Bun venit la episodul de construcție a catamaranului din această săptămână! Astăzi avem ceva cu totul diferit pentru tine – o comparație între carena #1 (Supernatural) și corpul #2 (Ruby Rose 2). Există destul de multe diferențe între cele două bărci, unele alegeri estetice, unele specificații și câteva pur și simplu modificări ale construcției decise de producător. Acordați-vă curea pentru această perioadă în două părți, în timp ce Nick și Mike Rees ne duc într-o scufundare adâncă, începând cu carena nr. 1. Multumesc pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să lăsați un comentariu ⛵️ Pentru a ne susține munca ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/sailingrubyrose 00:00 Intro 00:27 Nav station 02:25 Bucătărie 04:52 Televiziune și cabină principală 08:54 Cameră principală de duș 09 :53 Coca tribord 12:51 Posturi de cabină și cârmă 16:43 Abonați-vă și comentați! Videoclipurile noastre sunt gratuite pentru toți să le vizioneze și vor fi întotdeauna. Cu toate acestea, avem o comunitate uimitoare de Patroni care, pentru costul unei cești de cafea pe lună, primesc tot felul de beneficii și avantaje. Acest sprijin ne permite să continuăm să vă aducem poveștile noastre, așa că mulțumiri URIAȘE pentru minunații noștri Patroni 😊 Faceți clic pe linkul de mai sus pentru a afla mai multe. Dacă Patreon nu este treaba ta, există o mulțime de alte moduri de a-ți arăta sprijinul (și nu te va costa nici măcar un ban): http://yachtrubyrose.com/say-thanks/ SOCIAL MEDIA Ne actualizăm Instagram aproape zilnic. Aceasta prezintă imagini cu noi, cu barca și cu împrejurimile noastre. Poveștile noastre de pe Instagram vă oferă o privire în „din culise” și vă reamintesc când apar noile noastre episoade, plus orice altceva ne-ar plăcea să documentăm! Link-ul este aici: http://www.instagram.com/sailingrubyrose Vrei să vezi blogul nostru? Toate intrările pe care le-am scris și toate călătoriile noastre înainte de a începe canalul nostru de Youtube? Ei bine, atunci aici trebuie să cauți. De asemenea, vă puteți abona la newsletter-ul nostru! http://www.yachtrubyrose.com Vă interesează pagina noastră de Facebook? Din nou, postăm aproape zilnic cu poze, videoclipuri mici și povești din viața noastră de zi cu zi. Urmăriți-ne aici: http://www.facebook.com/sailingrubyrose Vrei să citești Tweeturile noastre? Imagini, videoclipuri și gândurile noastre, aproape zilnic? Ei bine, căutați aici: http://www.twitter.com/yachtrubyrose MUZICA Toate melodiile prezentate în acest episod sunt creditate la sfârșitul videoclipului, în ordinea în care apar. Obținem toată muzica noastră de la Epidemic Sound și Artlist. ⛵ – Despre noi: http://yachtrubyrose.com/our-story/ ⛵ – Contactați-ne: http://yachtrubyrose.com/contact-us/ Bună ziua! Suntem Nick și Terysa și am devenit complet obsedați de ideea de a naviga în jurul lumii și de a împărtăși experiențele și informațiile noastre prin videoclipurile noastre despre stilul de viață cu navigație. Ne-am întâlnit călătorind prin India și am fost de acord rapid că, în loc să ne „instalăm” și să facem ceea ce fac majoritatea oamenilor normali, am vrut să călătorim și să ne aventurăm și am început poveștile noastre de aventură în stilul de viață cu navigație, de atunci, am muncit din greu pentru a realiza visele noastre, iar acum le trăim în sfârșit ca stil de viață de croazieră cu vele! Vrei să știi ceva despre stilul nostru de viață de navigație sau despre poveștile de aventură cu navigație? Trimiteți-ne un e-mail prin intermediul paginii de contact http://yachtrubyrose.com/contact-us/ Sperăm că vă place ceea ce facem. Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să dați like și să distribuiți. Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să lăsați un comentariu și să dați mie în sus.
BĂTILIA CATAMARANILOR: diferențe majore între RUBY ROSE 2 și Hull #1 (PARTEA 1)

46 thoughts on “BĂTILIA CATAMARANILOR: diferențe majore între RUBY ROSE 2 și Hull #1 (PARTEA 1)”
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She's beautiful and I can't wait to see RR2. Looking forward to hearing your and Ms. T's thought processes on your changes. So close to done! YaY!!!
Magnificent Brother!
OMG!!!! WHY is it a 110v boat???? Other than US and China, the WOrld is 220!!!! You won't be able to buy appliances, all plugs at marinas will be wrong!!! A huge headache in the making.
