„King Charles Drinks Wine with Royal Yachtsman in Scotland” Regele Charles participă la un tur și o recepție pe iahtul regal Britannia, în timp ce „Săptămâna regală” din Scoția continuă. Regele este bine dispus în timp ce toastează „Vechiul Yachtys”. Reportaj de Marek Czubala. #royalfamily #kingcharles #yacht #militar
Un rege Charles plin de spirit bea vin cu Royal Yachtsman

41 thoughts on “Un rege Charles plin de spirit bea vin cu Royal Yachtsman”
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The King maybe known better than the rest of the guests in this event about the RY Britannia
Long live The King !
Rule Britannia, Britannia rule waves. But we haven't had a royal yacht since 1997. In 2021 Boris Johnson administration announced plans for a new 'ship of state', but there is no any progress so far. Come on, we should have a royal yacth again. It's part ouf our national pride, tradition and identity.
Fond memories must have come flooding back to him.
All the furniture from the ship is now at Frogmore house if he wants to reminisce.
That was where he was supposed to spend his honeymoon with Princess Diana, but instead made sure Camilla was always with him only a phone call away! I hope that tour reminded him of what he did!
King and Royal Yacht reunites ,God Save The King

Having known them all since the 1980's, I can definitely see that King Charles is his mothers son. Yes he has his fathers general physicality and manner, but his softened edges and reflective personality are mirror images of our late Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Liz as you American's had come to call her, which I could tell she was fairly pleased with
King Charlie will no doubt have the same humour about his nickname. Good to see his majesty bedding into the role, I don't think anybody really put much thought to it = having a King instead of a Queen.
It seems to be going rather well
Which is pleasant.
It's great to see King Charles relax and enjoy himself.
Thank God my ancestors made Red Coats even more red 247 years ago, July 4, 1776.
ان شاءالله اداره سپه سالار اعظم محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مسجد نبوى صلى الله عليه وسلم ميں بیٹھ کر اس چیزکو کنٹرول کرتا ھے الله کے دشمن برطانیه كا نام پاکستان اور اس پاکستان کو قیامت تک لیکر جاے گا ان شاءالله الله کے دشمن برطانيه کے شہر لندن کا نام رکھتا ھے محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه کےسسر ان کی امت مسلمه میں سے سب سے افضل آدمی خلیفه اول سردار ابو بکر صدیق رضی الله عنه بستی فضائل سردار ابوبکر صدیق رضی الله عنه عائشه رضی الله عنها کے والد محترم عائشه رضى الله عنها بيوی محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عائشه رضى الله عنها سے محمد رسول الله سب سے زیادہ محبت کرتے تھے الله نے قرآن میں عائشه رضى الله عنها کی شان میں دس آیات نازل کی ھیں محمد رسول الله صلی الله عليه وسلم عورتوں میں سب سے زیادہ محبت عائشه رضى الله عنها سے سارے مسلمانوں کی ماں سے اور مردوں میں ان کے والد سردار ابوبکر صدیق رضی الله عنه سے کرتے تھے صحیح بخاری مسلمانوں میں سب سے افضل آدمی خلیفه اول سردار ابوبکر صدیق رضی الله عنه بستی کو بیس کیمپ بنا کر برطانیه کے ھر عسکری مرد عورت ھر جادوگر مرد عورت کا قتل عام شروع کرتا ھے اور ھر اس چیز کو تباہ و برباد کرنا شروع کرتا ھے جو برطانیه كو پاکستان بننے میں روکاوٹ بنتی ھے ان شاءالله لا اله الا الله
What a fabulous man King Charles is!
Bittersweet. Kudos to those who keep her running.
I toured Britannia, its beautiful. I bet he is happy to be on it again, he would have such wonderful childhood memories of Britannia. Is it true that the Royals will have another ship to be able to sail in? I hope for their sake it is a sustainable one… But I would love to see a new Royal Yacht.
The Britannia looks nice!
Three happy and lovely cheers to the King and the entire ROYAL yatchmen.

King Charles has one of yhe biggest carbon foootprints in the world, yet he and all the other globalists want you to " Own nothing and be happy " and be rrstricted to rationing and 15 minute open air prison zones all to " reduce your carbon footprint " .
Nicht die
ist das Problem sondern Scheichs und Pharaonen
Und wiederliche Priester
Do these old farts need a pat on the back from daddy?
King Charles is so human and human compared to old Lizzy. She was so vain.
It was the saddest of days when our dear Queen had to say farewell to her ship.
Notification all members of the royal family are hereby suspended from Royal duties to the crown
Declaration of of appointment and and powers of appointment decorated and declared and bestowed upon me by Queen Elizabeth in 1995 here by being exercised and I am using them in full
To protect the kingdom and the crown image and what it stands for from within
Both princess Harry and Henry their partners
Are to be charged
King Charles III and Camila
Relieved of their duty
crowned for inheriting stolen looted jewels wealth from colonized countries who were mass murdered by british
Gympie King Charles remind me of you I wouldn’t be fun to go on a boat cruise some time together
Great to see him enjoying himself.
Very good charles

Where are the Yachtswomen??
How lovely god save the King.
Meghan Markle AND HARRY please Don't hurt Prince Louis 好可愛’但大個仔‘不要頑皮要孝順父母‘要学姐姐和哥哥做好本份’不要受別人影響‘祝三個小朋友快高長大’每天要開心‘英女皇嫲嫲在天上保佑妳們一家
Lt. Col.Johnny was there!!!