Ce obțineți din navigație (Spațiu de recompensă) | Sailing Part #3 de ScreteMonge

Ce obțineți din navigație (Spațiu de recompensă) |  Sailing Part #3 de ScreteMonge

Old School RuneScape lucrează la o abilitate nou-nouță. Acest videoclip face parte dintr-o serie mai lungă care va acoperi dezvoltarea continuă a navigației. În următorul videoclip, ne vom scufunda în Integrare și Lore. Lucrăm îndeaproape cu comunitatea și salutăm feedback-ul tău la fiecare pas. Nu putem face asta fără tine! 1️⃣ BLOG! 👉 https://osrs.game/Sailing-Rewards 2️⃣ DISCORD! 👉 Noua abilitate Server Discord – https://osrs.game/Discord-Server-Invite PARTENERI Am colaborat cu ScreteMonge pentru a crea acest videoclip minunat. 📺 Videoclip creat de creatorul comunității, ScreteMonge. 🎨 Miniatură creată de artistul comunității și câștigătorul Golden Gnome 2021 Hooti Tooti. Asigurați-vă că le urmăriți canalele de mai jos: ⭐ https://twitter.com/ScreteMonge ⭐ https://twitter.com/Hooti_OSRS #oldschoolrunescape #NewSkill #OSRSNewSkill #OSRSMobile #Sailing #OldSchoolRS


34 thoughts on “Ce obțineți din navigație (Spațiu de recompensă) | Sailing Part #3 de ScreteMonge

  1. My only problem with the materials for sailing like lead, the new trees, and hemp etc is what will they do outside of sailing? I feel like there should some uses outside of the skill for these items, not just specifically for sailing.

  2. Willing to give this skill a shot after thinking it would be a complete joke, these videos are starting to make it look decent, still doesn't look as epic as Necromancy coming to Runescape though!

  3. Not a fan of soft locking points of interest. If you don't want to train a certain skill but still want to access new content, you're likely playing the wrong game

  4. Looks great so far! While not for the (hopeful) release of Sailing, I'd love to see how it affects the mainland game world. With sailing comes establishing new trade routes which some kingdoms fight over and get to take advantage of. For example it would be cool to see Fremenniks become wealthier and open up a new establishment or whatever after sailing a fair amount with them.

  5. This reminds me of the dwarf gold helmet quest when I saw rune cannonballs I was like “jagex win”….it’s about time let’s go!

  6. If a new skill gets passed, I will totally come back. Been a few years now, and I miss my Ironman. Was an awesome highschool "project." Been graduated for 4 years, and wanna play it a bit again. I remember being sad when Warding failed.

  7. Please make it where we can hijack other peoples ships and dds spec them off there boat in PvP worlds and in the wilderness part of the sea

  8. But how does it work? Its not really possible to viusalize this without knowing what I'm actually doing

  9. yesssssssssss new potions, food, woods types, crafting recipes, new jewelry, ammo; THIS IS WHAT A NEW SKILL SHOULD BE ; a lot of expansion


  10. not gunna lie…at first i hated this idea. sailing seemed like such a dull and not in depth skill. but after watching these videos, im pretty excited for it. kudos to the team (unless i go dry on something, then this shit sucks)

  11. No, hardlock everything. That's what made runescape runescape for me. Hearing about, seeing spoilers of and being interested, and actually play and grind the game to achieve these things for myself. Having it easily accesable will probably just mean that bots will take over and exploit it even more easily. Rendering that part of the game/ a part of sailing useless to the normal player

  12. I think it would be really cool to be able to ride with someone's ship, but I don't get why there would be the ability to sell a TP item for it. it's just gonna go on GE and remove the idea of interaction the video was talking about.

  13. I still gotta vote no on this, but I'll hold my final judgement of this for the beta – after I get to try it all out.

    If it fails, many of this will get into the game anyway.

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