Andocare intensă de 56 m. iaht EMERALD @archiesvlogmc

Andocare intensă de 56 m.  iaht EMERALD @archiesvlogmc

Exonerare de responsabilitate pentru iaht: Acest videoclip este doar în scop de divertisment. Nu promovez și nu fac parte din nicio industrie de yachting, în special cea de pe acest videoclip. Respect dreptul la intimitate al oricărui iaht privat, al oamenilor și al echipajului care va apărea în acest videoclip. Pentru mai multe informații, accesați pagina mea de pornire și faceți clic pe „DESPRE” Vă mulțumim… VISITAȚI 12 CABINE 6 ECHIPAJ 1 CONFIGURAȚIE CABINE 1 Master1 VIP2 Double2 Twin2 PullmanSPECIFICAȚII LUNGIME 167’4 / 51m FAXĂ 31’2 / 9.5m DRAV 11’6 / 3. TONAJ BRUT 620 GT VITEZA DE CROAZIERĂ 14 noduri CONSTRUIT 2005 | 2019 (Remontat) CONSTRUCTOR Codecasa MODEL Codecasa 51 DESIGNER EXTERIOR Codecasa DESIGN INTERIOR Della Role Link Design: #emaraldyacht #superyacht #monaco #millionairetoys # #yacht de lux #acostare


35 thoughts on “Andocare intensă de 56 m. iaht EMERALD @archiesvlogmc

  1. 14 knots, 54 million , crew who does not know a thing about docking a boat, someone was really dumb with this purchase. How much room does hw need? Throw the idiot with the radio who is running in a panic overboard. The woman appears to be the only one who has a clue.

  2. whoever piloted the boat(the Capt?) didn't do a bad job, but the deck hands and marina crew are an embarrassment. (and no, it wasn't the girls fault)

  3. Perfect example of a Chinese Fire Drill, first mate is totally clueless about what he is doing. You could tell the first was clueless in the beginning of the docking he is running back and forth constantly and continues, you pick a point on he boat and remain there and pick a point on the dock- it is called spacial awareness. He also failed to train his crew, he should be cashiered but then he is probably related to the owner.

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