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Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/ProjectAtticus
Ochelari de soare: https://shrsl.com/35iim Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: https://www.highfieldboats.com/ultralite-290/ Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: https://bit.ly/2DfSqPw Sails: https: //www.precisionsailloft.com/ Ancoră primară: https://www.mantusmarine.com/ Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: https://edsonmarine.com/ Prognoza meteo: https://www.predictwind.com/affiliate/atticus Keen Footwear: http://bit.ly/2GSEMjt
Sunete epidemic
Start speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel 🎉. Get up to 60% OFF your subscription ➡Here: https://go.babbel.com/t?bsc=1200m60-youtube-sailingprojectatticus-jul-2023&btp=default&utm_term=generic_v1&utm_medium=paidsocial&utm_source=YouTube&utm_content=Influencer..sailingprojectatticus..USA..YouTube
You guys need a catarmaran, no mre than 35-40 ft
I’m glad you still like your boat, because you are not getting Atticus I back.
Always remember, where your dream ends, someone else’ dream starts. And Atticus I is that dream.
Put solar on side rails that you can fold down when docking and you will love canoe stern in large following seas
It's a matter of always adapting to changes…..not pushing for 100%.
PSCs are beautiful and amazing boats.
I am worried..!! Every time I see your Videos timelines…….I've seen your progress and the family you have become..!!
What makes me worried??
I get reminded….I AM GETTING OLDER..!!!!😂
I always wonder, with such a great "Vlog" as yours, 250+ thousands followers, how do we get the rest of Millions of souls on this Planet to SIGN UP?.😂😊
So! Where are you going to go? May I recommend touring various European cities while using your boat as a staging ground. Naples, Corsica, Genoa. Hey! You could sail around the world, but against the Sun, from West to East! Head to Japan, Alaska, Pacific Northwest… Obviously, Hawaii.
Excuse this post, I may say too much!
I have just watched the review of the Pacific Seacrest . I think this was one of the finest productions of Project Atticus I have watched since The day I started watching Atticus when she was still being renovated to sail the Caribbean and you two were not even married. Apart from the detailed, articulate, review of the pros and cons of Atticus 2 this was a revelation that I felt was an undercurrent of how the 4 of you are now interacting so, (dare I say, )'Lovingly' as a family living together in such close quarters but still working together with a common goal. It is heart warming! Jordan you should be getting some requests from boat builders to consult over plans for long distance yachts with that review. Pacific Seacrest can be very proud I would think of their design and construction.
Thank you for sharing so much detail of your lives and experiences with us. You made my day! Happy Sailing to the 4 of you!
Fantastic information you all look super sorted very settled
Loveeeeee❤❤ Always smiling Isabella ❤😂
Desiree would you one day do recipes from your meals. You seem to eat such healthy food. I'm so impressed.
toutes mes félicitations. j'aime bien ton voilier. merci de la vidéo aussi
So… What happened to Atticus #1?? Where is it now? Is it sailing?
No, now I will watch it
I can't believe it's been 2 years. Can't wait for the years to come!
Whatever did happen to Atticus 1?
I absolutely love y’all and the boat! I can’t wait until I can get my first sailboat!
Enjoy sailing with you ……..Kind Regards
Were did you get the monitor stand. Is it screwed into the tabletop?
I have missed a little bit the difference about Atticus 1 ?! Don’t you talk about that boat anymore?
Hey Buds! No, I am not caught up yet, but wanted to catch a current vid. I'm sure with houses, boats, cars, etc. you'll find things that you would rather have, or things that could be improved upon, and fortunately, y'all seem to have what you needed for this point in time and until the second kiddo comes along. Then, you'll have the opportunity to reassess what you have and see if it still works. Y'all have done so much and gone so far in your travels from fixing up an old boat in the Keys to sailing half-way around the world and expanding your family. What could possibly be more epic? I'm just so happy that you've decided to share it with us. Good luck for the next journey. Love you guys.
#1 improvement – side door in fridge. Happy wife happy life!
I loved rain days when I cruised with my father , and now when I cruise . An excuse to curl up and read a good book .
I’m hoping to learn Dolphin language.
I love your channel. Best sailing channel on youtube. I live on a hunter legend 37.5 in the carribean. Its not the boat. Its the fight with mother nature i love. I alwsys lose but sometimes i really enjoy the fight 😂
Great boat. Pretty hard to beat it. Continue to enjoy. You guys keep her up, that's the real key. My boat is 3kms from the house and weekend cruises have been pretty common since 1999. We had twins in car seats 22 years ago…good stuff.
Atticus is truely an amazing boat ..
Very nice to see a 2nd look after 2yrs and some extensive sailing. Are you going to put a windvane on her
Can you make Osso a cameraman? Hang a micro camera in his nake when you go to shore. It would be a fun footage.
Gonna need a bigger boat lol