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Boat Life: Provocarea corpului și a contului bancar – Lazy Gecko Sailing & RV’ing

26 thoughts on “Boat Life: Provocarea corpului și a contului bancar – Lazy Gecko Sailing & RV’ing”
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I could buy the props if the beautiful model was included.. 😘
Would using anti- seize help when needed to remove props for whatever reason
😃👍👍👍❤ do it you're self if you want it done right. Nice props!
Awesome video guys!!!
👍 ❤ ✌️
If you guys are going through zincs on the props quickly, you may want to consider putting a zinc on the shaft also.
Those props have a lot of screws to get corrosion
7/6/23- So glad to see you back in the water!
❤️ that 😈 pose….🤣👌👌
Hi glad to hear you are all ready for another trip
Great video thank you for sharing 😊
Awesome video!! You guys are awesome and funny!
You definitely do it right. You have a beautiful boat and you keep it that way. Wishing you a safe sailing in good health. ⛵
You all killed it like always! That boat is beautiful 😍
Y'all keep cranking out great content – really love the maintenance side of things (I know you'd rather be underway). Kudos!
çok güzel olmuş👍
Greetings dear friends … from "PLaya Brava" Coast in Iquique city; North of Chile … We are waiting for you here!
You might put a back-flow preventer after that Y valve off the generator. You wouldn't want to flood your boat through a half cocked valve.
Awesome job Guys love your work
You should add zincs to your prop shafts before the struts. This will also stop the shaft from backing out and taking those beautiful props to the bottom of the sea.
Hi guys why dont you paint your props whith the international ( trilux 33 ) ?? you want feel sorry try it out….
That's a great idea running a line to the bilge and a tee bypass valve at the water pump on the generator. (I'd highly suggest running two lines and multiple shutoff valves, one to each bilge considering you are on a Cat!)
Using the gen set as a emergency bilge pump is a good idea but don't neglect to provide a way to filter that bilge water or you could end up trashing your generators cooling system with the debris from the bilge. Constant monitoring of the exhaust water at its thru hull is also required and can be easily overlooked in a tense situation situation.
Why are the props not mount counter rotating? I'm only familiar with power boats and all I've ever seen on twin engines are counter rotating props.
Do those props help with prop walk? Or is that not a thing on cats?
Really enjoy your informative content. What do you think of those external bow and stern thrusters?