Alăturați-vă echipajului RAN Sailing ~ pentru streamuri live, conținut exclusiv și multe altele După ce am realizat alte proiecte în procesul de construire a bărcii, ne-am întors la plăcuirea carenei. Facem, de asemenea, o pauză și mergem cu bicicleta și mergem cu un tren foarte vechi. Suntem o familie suedeză care a navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășim aventurile aici pe YouTube. În timp ce încă navigăm, obiectivul nostru principal acum este construirea RAN III, o barcă cu pânze de 50 de picioare pe care o construim de la zero. Postăm un episod nou în fiecare vineri, așa că asigurați-vă că vă abonați și apăsați clopoțelul pentru a fi primul care află când există un nou episod! CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: https:// Am adunat unele dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și realizarea de videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: Love, Malin, Johan & Vera
Am ajuns la Waterline – Planking A 50 Ft Sailboat – Ep. 353 RAN Sailing
21 thoughts on “Am ajuns la Waterline – Planking A 50 Ft Sailboat – Ep. 353 RAN Sailing”
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6:36 see anyone who said i was crazy to build a track to roll the boat in and out! Look.. complete bogies laying there growing weeds! They would easily support RAN 3
looks amazing
Thanks guys! 😊
Thank you guys for 353…
Maybe not what are you thinking but Matthias Wandel has an old video (2014) where he build a motorized wooden scaffolding [Scaffolding build, part 1]
Ran III coming along keep up the awesome work!!! Very excited to see your boat build this is an absolutely amazing project!!
Nice music!
I appreciate very much the effort made to do all aspects of the project in the right and most professional way… never taking the shirt cut. 👍😊🖖🇺🇸
Steam Steam Steam for planks. Great Job
After seeing what happened to Brent's workshop on his channel, Halfass Kustoms, I must ask what you do for fire prevention. Have you installed a fire suppression system in the barn?
Great video. Your channel will be a wonderful chronical for Vera. She'll have the great fortune of that video record of her awesome childhood experiences. What a terrific treasure for her!
Superb !!!
What about steam bending some of those difficult, twisty pieces? Use a long metal downspout, some radiator hose and a sealed pot of boiling water…keep the system open at the far end of the steamer so you don't build pressure. You are a superb craftsman!
Can you explain whether you considered steaming the more twisted planks, in order that they conform more easily, with less risk of splitting or breaking? Great video, as usual.
I worked with a guy that would bend timber to laminate handrails for spiral staircases, he would bend them using steam from a ketlle on gas and a long tubular plastic bag like a long sausage and would put the timber into the plastic bag and let the steam into the bag, then clamp it on the staircase. once it was dry he would laminate the rail. My point being it might help in this application, it was so simple but so effective. love your guys channel.
Could you steam the end strips?
You can change the angle of the strips when you get big differences in rotation fronnt to rear. Its fiddly doing the infills but you get good at it after a while.
Your twist problem at the transom is a result of fact that the midships frame has a much greater circumferance than the most aft one. The common thing that is done is to taper the planks at the turn of the bile so it is thinner at the ends. You want to arrive at the keelson plank with your cedar plank full width again.
Such a wonderful job of producing this channel. I have followed you for years and just keeps getting better!