Avertismentele către Titan Sub Company au fost ignorate | SY News Ep224

Avertismentele către Titan Sub Company au fost ignorate |  SY News Ep224

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats 00:00 Avertisment ignorat pe Titan Sub 07:52 Yacht confiscat vândut de Ucraina 09:21 Alfa Nero are schimbarea drapelului 10:59 Proiectul 710 Obținut și numit 11:57 Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon! Interviu cu James Cameron https://youtu.be/LEBCc-Qpilw Alăturați-vă clubului eSysman Superyacht de pe Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/esysman Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuvvrj1tZ5oFYMRrFXhwFw Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1dJufuBCnn0H8h_PEJoDQ Aboneaza-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/


42 thoughts on “Avertismentele către Titan Sub Company au fost ignorate | SY News Ep224

  1. Up to now there's no reliable amount of carbon reduction with any system. There are rudder systems advertised which are supposed to reduce resistance and therefore oil consumption by more than 20%. Not a third of that is true and the advertised numbers are there only for official reason to have a good reason for some investment and reduce taxes on commercial ships.

  2. I really appreciated that you posted just the press conference from start to finish. It was "just the facts ma'am". Ideal for that day/ time

  3. Reminds me of emergency use authorization, not letting regulation get in the way of innovation. But in this case, the experimental product was forced on society

  4. As a professional (chartered) materials engineer I had been involved with many dozens of forensic failure analyses during my career. My suspicion would center on the transition joint between the titanium end hemispheres and the carbon fiber composite cylinder. I watched a video which showed how they were mated by a flat face-to-face butt joint with what looked like an epoxy. The difference in thermal coefficients of expansion of those two materials could lead to high stresses on that joint. Add to that the differences in the modulus of elasticity under compression. Then add some repetitive cycling of those stresses due to multiple dives and fatigue of the joint is a real possibility.

  5. I am sure the fact that you cannot build a pressure vessel out of carbon fiber, and cannot do finite element analysis of it, is news to Boeing, Airbus and the hundreds of millions of passengers that have safely flown on 787s and A350s. I am glad we have a movie director on the case, was a bit concerned that all we had was tens of thousands of engineers, the FAA, EASA, etc.

  6. Military subs can not go anywhere that deep so on a private sub no matter how well designed you are taking your life in your hands and this was a one off new design of untested material it worked a few times but was not designed well enough to last for dive after dive now people know wrong material to make a long lasting sub out of Just Saying …

  7. I always assumed – possibly naively – that vessels had to be certified for safety AND INSURED before they were able to be used for paying passengers. Regardless of whether they go beneath the waters, on the waters or above the waters [sea planes, flying boats].
    So was this sub certified for safety and insured or was it simply allowed to operate out of somewhere without any regulations being enforced or safety checks being done despite the owners openly advertising for PAYING CUSTOMERS. And given that both NASA and Boeing are being very vocal in denying that they were involved in any major way at all makes me wonder exactly WHERE it was built and whose SAFETY checks and specifications were used and followed.

  8. 4:43 "I don't want to let Regulation get in the way of Innovation.". Isn't that the modus operandi of most new "startups" these days? Uber, Air BnB , SPACs, crypto, all things designed and intended to circumvent the existing regulatory environment. News Flash-This Just In: if there are Regulations to avoid, you aren't really Innovating. You are just cheating. Note that Orville Wright didn't have a pilots license. HE was Innovating.

  9. This was a race for a Darwin Award…..and they won for 2023. Cowboy engineering and no independent testing. Worse is that they knew it imploded and various countries then spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a "rescue". Any vessel that is in trouble deserves help, these folks need to get the bill for this folly. A week of news about this and only through this channel did we hear about 700 poor souls drowning in the Med. That is the real story.

  10. More info than any news channel. You go above and beyond for those of us that are keen sailors and those that are just interested.
    No wonder I dumped the BBC license fee and don't watch TV anymore, since my kids or their friends don't watch it either.
    I felt like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed on S**t.

  11. So many "experts" coming out of the woodwork after the event and "celebrities" claiming to have been offered, refused, and other excuses for not being onboard. Its sickening!

  12. Cameron is on a campaign. He is not an engineer, he is a filmmaker. He may have participated in the design of subs, but would not have done the engineering. he did not participate in the design of the Titan and the type of carbon tape, epoxy and the winding design/pattern used.

    yes, the Navy records things. But they didn't spot the noise at time it happened Only once asked to look between a certain time range a day or two later did they find something that sounds like implosion. This is the very first time a submersible implodes sicne the 1960s when they came into existence, so there would not be any automatied detection of such noises. Recall that Coast Gard not called until the evening when loss of contact happened in morning.

    Funny how Cameron statts to make claims about NAVY knowing only after it became public that the NAVY had sounds. Not in his early interviews.

    OceanGate had active sonar on the support ship to track the sub's movement and transmit directions to Titanic. But there is no comms back up, except for a ping every 15 minutes.
    For Cameron to state on TV that the crew had ditched weights is very disingenuous. How could anyone have known this if there is no way for sub to send back messages? If that had been the case, the last contact would not have been at a precise 15 minute interval when the sub sends a ping to signal "I am ok" but rather at time of said message would have been sent, and it would have made clear that sub had begun an ascent and the SAR effort would have been focused on finding something on surface.

    Oh, wait, OceanGate has active sonar to track its Titan underwater. They would have seen the sub going down, then perhaps portions of sub in different pieces going down and then nothing. (unless the sub's 15 minute pings are crucial to surface vessel being able to track it).

