Tutoriale de navigație – Cum ne creăm animațiile #shorts #blender3d #sailing

Tutoriale de navigație - Cum ne creăm animațiile #shorts #blender3d #sailing

O scurtă privire asupra modului în care planificăm, proiectăm și creăm videoclipurile noastre animate tutoriale de navigație, folosind software-ul Blender 3D


3 thoughts on “Tutoriale de navigație – Cum ne creăm animațiile #shorts #blender3d #sailing

  1. Wow,lots and lots of hours to do that ,my son uses blended 3D and he spends weeks creating each part and animation

  2. a lot of work to explain something in detail. ( i do very much appreciate your tutorial videos )….but as a design engineer, blender is worthless to me….i wish i had promotional animation capability, but a CAD file cannot be loaded into Blender, and i can't create manufacturing industry compatible files in blender…which basically makes it worthless to me, other than what other people do with it.

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