Săptămâna „medie” a unui adolescent navigator

Săptămâna „medie” a unui adolescent navigator

toată lumea părea să se bucure de ziua vieții pe o barcă cu pânze și și-au dorit mai mult… iată o săptămână întreagă de ea 🙂 A fost o explozie să editez asta și mă simt atât de binecuvântată că pot experimenta această viață cu toată lumea prieteni de barcă! *luați în considerare să vă abonați pentru un videoclip nou în fiecare duminică* vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Dragoste, canalul lui Jadyn Ellie: https://youtube.com/@Ellie_joy My Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/97rsbcch89ftxvljyryq5cups?si=5vAtFRpPTW6uzns1-giMBg o parte din muzica de: https://linktr. ee/micah_otts?fbclid=PAAaYB8A1z6QeQE7qnuyFGAwy82kT1XppAMmUpAbIhaGvJduIo_ld5y_75d9s_aem_AcU3EegLl3V_o9g23WFvGihUDGihUD0jciWtg23WFvGihUDY0jciWtg23WFvGihUD0jciw4WFvGihUD0jciw4 SVYFcRg IG-ul meu: https://instagram.com/jadynmorse?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Canalul familiei mele www.youtube.com/everydaysaturday IG-ul familiei mele: https://instagram.com/_everydaysaturday?igshid= NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== #teensailing #ocean #spearfishing #sailing #teensailor #boatlife #sailboat #adventure #caribbean #catamaran #travel


42 thoughts on “Săptămâna „medie” a unui adolescent navigator

  1. can i just say your personality is on top!!! and you and your family are extremely good looking (dilf) – jk but you are living my dream life please keep making videos i love them!!!!!!!!!

  2. Your daddy who taught you to edit APPROVES this video. Except you took the basics and became a PRO all on your own. Slay girl. Slay.

    -Proud dad and lion fish slayer

  3. Another awesome video Jadyn! Good luck on your next adventure, hope you have fun vlogging that too. 💙

  4. Zero jewelry on when snorkeling/diving. Shining objects catch the attention of Barracuda. You don’t want to be the attention of Barracuda.

  5. “People are not going to like that” I enjoyed that very much. Don’t let what you think people will or will not like change the content you make! Great video!

  6. Jadyn

    Superb jump of your brother 🤙

    Diving 😎

    Lion fish

    Your dad mer man 💯

    The cake 👍

    The hiking ⚡️

    All your friends 🔝

    The outro with Max, telling him you didn’t press the rec button 🤣🤣🤣

    🎥🎞️, concept, continuity, story telling, editing, your work is top notch, superb work.

    Greetings from mexico 🇲🇽✋
    (At the moment in south padre island, texas) 🇺🇸🫡

  7. How do you plan your trips ? Like do you just plan it at the beginning of the year or random ? Also do you make new friends at diff places or same people ?

  8. YOU (and this video 😉) are incredible….love the JOY you bring to this world J!! Grateful we get to experience so many of these adventures out here on the water together ❤ Never stop shining your light, it's a gift & clearly people are digging it!! 😘🌟

  9. Love all your videos and editing 🌴🌞⛵️ curious on how the shark situation is when you guys are out there or if it even is a concern….?

  10. The word you were looking for is ( invasive ) LOL I like the way you just forgot about it, and went another Direction… you still got the point across .. LOL they are an invasive species…..

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