    For Cameron to make such assertions is not constructive. The sub may have lacked proper certification, and Cameron maty be correct that such company shouldn't be runing dives on an uncerified submersible (or having proper testing/qualification prior to each dive if the certification doesn't exist due to certification not existing for this type of vehicle). , but it is not right for Cameron to make claims to make himself look important and get lots of clickbait interview on national TV networks.

    There is way too much missing information on this event and we need to wait for scientific information from official investigator, not info from a filmmaker who holds a grudge against that company.

  13. Stockton is a criminal. His ego was more important than peoples lives. He knowingly took people to their deaths because of ego.

  14. Cameron admits to never having studied composites but just having a fear/dilike of it. Bring up delamination.
    Airbus and then Boeing did a LOT of reserach. This is well known science now. (in fact Boeing got a huge subsidy, sorry "contract" from NASA to study how to makie compisite fuselages for airplanes and used that to build the 787.

    When perfectly built, carbon fibre composite lasts longer than aluminium when it comes to pressure cycles. When there are imperfections in the building, then your structure will last a lot less longer than alunium due to delamination. So how the filaments/tape is wound around the mandrel, the type of epoxy used and the process and inspection during the laying and curing matter a lot to eliminate air bubles and imperfections. Boeing cures in a pressurized autoclave which reduces size of any air bubbles, while airbus has used vaccum packing (vacuum between composite and a film, large pressure on outside) to get any air bubbles out. Post curing, you need inspections with oether x-ray or ultrasonic to detect any irregularities of air bubbles.

    And when Cameron states steel is one piece, what about welds?

    Obviously, the OceanGate design or process or inspection failed sicne the sub failed. But that does not mean that composites or that shape should never be used. If it was a defect in manufacturing, the design may have been worthy, but construction not.

  15. I watch your full videos. I avoid your short ones since they are justr repackaging of your full videos. I understand exclusive content to your patrons. But pease do not put content exlcusive to the channel we avoid when we watch your full featured videos.

  16. the problem is that Jesus will not be able to save them this time because he cannot go under water he only walks on it!

  17. Royal Romance was sold by Viktor medvedchuk on 31 March 2021, because of serious charges he was facing from Ukrainian authorities, he was rescued from house arrest because he is such good friends with Putin who is godfather to his daughter .

  18. the first BIG and obvious problem with that CF construction to anyone who has made and broken anything made of it is the non-interwoven strand they used, it is stiff and strong ONLY in the direction of the fiber, but very weak to the sides, essentially glue is what hold them together, to avoid that you interweave them or use woven fabric (which is impossible in this case), and to work around it they use helix angle, so that one layer of the fibers is crossing another – providing the interweaving effect, but from the video of making this sub the angle was very shallow reducing the effectiveness of this technique
    and you can't really calculate this, it is trial and error, you make it to break it to see how it behaves, and they didn't in this case, they just made it and went with it, which is just plain stupid, there is no other way calling it, and had I been the company that he wanted to contract to make this part for them – I'd plain refuse, to carry equipment – sure, but not for taking people down in it
    there are other concerns about that construction in this particular application, but the main one is that the technique just isn't suitable for this sort of thing, and at the very least thorough inspection should have been done prior to EVERY dive, to check for delamination, cracks or any other irregularities in the shell
    it is just sad that he took 4 people, who should have known better given the money involved, with him on this final trip

  19. At least Ukraine wil get some cash back,rather than it rot in port.
    Given the fact that the money for it was stolen from the people of Ukraine.

  20. CBS is distracting all of us from the obvious. David Pogue's shoddy, infotainment-style of journalism about the Oceangate Titan on CBS Sunday Morning. Pogue laughed his way through the interview and brown nosed Stockton Rush. There isn't serious journalism anymore. There is no accountability. Because of many failings, including the failings at CBS, 5 men are dead, among them a young 19 year old Suleman Dawood, 19, who loved science fiction, Rubik’s Cubes, and playing volleyball. Tragic.

  21. Never underestimate the ability of management to allow unsafe conditions to exist if it costs money to fix. I spent years responsible for OSHA safety compliance in a printing plant, and helped train supervisors at three other pants in our division. I know about management attitude to safety. Once I recommended a $2500 fix for a wall ladder to the roof. The standard said over 20' it needed a safety cage; this was exactly 20'. In a managers meeting I told the plant manager that I would not climb that ladder without a safety cage, and his reply was "Then you wouldn't be working here anymore." This was at a plant that just finished a half-million dollar renovation on the production floor, which was a poor management decision since the renovation was mostly vanity work, and the plant closed within a very few years. With Ocean Gate, the lack of adult supervision of their so-called innovation has now caused five deaths, millions spent searching the area hoping against hope someone survived, and now the probable dissolution of Ocean Gate itself as they are sued for negligence.

  22. No one will touch this company again. No way is this company going to escape court and bring sued, regardless of what's been signed.

  23. So…, what does this portend for the life risk in airliner carbon fibre hulls (understanding there are differing pressures and applications)?

  24. Kluci v Bodeguitě, ti stejně řeknou, že to bylo tajný spiknutí 😀

    Stará dobrá paranoia a konspirace 😀

    Jsou výborný 😀

  25. Stockton Rush called using a carbon fibre hull which is unsuitable for compression loads for a submersible an innovation. It was not.

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