Din 2020, strâmtoarea pe cale de dispariție Gibraltar Orcas „ataca” iahturile. Nimeni nu știe cu adevărat de ce, dar, confruntați cu cârmele avariate și cu marinarii speriați, Asociația de Croazieră și GTOA colaborează pentru a colecta date și a găsi modalități de a evita interacțiunile și, dacă aveți una, cum să atenuați cel mai bine daunele. Acest videoclip analizează unele dintre statisticile colectate și modul în care acest lucru a dus la unele dintre sfaturile oferite comunității de yachting. Music Not Without the Rest de Twin Musicom este licențiată în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/ Surse: Cruising Association Webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwi_O9m2394&ab_channel=CruisingAssociation https: //www.orcaiberica.org/ https://www.orcaiberica.org/en/recomendaciones https://www.theca.org.uk/orcas/reports https://www.theca.org.uk/orcas
Cum să vă păstrați iahtul în siguranță de „atacurile” Orca – Ce ne spun datele

34 thoughts on “Cum să vă păstrați iahtul în siguranță de „atacurile” Orca – Ce ne spun datele”
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Oh my God do your research. They are not biting the rudders. They rub against it. Please contact the GTAO and get your facts straight. Also, we own the ocean. It doesnt belong to orcas.
They don't look at yachts as toys, rather they use them to train their young ones how to hunt and kill whales. They are mainly interested in the rudder fins as they look relatively similar to a whale's fin. If the boat is moving, so will be the rudder and that is what the whales look for to carry out schooling of their young. I feel by bringing the boat to a complete stop, locking the wheel/rudder, turning the engine off should do the trick. To avoid being pushed towards rocks and beaches due to drifting, it is better to keep a safe distance from the shore/rocks while in transit. I believe once the orcas loose interest they will swim away.
As a dis-claimer, I have not tried it personally, but that is what I will do if the situation arises. You must make your own decision when you are there facing the orcas. Good luck and safe passage
What a useless word salad.
Orcas have killed people, ask SeaWorld. Sure I do not think it did it on purpose. Its just so big. If it attacked my boat I am sorry I would shoot it and all those who try to sink my boat.
Don’t orca’s hunt seals?
Another video that simply repeats what other videos have already read from news and sea sources.
I just watched Jaws,they knew how to take care of the problem
Simple solution. Jumper cables hooked to your battery, drop the other end in the water. It won't harm the orcas, they'll leave. Not at all hard to figure out.
There has to be a negative consequence to their behavior, or they will never stop! How about obnoxious electrical discharges under the boat? Or waterproof "seal bombs" which have been used in Alaska for years. The orcas have to WANT to avoid yachts, so give them a reason! Registering on a web site does nothing for those under attack. Like calling the police AFTER being mugged.
has anyone trailed a tuna-sized float? if the orca just wants to play, given them a toy
You meant to say…there are no witnesses to an Orca eating a human.
I will use my harpoon ( spear gun ) on one of them – if they come close. . If they are so intelligent they will learn fast that it hurts coming close to the boats. I will let study group know interaction outcome and reactions of the rest of the pod…..
Fin keel and spade rudder and dark hull look like a whale upside down in its position willing to mate i read somewhere , maybe use other colours on the hull underwater. Am not an expert though but sail full keel boat.
We need to go back to eating all of them and boiling the fat down for oil as the orcas and seals are overpopulated
A trailing b+ wire we'll keep them away little hard on the zinc thoe
What you have said is, nearly 70% of boats had damage, with 62.7% had extensive damage requiring immediate repairs! If people lose their property, die from drowning, but not get eaten by orkas, but by sharks later. But- but- but they are so cute, they are only playing. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?
We didn't invade the orca's environment.
We suppose to be good stewards of orca's environment.
Probably, somebody was annoying them and they are retaliating. Prove otherwise.
It is difficult to listen to these bleeding hearts. My idea would be a chemical that would repel them rapidly.
@00:57 The video has at least one statement that is not true. Killer Whales hae in fact attacked a human in the wild. I'm rather surprised at how many filks can not do a quick google search before putting a video like this together. California surfer Hans Kretschmer in 1972 was bit by a killer whale, this is arguably the only known case. I love killer whales but facts are facts. Same thing with wolves, idiots will have you believe they have never attacked or killed a human in the wild. While it is rare, it does happen.
You don't really have any news or new study, you're just repeating what's out there already 🙄 🤷 😒 you are NOT telling us anything new . How boring 😴
All this is completely inaccurate and just her opinion.
Here’s what I’ve learned. My family lives on my boat so sinking endangers my child. The boat is secondary. The orcas are approaching for their attacks from the surface. Making them vulnerable to rifle fire. Arrows maintain a lot of energy even in water so an arrow fired at a orca submerged beside your boat with a rudder in its mouth can be shot with arrows so to recap. When sailing in that area if approached by orcas you can defend your boat
Bugger off with you dogooder info , I'll do whatever I want to get rid of them ….!!!
Underwater high pitched sound equipment, or blow them up.
They are quick learners, so a few hunting arrows should do the trick
I'm with the orcas. They do eat mammals in the wild besides just fish.
Not mammal eating?
Orcas in other areas eat plenty of seals and sea lions, so these Orcas may well do it, given the opportunity.
If ONE human is hurt or killed by these known to be bloodthirsty beasts the Navies of the world need to unite and hunt every one of them down blowing them into extinction with every weapon of nautical warfare we have.
Distraction? Something else for the orca to play with? A selection of different size and colour inflatable beach balls thrown in the water?
Interesting information but would be easier to hear without the distracting and irritating music
I always thought the “wee factor” is a large part of these interactions. Grab a rudder & be taken for a ride. Also, these orca seem to play with yachts the same way arctic orcas play with small bergs: pushing them around, rubbing against the bottom, etc. in other words, juvenile delinquents.
Playing some tracks of peace loving sounds from Bob Dylan or Katy What's Her Name may help but, as the sotto voiced presenter likely knows, these whales are quick learners and associating a very loud sound and intense pain inflicted by lead travelling at 2,500 fps would be a more useful lesson. Concurrent red staining of the water would form another association.
Then garlands of peace flowers would be cast upon the waters.
Peace, brothers and sisters.
I have an acoustic solution. A large caliber rifle would be a very loud and effective deterrent.
@0:54 Absolutely false. They are flipping over migrant boats in the Med and eating the migrants.