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Black Only Brixton Business = Cu siguranță nu rasist!

44 thoughts on “Black Only Brixton Business = Cu siguranță nu rasist!”
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You can be disliked for all sorts of reasons, you don't need to be white. Im mixed race with dreadlocks and most people don't like me, even though they don't know me.

Armed force's day was a classic example of this. I turned up booted and suited with medals, and got blanked by most of them. Im also a business man who received no help.
Is it because iam not white or black
We should counteract this with white only businesses it's only fair, they are bound to lose a fortune it's probably charity money, they just aswell throw the money on the local tip, there's only room for so many rappers,
So when do we start white only areas and businesses!!!!!!!
Just subscribed after a recommendation from Paula M.
As a Woman of Colour I can definitely confirm that the MOST Privileged people in the UK are Blacks and Moslems. For Decades!
Would be so disgustingly offensive about any other god than the God of indigenous English?
agreed and well said in this video. we need to call out this toxic woke criminal racist culture and ideology
"Silicon Valley". More like "Crack Alley"
Dressing thick and lazy folk up in business suits (to smile at the camera) doesn’t make them effective businessmen, office workers or even profitable clients
… this endeavour will more than likely fail after they’ve lined their pockets and spent the cash at Westfield on bling.
California doesn't have anything to worry about. These people still live in mud huts in Africa, and they probably would here as well if white people didn't build houses for 'em.
A Brixton silicon valley

When is enough going to be enough and people actually grow a back bone and stop this bollocks it’s absolutely crazy think hard what they are doing and what they are really trying to achieve it’s very worrying!!
great video
well said..
You continue to hit the bulls eye every time with your brilliant commentary. This was one of your best.
I would laugh if the vast majority of black owned business they invest in failed completely.
A mixture of the BLM Grift & a Ponzi Scheme. Would like to see a Forensic Audit done on them. Not really producing/making anything. No cafs/Ethnic restaurants established. No businesses producing bits & bods that folk can buy. All castles in the air. Wait 'til it all comes crashing down & they'll move onto the next flavour of the month grift.
It appears 'Pro Box' don't mind selling to non-black customers though…
Who is it making distinctions about melanin quantities again?
Just imagine if someone said ee wishbtonturn our city into a white only city.
Just how priviledged must yhese nlack people feel their pisition is , in our White Country .
If white people tried doing this they would be arrested on race hate charges.
Nihil Conatus Tim
Its almost like they are coiling the spring on purpose….
nailed it once again
Very decieving community..they cant be trusted….ever..
Obsolete farm equipment
Beautifully said.
Well said Matt
I'm a retired musician and lecturer. I had a wonderful idea of starting my own modest musical ensemble that may have grown into a larger concern. I told a close actor friend that I thought I would approach the Arts Council for some funding. He replied don't waste your time. You're not black or gay. You'll get FA.
Seriously if they are that unhappy Go Forth And Multiply. As welcome as stepping in dog Sh1t
Thank god I’m white and privileged
You are the only person that’s sticks up for our white British people

Bollox broadcasting company
This countries mantra
The more you are a lying cheating scum bag the more you treated better and thought better off
The more you obey the law and rules and are good person the more crap you are treated like
and what about the Black Music Awards, racist or not? Awards for the best Female vocalist, sexist or what? Male and female football leagues, perpetuating differences between men and women, wrong or not.
Thing is: when this fails, they’ll have to make similar lies to the “white men dropped bombs from private planes” like they did in Tulsa America.
No wonder people like 'MIZZY' seem to think it's perfectly fine to walk into the home of a total stranger, help themselves to tea and biscuits, then plonk themselves down on the sofa with their feet up, then cry RACISM when the home OWNER turfs the smug little barsteward out on his ear. They act this way because they know they will probably be REWARDED for their degenerate behaviour, ESPECIALLY if they pull out the 'RACE CARD' in their defence.
It's time to get 'MEDIEVAL' folks, and show these people, and their Marxist Commie enablers that we WILL NOT stand for their behaviour, nor their REVERSE RACISM.
But I won't hold my breath waiting for the GEN Z Soy Latte brigade types to step up to the plate, or the gawdy pink hair deficianados, or the Commie Corbynites, as it is THEY who are the ones who created this
SH!TSHOW, and turned our once great and beautiful country into a FESTERING, CRIME RIDDEN CESSPIT. In fact, if those types get in our way, then they must be 'dealt with' in the same fashion, and I don't mean Tea and Sympathy, and a hand pressed copy of The Guardian neither.
Since when was drug dealing, mugging pensioners and stabbing each other to death a legitimate business!
Similar tale; a few years ago the black, female, double bass player, Chi-chi Nwanoku, announced she was setting up a black only symphony orchestra. Indeed, imagine if I wanted to set up a white only orchestra; I'd be cancelled before I could even pick up a conductor's baton.
Angry Bootneck In Spain The Minister of Equality Irene Montero wanted to have an all women business board. Spain and Argentina is the woke of the Hispanophone. Irene Montero makes Kathleen Kennedy looks like Margaret Thatcher.
Black seed, so they bring a busines to life then disapear?
Fantastic as always. Don’t think there’s much hope for this country.
I don't know why you're getting upset by these black business supporters. They need all the help they can get. If they succeed , I'll need an overdose of smelling salts. Black entrepreneur?
= Code for drug dealer and pimp.
So if I made a company that only helped white people …would that be allowed..don't think so some how…the army police have to take a certain amount of different ethnic back grounds…but yet this is only for one certain ethnic back ground come on one rule for one…one rule for another come on please
Si a " black silicpne valley " is code for " we will unlick the iphones ipads abd adroids if ypu bring em round
What a bunch of racist f##kers!