Alăturați-vă nouă într-un tur de proprietate al pământului nostru din nordul Michigan. Discutam planuri și proiecte și cum se împletesc acestea cu visele noastre supreme de navigare. Vă rugăm să ne spuneți părerile voastre în comentarii! Sper să vă placă, Lauren, Kirk & Renata Filmat: noiembrie 2022 / Editat: iulie 2023 *SOCIALE + BLOG* Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Site: Instagram-ul lui Kirk: *MUSIC* Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu https: // Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Muzică lansată de Argofox Muzică promovată de Audio Biblioteca Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUIT de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la *CAMERA GEAR* #propertytour #homestead #homesteading
Dezvăluirea gospodăriei noastre de 9 acri | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 125

36 thoughts on “Dezvăluirea gospodăriei noastre de 9 acri | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 125”
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We built our dream house on top of a hill overlooking the Missouri river valley. When the wind blows, we certainly know it. That said, the view is amazing, year-round. We spent extra on 2×6 framing high quality doors and windows, and geo-thermal HVAC but NOT on insulation. We used typical fiberglass batts and blown in. The HVAC has absolutely paid for itself. Foam insulation was moree than $20,000 over the fiberglass (not including the air-air heat exchanger for fresh air source) which would been forever return on investment. Under $200/month for utility (all electric) for 14 years for 4500+ sqft.
Becoming Terra Firma Soulianis !
Can't wait to see the structures start popping up. Mak a good plan and go! Karol and I built our home starting in September of 1990 and finished in 1991 nine months later. All the while, I was working for Washington Fish and Wildlife with the whole State as my territory.
I'd suggest getting a single construction loan to build both the rental house (for income) AND a structure to put the boat in. You don't want to leave that boat open to the winter elements in Northern Michigan (my wife is from the UP). Leaving it uncovered will age and deteriorate it faster than you can imagine.
A few comments.
Getting edible fruit from fruit trees takes some work based on experience- you will need to spray for bug/pests and birds/squirrels etc will want to eat ripe fruit. Assume you got dwarf trees.
Blueberries- birds and squirrels eat the berries, rabbits /mice may chew young shoots in winter, and you may need to enclose bushes in a metal small mesh screening enclosure that allows bees but prevents others from eating fruit or damaging plants. Otherwise you are just creating a wildlife blueberry buffet.
House built into hill- you need to know what material hill is made of- mostly sand that will need to be stabilized or rock that will need to be blasted away.
Building rental house- what is the rental market around you like?- strong/weak? long term or short vacation rental. Employment situation- year round or seasonal as it will affect rental demand? Don't rely on hope of "if you build it, they will come." As I recall you had/have an urban rental property, but experience in this rural location may be different.
Post and beam storage facility- experience by a relative says "never put end of posts, even pressure treated posts, directly into the ground or touching the ground as it will eventually rot." Given your intended use, would a self supporting steel tube frame with white UV resistant covering work at well for the time you have trimaran and convert to a greenhouse with translucent cover if needed?
The area you have chosen to build to rent looks to me unappealing, very stark because there are no trees or shrubbery, no view, no ambiance. Have you thought about maybe putting camping sites, many little lots complete with grill stations, picnic tables, fire pits, and a building with toilets and a shower? A place to park while they are traveling in the area. On another note, I think you guys are wonderful. So many exciting ideas. Food for thought: my mother once told me if you need to clean your house, start with one small area and clean that, don't tackle the whole house here and there because it won't really accomplish much…
I personally am not as interested in land based adventures as water based. I love to see where people go, the things they see, and how they get there. As a life long sailor, I enjoy living vicariously through you. Being in one place would not be as fun for me.
Yay, Building Soulilandis is a great step forward. Anything along the lines of Wild, Wonderful Off grid???
I really love what you are doing and the adventure that is starting for all of your family.
(YOUR BOAT) Not sure what to comment on but it may be best to start work on your large garage for your boat. What I think your planning is great I just think you can considder the size a bit and make it larger if you can. Why do I focus on storage for you boat as the first thing to considder is because of the harsh Winters in your location. I could easily see your boat in deep snow and breaking down what condition it is in at this time, causing more problems. I would focus on a permanent structure that may even include Solar for power and enough room so you can easily store your van as well as any other equipment you may want to have at a later date for farming (Not road vehicles).
(RENTAL PROPERTY) I think its a great idea, but it's hard to visualize what type of structure (House) your going to put there. The few questions I have about how viable of a rental property is my greatest concern. With any rental property there is a line where upkeep and frequency really impact the bennefit or possability of it actually funding some of the things you spoke about in your video. So thats a whole list of things to considder that I am sure you have already. But an interesting project.
(MAIN HOUSE) That seems way down the road with all the other projects you have on the table. As to the location I think depending on the main direction of the weather pattern you can plant trees on t6he backside of the house location that in time can help with the wind (Pland sooner than later). Before the first plan is done you can prepare the foundation by leveling and even laying gravel where you plan to build and years later that can be removed if needed. The concern I have for the Gully location is snow drifts and water between seasons. Without mayjor landscaping (probably will do anyway) the idea of building a house on that (Facing up the hill) Left side but not at the top due to (Wind) can cause many problems depending on the soil and bedrock in that location. It may not be possible to build in that location so be flexable, as the Top or Left side choices may not even be a choice as I think the Left side choice may be more trouble than its worth. I think a contractor or even a surveyor may be needed to determine the best possible location for a Permanent Main house to be built.
Lastly the planting of the Garden seems like a great idea, but I have never heard of a man made ecosystem that will be self sufficient, I am excited to see how that works out over a few years and one day a Garden of Eden.
If you made it this far thanks, at times I just cant stop. You guys are great and love what you do.
Go for it!!!
Have you all thought about an earthship? It fits in with your criteria very well! I'll be watching whatever it is y'all decide to do!
Excellent; inspiring even. I hope you can make at least some of it work. I would love to see a map or a high drone shot of the neighbourhood or even a drive around. I have much smaller horizons than you do but I do have my 22ft cruiser in my back yard, under cover and I have my dinghy trimaran in a decent dinghy park a ten minute drive away and it is stored over winter in a hangar at a disused airfield nearby. – so I agree with much of what you are trying to do. The deer have eaten my raspberries too (fortunately we do not have bears in Scotland.) A nice video. I hope your local builders are easier to work with than ours!
You can do anything you want to! Build a good fence for that food. Otherwise, YOU won't see any of it!
Love, love all your plans. We had our boat hit from hurricane Ian. We are fixing her backup but now realize we really want a homebase that we can rent out too
. You guys will do fabulous
I am very interested in your life on land. Home improvement, building, and homesteading are hugely popular on YouTube. I hope you share the development. But in all honesty, it is you guys and your life that your long-time viewers love.
Looks like home! I have a place just outside Charlevoix, but I've been wandering away from home for a while.
Anything is possible with enough ambition. Is that a good market area for year round rentals? What do other rentals in the area go for? My first rental was a duplex but it was in town not sure if it would even be allowed in the country. I have built two homes from the ground up doing a lot of work myself. It is hard to build new then rent for a profit. You might be better off buying homes that need a little work then rent those out. Buy from motivated sellers ( death and divorce) both are looking to get the cash out quickly and move on. Those are the ones that i make the most profit on after expenses.i will closing on my 5th rental this month. It is not a get rich quick thing. More of wealth building and retirement income.
On the house on the hill how will you get up to it in the winter if it is that steep? One regret i have in building is not buying my tractor before i built. There are so many times i could have used it while building. Probably could have sold it for about what i would have paid for it if i wanted to. I think i said in a earlier post i would build some living space into the pole barn and not tell the county about it.
Hi guys, I built my own homestead on vacant land here in MI and it has been great. You have a good overall plan. You might want to consider something pre-built for the initial guest house and crane it onto your foundation. I wish that I would have planned my construction budget better. Don't just guess at potential costs. Research them carefully! I did not do this and totally blew the budget in several areas. Skimping on other things later was tough, but overall it was still a lot of fun. Keep it simple and stick with it!
Yeah…you guys are crazy, but we should get some great content from it. I say go for it.
Soon as you said bear I thought you need to carry guns
got some crazy militia neighbors out there.
It is always good to keep dreaming and to have big dreams. And it wise not expect them all to come true. But some will, I am sure.
Hi guys,
We sold our dream home which we built on a hill and now are cruising the pacific.
Just want to let you know building on a hill can be more expensive.
We had to put in a retaining wall to hold the dirt from erosion. But we lived in the pacific northwest which gets lots of rain.
I love your property and am excited to see how you develop it. Having a home base is lovely. I watch Ran Sailing and they also are developing their land base while building their cruising boat. I look forward to watching you acquire new skills and make your dreams come true.

