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Andocare intensă de 56 m. iaht EMERALD @archiesvlogmc

35 thoughts on “Andocare intensă de 56 m. iaht EMERALD @archiesvlogmc”
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FFS, what a bunch of amateurs and she’s next to useless. 🤦🏻
14 knots, 54 million , crew who does not know a thing about docking a boat, someone was really dumb with this purchase. How much room does hw need? Throw the idiot with the radio who is running in a panic overboard. The woman appears to be the only one who has a clue.
whoever piloted the boat(the Capt?) didn't do a bad job, but the deck hands and marina crew are an embarrassment. (and no, it wasn't the girls fault)
Isn't that ropelittle thin
Douchy bags….capt nailed it, crew so slow to tie up…. You can't hold any boat centered for longer than that.
Fire the whole crew.
Miss Emerald needs to be dry-docked and pay attention to the keel.
such a lack of professionalism.
Wankers aweigh me boys ….😂
How many gas stations do you need to own before you can have this boat?
I reckon that skipper made hard work out of that, what a shambles,, Jesus wept ,,
what is the intense part ? all looks very slow in cautious 🧐
That was painful to watch. That crew was not coordinated at all. Almost completely clueless.
Bridge crew did a masterful job. Kinda Amateur Hour at the stern lines.
trophy wives. LOL.
Horrible docking!! The only person that did a good job was the cameraman….
That waste of resources best park itself!!?
Nosey Karen neighbors praying for a near collision 😂
Why are the rich so snobby haha
the girl has on idea at all
Perfect example of a Chinese Fire Drill, first mate is totally clueless about what he is doing. You could tell the first was clueless in the beginning of the docking he is running back and forth constantly and continues, you pick a point on he boat and remain there and pick a point on the dock- it is called spacial awareness. He also failed to train his crew, he should be cashiered but then he is probably related to the owner.
Absolute sh*t Show, amateur hour, poor leadership, poor training…. 🙈🤷♂️
Forget about the yacht. I was concerned about the scooter getting knocked over.
Show me I don't know yeah except they have to hold the same confidence I responded back to him
Is this more diversity equity and inclusion in action with the crew?
I wouldn’t want them tying up beside my boat.
Slow and steady all good
First time docking…….
what a lousy crew they have no idea what they are doing
Click bait title. Well, you got your 1 minute of screen time from me 😞
These people don't know what the hell they're doing
I can't watch any more
That was painful to watch 😮😅