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În spatele scenei: PRIVIRE EXCLUSIVĂ LA trecerea pe calea navigabilă Okeechobee cu comentariu bonus

24 thoughts on “În spatele scenei: PRIVIRE EXCLUSIVĂ LA trecerea pe calea navigabilă Okeechobee cu comentariu bonus”
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This was relaxing and this ‘second take’ was enjoyable. I like getting both sides of what was happening personally, as well. Thank you Soooo much.
I've done the ICW a lot and the okeechobee route once, westbound. My understanding is that any sailcraft without an auxiliary cannot navigate under any bridge. If you think about it, every bridge restricts the amount of boats that can cross, increasing the chance of collision. I've gone through under sail but always have the motor started and ready, Several times I have had the wind go dead or reverse itself right under the bridge. You'll be going sideways before you know it. Your electric motor is ideal. No delay starting up, it's always ready. Last, you CAN get in trouble in a lock if you're near enough to a gate. The water flow can get severe. Loving the series.
Hi guys, what ask you a strange question do you think your relationship between the two of use is made stronger since you’ve been on the boat together?
Well happy birthday to me! I was really hoping you all would drop a video. That was great, I enjoy listening to your commentary. Thank you and i can't wait for the next one nose.
Every yachting family I follow, and I follow several, all have depth gauge and/or sounder, do that you always know your waters depth. How could anyone run aground as often as you guys, I wonder? It looks like you both must work harder then others I watch, every time you venture out. Have either of you taken sailing lessons and standard safety lessons? If so, it couldn't do any harm to take refresher courses. I get frustrated watching such lame sailing techniques and decision making.
Not many sailors know about the Florida skunk ape lol. You guys sailed right past my house in fort Myers unfortunately I didn't know about your trip until way after you passed. If you're ever this way again give me a heads up and I can make restocking your boat a lot easier.
Thank you guys, this was really interesting! Thank you for sharing!
Fun video…
Yeah, you guys traveled in the springtime. As our southern waters don't freeze, we have merky water. The microorganisms don't die off each winter so they come out in force in springtime in our waters. It'll clear up by mid summer.. guessing you never grew up on well water or freshwater fished much. It's a southern thing…
Also, we, (my brother & I) would sneakout of the house (through the window), to go swim and reclaimed golf balls at the local course at night. Never minded the gators in those ponds. They like small things that fit in their mouth. Or, old rotten meat. They have strange eating habits! They never paid us no mind…
But don't step in mama's pen, that we knew would be a bad day!
I've never spent the night on the river. Many times in the Glades, but never on the river passage. Looks neat.
Would I ever do it again, oh you bet. But,, not during rainy season. Your trips timing was great. Out in Moore Haven, every afternoon rains were miserable
Then came the sunset bugs…
So Beau, "bad at pronunciations" ya looked at he back of your floating house!!!
Thanks for the ride.
Lovely inside to the back story. I would most definitely watch you both on the Amazing Race, you both would crush it.

Get a good cordless drill with a fitting on the manual windless
I made that exact trip with a friend of mine in a 36' Beneteau he had just purchased. He asked me to go because i lived on a boat for 2 years and sailed the Bahamas. Before we left I told him "you know sailing is hours and hours of pure boredome with moments of pure terror" We got through the locks in Moorehaven and were on the rim canal aroundthe lake and our motor quit. I had been watching the weather and a bad front was due to come through the next day. It hit us that night with gusts up to 80 mph. It knocked us down and we dragged anchor for 1/4 mi. When it stopped my buddy said "so let me guess. That was one of those moments of pure terror." Do you all do the Okeechobee Limbo to get under the fixed bridge outside of Indiantown?
Love you guys!!!
I did my first lock in the ICW, Grand Lock, single-handed…hanging on the bow and stern lines sitting in the mid point of my boat. It was scary, but I did it. I'm on my first big adventure up the East Coast to Maine and Nova Scotia, single-handed. I'll be 69 years old, and my sailing vessel is Blue Dancer, a Pacific Seacraft Crealock 34, cutter. Love watching your adventures. I have been following for a number of years.

Can’t wait for the videos of y’all doing the work to the mast!!!! I hope all goes exactly to plan but we all know how that goes most of the time
plz be safe out there we love y’all’s videos!!!!!
No Bo in bikini ?

Great video. Locks are fun…always interesting. Your escape pod is doing wonderfully. Love hugs to you both.
It is unfortunate but in the last two years, the waterways around here have become extremely packed with new boaters, and they don’t know or don’t care about boating, etiquette rules and regulations
Yes swam with the alligators. Grew up in Ormond Beach use to ski thru Tomoka Park with the gators. My experience, they were always more afraid of us than we were of them. Love ur videos. Ya'll be safe.
Love you guys but 1:45 long whew…I'll comment and like
We have a place on Treasure Island and the Red Tide was disgusting.
Hey yal. I am sailing down from Oklahoma on the Arkansas, Mississippi, Atchafalaya to GIWW. Then around Florida and up. Leaving August 5ish. Hope to meet up with you if your still in Florida when I get there? lol. Cheers and I love the explanatory videos! Oh, Did you guys shoot that wedding or just enjoy it?
The term is "dirty air".
Actually Beau wasn't far off with his definition of dirty wind. In racing your wind can be affected by another boat which will force you to tack away for clean air. When that happens you will say "we're in his dirty air, we need to tack." So in sailing terms Beau was right.