Hey there. As a 45 year resident of northern Michigan, I wonder if you've considered the implications of turning what was affordable housing into vacation space for the wealthy from downstate? Nice that you can make money that way, but it is a shame that our youth have no options anymore to stay and build a life here. At least I trust you will pull all required building and short term rental permits. I'm sure you've notice the help wanted ads on nearly every business you pass by. That is directly due to wealthy non-locals buying all property available and then short term renting on social media. Most townships are trying to fix this obvious problem by limiting short term rentals in their jurisdiction, but of course they don't have any money to enforce it. Meanwhile, our children (and anyone willing or only qualified to work for less than about $100k a year) cannot afford to live here.
Something needs to happen and I'm sure the market will fix it eventually. Unless we all want to pay $40 for an ice cream cone, or drive downstate to get our teeth cleaned. Peace.
It's fun watching you kids grow up… okay.. I'm not that much older, but whatever.
The evolution of your thought processes and goals is all too familiar. Cheers.
Was that drone view of your actual house in progress? Anyway, I've always wanted to do this but never got around to it. But here's one of my ideas: I would want the sun to rise on the kitchen and breakfast area, and bedrooms(s) if possible, and to set on the living room. Am I being Captain Obvious?
It's all totally doable, imo. I've been a carpenter forever (68 now) and working at it for at least half of forever cuz I'm cosmopolitan and do other things too. I've done a fair amount of itinerant carpentry jobs living in my trailer and building things for people, but MI is just a bit too far. If I were able to I'd help out just for the fun of it. Building is fun.
Top of the hill ashram, with round stain glass windows, interesting woodworking inside, a deck, lots of pillows and futons. Woodsy and organic. You get the idea. Campfire space. Compost toilet and propane on-demand outdoor hot water shower, stove, and you have another rental.
Perfect opportunity for a geoloop system(s)! ‘Nailing Soulianis’ lol love the vision
I’ll be watching 

Nice vlog. So you now have an opportunity with all your plans to document your journey and your you tube will grow dramatically and will pay you accordingly but the sting is your vlogs have to be regular and not 2 years behind need to be closer to real time, don't blow the opportunity…!!! *( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° )*
There's just one thing missing on the property – a water feature. You need a pond for wildlife, more irrigation options, etc. Maybe there's a stream or creek nearby however you'll want your own in the future. All the best!

Do find a design professional who shares your passions and can point out clients who are in various stages of building their dreams. Follow a step by step method buiding towards the eventual realization of what