ÎN GREENPEACE: Ce se întâmplă cu adevărat la bordul Rainbow Warrior…

ÎN GREENPEACE: Ce se întâmplă cu adevărat la bordul Rainbow Warrior...

Pentru a obține o sursă de 1 an de vitamina D3+K2 + 5 pachete individuale de călătorie GRATUIT la prima achiziție, accesați https://drinkAG1.com/slv Doriți să susțineți campania? Semnează petiția Greenpeace aici: https://act.gp/vagabonde ––- ⛵ VEI MAI MULT CONȚINUT DE LA SLV? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe Patreon pentru previzualizări ale episoadelor viitoare și streamuri live regulate pentru a discuta cu noi în timp real http://bit.ly/SLVPatreon ⛵ REZERVĂ O EXCĂTORIE cu VagabondeAdventures: https://www.vagabondeadventures.com/our-trips 📨 Pentru mai multe informații, trimiteți un e-mail lui Jack la: info@vagabondeadventures.com 👙 COLECȚIA DE COSTUME DE BOT A ELAYNA: (Ia-ți astăzi costumele de baie Vaga Bella!) https://vagabellaswim.com/ 📖 CARTEA ELAYNEI DE VANZARE: (Ia-ți o copie a lui The Little Sailor ABCs!) https://www.silverwoodbooks.co.uk/product/9781800422315/little-sailors-abcs-the-by-elayna-carausu CAPITOLUL DE EPISOD: 0:00 – Început 0:38 – Bun venit la bord! 2:36 – Ziua întâi: tur cu barca! 8:30 – Să vorbim despre ipocrizie 10:10 – Istoria războinicului curcubeu 14:25 – Ziua a doua: Ziua de naștere a lui Riley! 14:40 – Navigam! 17:45 – Campania „Whales not Woodside” 19:30 – Scufundări libere în recif! 23:15 – Copiii devin sălbatici 25:45 – Locuri de cuibărit țestoase! 27:00 – Desfășurarea ROV-ului 27:20 – Scufundare Scott Reef 28:50 – Cuib țestoase marine! 29:50 – Navigare cu șampanie! 30:30 – Lenny iubește podul 33:00 – Gândurile noastre finale! –- MARFĂ OFICIAL SLV: http://shop-lavagabonde.com SITE-UL NOSTRU: http://sailing-lavagabonde.com ANIMAȚII: IG: @hudson_animation Site: https://www.hudson-animation.com/ SUPLIMENTARE CINEMATOGRAFIE: Alex Westover MUZICA LUI ELAYNA: https://elaynac.bandcamp.com Întrebări frecvente: Ce produse folosim? https://shop-lavagabonde.com/collections/products-we-use Ce camere folosim? CAMERA MARE: http://amzn.to/1t6fAfY ALTĂ CAMERA MARE: http://amzn.to/2rybQE2 CAMERA LA MÂNĂ: http://amzn.to/25KvT0x GOPRO: http://amzn.to/1t6haPc DRONE: http://amzn.to/2ooXPLs Ce software folosim? Premiere Pro https://adobe.ly/2vzkB2I Predict Wind http://bit.ly/PredictWindForecasts


29 thoughts on “ÎN GREENPEACE: Ce se întâmplă cu adevărat la bordul Rainbow Warrior…

  1. Elayna and Riley, I generally don’t read many of the comments; but, for this episode, I did scan through and was amazed by the amount of vitriolic commentary. So sad, that so many need to pass on their hate; rather than comment nicely, sharing the rationale for their viewpoint. Only with true, respectful, dialogue, can we begin to understand, and perhaps learn, from others with different ideas and perspectives. You guys are the best and thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Oh Elayna asked Riley 'What's good?' and he gave her that look, but I was also not getting his jist. Riley!

  3. this is what you guys are all about, you should run the next GP ship, this is such a beautiful place which must be saved, come on australia you don’t need this.

  4. Greenpeace just bought SV/Pelargic from “Seas and Summit” (Sophie & Chris) which is a Steel expedition boat that’s normally been in the Artic. They changed the name and took off on a expedition that same day, it’s in their latest video. I can’t remember what her new name is, or if it’s in real time because it always seems to be freezing where they are…

  5. Now go on the sea Shepard and go ram some shit lol. I think people should find all the owners of the oil rig company and light fireworks outside their family homes constantly to see if they can tolerate the noise that the whales will have to put up with. And then throw used motor oil at their homes as well to simulate an oil spill wrecking their surroundings.

  6. Brilliant content team – So impressive, entertaining, inspiring and educational! Thank you. ❤ Greenpeace petition signed and $$ donated. 🙏🏼

  7. It is all BS this global warming ! How do you think the carbon got sequestered underground anyway ? Do you really think aliens brought it from outer space and buried it ? NOOOOO ! It came from the atmosphere from plants that absorbed it and for plants to grow they need it back in the atmosphere where it belongs. We are helping the environment NOT harming it.

  8. That was fantastic. I have been on RW11 filming for some of their previous actions here in NZ. Such awesome, dedicated people. Love that you guys are using your profile supporting environmental issues. Keep up the great work and I hope to see down in NZ again when you launch the new SLV.

  9. Well done bringing attention to this and hopefully lots of signatures for their petition…

  10. What an amazing episode you guys it was so inspiring and I love how honest you guys are about being parents. I’m sure the crew loved having the kids around- they seem to always have a great time wherever you are. That’s a pretty great quality to grow up with family that’s always meeting new people and doing different things. I’m sure they will be so personable and compassionate as the grow up because of your lifestyle. Pretty beautiful life you have!

  11. How'd ya pay for the first boat??

    What did you run back to when funds were low?
    But it's all good now, made bank and complain about lack of pretty's to dive on.
    Edit; 110,000L of fuel, fk me they aren't exactly green are they, where'does that come from, unicorn farts?

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