o SĂPTĂMÂNĂ în VIAȚA unui ADOLESC care navighează prin LUMEA…

o SĂPTĂMÂNĂ în VIAȚA unui ADOLESC care navighează prin LUMEA...

16 ani navighează prin lume împărtășindu-l cu tine. Multumesc pentru vizionare!! Urmărește pentru mai multe pe instagram https://www.instagram.com/mermaidbellaboo/ vezi canalul de youtube al familiilor mele @sailingcatalpa Instagramul familiilor mele https://www.instagram.com/sailingcatalpa/


34 thoughts on “o SĂPTĂMÂNĂ în VIAȚA unui ADOLESC care navighează prin LUMEA…

  1. Those Omer fins are sick Bella. Got the same ones and they're true game changer. They're brittle, take care…don't drop them from heights on the rocks.
    Saludos desde spain 😛

  2. Under water should be getting more interesting now. Rock scallops, lobster, spotted bass, snappers, it may still be a little early for yellowtail.

  3. LOVE THE ACCENT! 🙂 The algorithm popped up Bella and I subscribed immediately, as well as her family's sailing channel. Always fun and interesting. Good job you. Keep it up. Although at 67 years I am afraid to try a head stand on a paddle board, but made it a bucket list item…

  4. Wonderful video Bella, glad you found supplies in La Paz but even better you have found the clear beautiful water to enjoy & share with us you smiling & enjoying it when big dives & underwater video.

  5. Bella, shush !!!……don't tell your Mom, but we like your channel better…..Great job with your channel, Love your perspective on life. Thanks for being open and sharing and please remember to practice the Baja Shuffle so your prepared for the not so clear waters further North….a ways to go yet.

  6. It is interesting viewing sailing through your eyes and your opinions
    Question how much of the actual running of the boat do you do or could do in an emergency.
    Lastly you mentioned older videos of you if they involve sailing the also may be interesting to others… Thank You your smile makes me smile also

  7. 1. i'm jealous of your lifestyle
    2. have you ever had a vitamin D deficiency? (ha ha)
    3. do you ever worry about having to go back on land and join the 9-5 grind?
    4. thanks for sharing your life, LOVE 💚❤💙

  8. As far as filming and being filmed, it would have been a terrible travesty to leave all those 7 years blank. In fact, I can't imagine life now without the Catalpa crew. You have filled an unimaginable void by filming your travels. All the best!

  9. The reason we non-aussies notice how you say No is cuz your 'o' sounds are extravagant diphthongs! :^) That's when a vowel morphs into a different one over its duration; whereas most North American accents, for instance, use a simple, non-diphthong 'o' in the word No. But don't let us make you self-conscious, all global accents have their unique aspects, don't they? :^)

  10. Would be awesome to see you guys cross paths with 'Sailing Zatara' sometime, you guys would hit it off I'm sure

  11. Hello Monday! Thank you Bella for another great vlog. Short and sweet with plenty of variety.

    If you'd like a question then here goes with a few: What do you do about education whilst touring around? Do you have any study regime that you (try to) keep to? Any favourite subjects?

    Keep up the great work and safe travels to you all.

  12. It has been said…"you are today, the sum and total of all your yesterdays!" I posed this my daughters as they grew… imagine the person you will grow into with your yesterdays of world travel!

    Lucky you! Goodonyas! Enjoy every minute on this Blue marble…go get'm tiger!

  13. Hey there, how about editing. Do ya ever get sick of the editing process? Also do you edit your own episodes? Thanx. <3 ; )

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