O orcă poate fi văzută apropiindu-se amenințător de iaht și suflând abur înainte de a se scufunda sub apă și de a-l manevra în mod repetat. Asaltul a durat câteva minute uluitor, când echipa JAJO de la Ocean Race s-a apropiat de strâmtoarea Gibraltar joi. Balenele ucigașe au înconjurat iahtul olandez înainte de a lovi în el și a mușca cârmele, în timp ce echipajul a lovit în carenă în efortul de a le alunga. „Acesta a fost un moment înfricoșător”, a spus comandantul echipei JAJO, Jelmer van Beek. Articolul original: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12226947/Scary-moment-three-killer-whales-ATTACK-Ocean-Race-boat-crew-desperately-try-drive-off.html Videoclip original: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2965701/Video-Moment-Dutch-yacht-competing-Ocean-Race-encounters-orcas.html Pagina de pornire Daily Mail: https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/ Daily Mail Facebook: https://facebook.com/dailymail Daily Mail IG: https://instagram.com/dailymail Daily Mail Snap: https://www.snapchat.com/discover/ Daily-Mail/8392137033 Daily Mail Twitter: https://twitter.com/MailOnline Daily Mail Pinterest: https://pinterest.co.uk/dailymail Obțineți aplicația gratuită pentru mobil Daily Mail: https://dailymail.co.uk /mobil
Moment în care trei balene ucigașe atacă iahtul olandez în Ocean Race
28 thoughts on “Moment în care trei balene ucigașe atacă iahtul olandez în Ocean Race”
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Das ist keine Attacke. Dem juckt der Kopf und Er versucht sich am Boot zu kratzen.😂
Ditto. Its called communicating which is what the DM claims to do!
Total curiosity..
Maybe they are getting tired of being run over by props.
Is it just me
I do not see them attacking
Just has an itchy noggin 😂❤
Why were you provoking them by making all the loud noises. You should be charged with harassment.
Looks like to me he wanted his belly rubed ❤
I failed to see the attacking part. Clickbait!
They were definitely not attacked….it looked like the Orcas were curious and using the rudders as a toy or scratching post. With their constant tapping, they could of been actually antagonizing the Orcas
Check out all the marine biologists in the comments 😂
Wow, that is a fearsome attack… I'd say it was totally berserker!!! Great job on infusing panic and fear, and hatred…As usual.
😂😂 "attack". The Dutch are that dumb? Maybe they Shouldnt be on the water. Should be safe at home or under a rock
Attacked what? They were just curious. The crew was also calling them over.
Sorry, how is this attacking? Never you ever seen how they hunt? This is nothing more than curiosity and play… But that wouldn't make for a headline wouldn't it .. 🤨🧐🤨
What a vicious attack. Hope everyone on board was OK ❤❤
Maybe, we should capture and study them. If it's just them being them, maybe, we should put spikes ok the hull and rudder..
On the radio they were making this out to be a case of "Orca"nized Crime.
Take notice when they do things like this. You obviously were in the way of their need to feed, so don't act like your the victim because you were scared? They're hungry & obviously so if they have to join forces to make their point. Did you think to offer them a huge school of snapper? What you were doing in their backyard is for your selfish fun. What they had to do was for desperate survival. Know your pkace. Get out of their way!
'Why are Orca's attacking sail Boats?' 'Go, on tell me, 'Why are Orca's attacking sail boats?' 'Quite simply, because they are having a WHALE OF A TIME!'
Yeah! Way to stick it to the man!
BS news story.
Still waiting to see “the attack”.
Maybe they're wondering what all the banging is about.
Maybe they think you're signaling for help with all the noise. Maybe a lot of things, LEAST of which is an attack!
Why were you banging????? Sounds like you were aggressive towards them, you would know if they attacked you would be on here showing everyone 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Beautiful babies and they wasn't attacking you at all!!! You would know if they was attacking your stupid butts!!! JUST A REMINDER…. YOU'RE IN THERE TERRITORY!!! NOT THEM IN YOUR'S!!!! RESPECT THEM!!!
Attack?? Very misleading title.