Oficialii spun că o barcă s-a prăbușit în feribotul Fisher Island. Pompierii au dus o persoană la spital și au găsit o altă victimă moartă în apă.
Un mort după ce iahtul s-a prăbușit în feribotul Fisher Island

8 thoughts on “Un mort după ce iahtul s-a prăbușit în feribotul Fisher Island”
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Who cares?
I pray that all is well with all families involved. However, we’re currently on Carnival Celebration Stuck awaiting entry to dock in the Channel (if THIS is near the port of Miami)
He must have been flying across the water not watching.
The people on the cruise ships are pissed. Still can't get into the Port.
I was on the carnival celebration coming into port when this happened. He got an extra 5 hours on the ship because it couldn’t come into port
rich people & their yatch,make em paypl
what about the
submersible ?
have they found it ?