Lipsă Titanic Sub: despre ce nu vorbește mass-media | Clipuri de știri SY

Lipsă Titanic Sub: despre ce nu vorbește mass-media |  Clipuri de știri SY

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31 thoughts on “Lipsă Titanic Sub: despre ce nu vorbește mass-media | Clipuri de știri SY

  1. It was descending too fast from initial dive outset as far as I understand, and material collapse can occur. Just like The dreaded Bends on surfacing too quick in the human blood y:-/

  2. He said supposedly this has safety redundancy 🤣😂🤔, but yet you control this thing with a PlayStation controller, lol this whole thing stinks this whole thing stinks and this vessel wasn't even certified to go down there honestly the story is not real

  3. It's a three hour dive surface to bottom. Contact was lost just under two hours. It likely imploded at about 7,500 feet. But why did it implode? A sketvhy operation in the first place, easy to believe …. however, what where the "unrelated tapping" noises? and most importantly, why was the search area so big?

    Why was the search area so big? and what was the tapping? PERHAPS The Navy and Coast Guard were looking for another submarine, one that could have collided with the Titan. One with a top underwater speed around 30 MPH (50KPH) and able to reach 8,000 feet of depth. Russian submarines have this capability.

    What other reason could there be for such a wide search area of Navy P3 Aircraft Sonar Buoy dropping?

  4. News is never telling the true story. News is always telling us what u won't too no. Then after centuries they will letting u no and seeing the true side of the story. Then it's too late. News is too fooling u the most. Then telling u the real truth. Believe me.

  5. 99 percent of us already knew about everything that you told us idk why but people just want to add there expertise repeating old news over and over the video clips is the same shit we've been watching for 5 days now it gets so old just Drama BS like every body's so stupid only you experts know all the answers to everything people are just naturally Morbid and are fascinated by Death so the Media eats this up and turns it into a Drama Circus in 2 weeks from now this will be forgotten like everything else
    the media won't tell us the truth nor the government the point is it imploded about 1.4 hrs into decent
    it crushed like a tin can the human body is crushed into the size of a softball there already fish food
    it was a suicidal mission to get into this cement truck mixer i call it just a fatal mistake on Stockton's Behalf and this Poor 19 that didn't want to go as i understand but his father insisted he Go
    All those banging sounds were coming from the Titanic itself strong currents moving steel Debris

  6. Nobody can deny that to be on board of a small submarine diving to such a deep location in the ocean is an extremely dangerous mission. I prefer to spend my money for anything else which is less challenging, you have only one life. There are excellent pictures and videos available of the sunk Titanic which were taken by remote cameras. Why to risk your life to see it for a few minutes with your own eyes?

  7. Basically this was a disaster in the making and certainly they have no pre dives to actually see if this vessel even would withstand this type of dive. There are rumors of the owner just being difficult in the people he wanted to work on it. The communication system….Its just a disaster. Even the money that the four other paid to do this dive….was money that could have been used for more humanitarian ways, other than WE HAVE LOTS OF MONEY…SO.

  8. We should value our lives that God has so wonderfully and graciously given us. A sense of adventure is wonderful but let's be wise in the ways we live this precious life we're given. Prayers for all involved.

  9. The 5 occupants do not even know that they are dead, it has imploded. They have turned into a flesh cloud,. in a blink of an eye

  10. This submersible doesn't look to be constructed to withstand the pressures of the deep. It certainly is not the Russian submersible models that James Cameron have taken to the Titanic site repeatedly without incident.

  11. you would think these idiots would at least have a safety line attached to it before it went on a dive to pull it back up just in case.

  12. Typical American hubris and disregard for basic common sense and regulations and standards in business I don’t even feel bad except for those poor passengers who couldn’t have understood the engineering risks

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