doing farm runs fast is better xp than doing them slow, doing hollowed sepulchre fast is better xp than doing it slow, and catching chinchompas quickly is better xp than catching them slow.
It's just a matter of making it easy to mess up or be suboptimal
I literally want tick manipulation in sailing. Please put tick manipulation in sailing.
anyone else hoping for guns to be added? like old school muskets etc where we smith the bullets and would be a range weapon??
Not playing untill you fix ur stuff idc anymore about sailing why would i train it if ill get banned randomly some day with hours of progress
Having my top 100 hcim false perm banned i guess was the core game play update? Atleast theres bots with 300k zulrah kills that javnt logged out one time in 4 years
Honestly, love the videos I've seen so far on the sailing skill. I can see how much potential sailing has. How much of the world it opens, can do so much with. Really hope when push comes shove it gets voted in. Well done guys you've done really well with implementing it into the game without changing the core game too greatly!
Scrap sailing… focus on making actual customer support..
I feel ship racing againsts other players should be an option
Sailing looks so hype! Can't wait!
Voting no since you fucked the prayers tbh
The only thing left to add after thins would be flying/gliding and you would be able to utilize 100% of the map. Imagine swooping in on a glider to Pk someone , no one would be safe lol.
Mod Elena is a beast
For the people complaining about the primary vs secondary training rates, it's like barb fishing as opposed to regular fishing.. not a main training method for str or agi, but ppl still do it for agi all the time. There's multi-skill training methods all over the game. Just depends if it's worth doing for the gp/xp/intensity. Superheat item, both a smithing and magic xp training method.. etc.
i wonder if there is going to be a new sea achievement diary and what the reward could be
now that desert treasure 2 prayers got left in the drawing board, maybe a sea shanties prayer book?
thanks for the false ban, then fixing it and then another false ban. what a trash game system. you guys are going to destroy the trust from your player base. which will ultimately be the downfall of old school.
Really hope this skill is not voted in.