Interesting Choices, centered on inshore sailing on weekends. Perhaps this is more of a high end charter boat than a personal yacht??
Just wish I was younger, and financially able. And number 3😂
One thing I would change is the deeper drawer under the nav station desk and make it flush with the shallow ones. I have a desk at home like that and I banged my legs so many times in that bloody sharp corner bellow that I can feel the pain only looking at the video. Other than that, everything looks real nice.
Nick, You'll be lucky if Tyresa doesn't open a draw and sweep you into it after that comment at 10.10 🤭. Great video and I think it shows just how far SeaWind will go to accommodate their customers!! Stay Safe & Fair Winds!!
Boat look fantastic! I’m not sure I’m onboard with no manual backup for the line drivers on the traveler. When (not if) it fails it’s of course going to be at the worst possible time. Other than that, going to be a lot of fun to sail.
Tim Mumby was a guest on Sailing Jupiter yesterday. Interestingly, they joked about a spice rack. Pun intended for the true sailors. Mumby focuses on the important components of a sailing vessels design with regards to sailing. Different strokes for different folks. 🤷♂️
While I know I will be brutalized for bringing this up but traveling the world with a lovely wife with zero protection sounds iffy. I know the penalty for getting caught with a firearm is drastic but wondered if they could have build in a hidden compartment, maybe in the back of the engine compartment to hide the smell from dogs.
They cram the boat full of heaps of storage at the expense of livable space throughout. I myself do not want that much crap on board so I would want to reduce the storage so a guy could walk around not having to turn sideways to have to walk through every passage way, especially the mid ship… The sale rep guy is not even a big man and he is tight in there <– No thanks to that cramped area; get rid of some of those storage areas and open the area up.
Love your video. In the kitchen/galley, where was the Fridge? Is there ice maker in the fridge? The under seat ice maker was an option.
I first saw that three gas strut on the front windows in a previous video and I immediately thought, damn that would irk me big time haha. but I didn't comment on it, then you asked about it and I could see you were not happy but I can understand why they need it. Does the middle strut at least fold out of the way when the window is closed?
Nick with you doing a awesome job Selling these two Awesome Catamarans for them This Manufacturing plant should help you in Buying a Carbon Fiber mast and add the Wood tone Finish it looks Sweet. Be nice to see the Difference Waterlines.
I don't think I would opt for an oven, I never use mine these days, I only use the ninja combi grill/oven/air fryer. but that would take up counter space. I'd have to add a shelf or something for it.
Looks beautiful 😎
Can’t believe some of the design/aesthetic oversights from an experienced boat builder.
Looks great Nick. Great work! I'm surprised there is no provision for a spice rack near the BBQ where is should be!?! Perhaps in the cupboard below, Please.
Oh, for a messy first mate!
I do hope you survive…
@Ruby Rose
I have missed it but did you ever share why you opted not to build an aluminum vessel? If so, please advise. I am always interested in your input and decisions.
WHY a BBQ next to and under a large fiberglass structure. Thats a lot of heat and smoke next to the paint and fiber??!!??
Well, here I was hoping these infomercials were over, alas not, he keeps selling out.
I never hear anyone mention that CZone will greatly reduce the number of wiring connections (more reliable) and also save weight with much reduced wiring. Any idea how much?
Me thinks Teresa is going to make you pay for throwing her under the bus! I like hull one and can’t wait to see RR2!
8:33, i think the black window makes the interior look bad
Mike is correct about LiPo batteries (I'm using LiPo as a general term for lithium batteries) fires being more common on things like battery powered bikes (People have been known to have accidents on their bikes, which could cause unseen damage to batteries or wiring that could cause a fire.), your ubiquitous drone batteries, camera batteries, etc. ESPECIALLY 3rd party batteries, even from usually reputable companies. (I've had it happen more than once.) As these batteries age it's important to keep an eye on them, or play it safe and replace them on a schedule. There are special bags/containers meant to store LiPo batteries to contain any fires. They would make a good investment on your boat. Available on Amazon, etc. They are promoted a lot on channels for RC (radio controlled) equipment. Also it's a good idea for everyone to recognize the signs of a battery going bad.
Mike always makes for a great presentation on your channel.
I've bought a few small USB powered fans that are great for moving around to where you need them. They come various sizes but I like the smaller 5"-6" fans and place them near me. Mine also have retractable cords and small stands. Wonderful in hot weather when you're not near AC or a bigger fan.
Thanks for showing the completed Hull 1 Looking forward to the completion of RR2.
Hi guys I'm still figuring out what brand of boat to get my biggest concern with the 1370 is it looks like you can not see out the front and side windows when seated at the interior table would be great to see you sitting down cheers
So, the lithium batteries that caught fire were not the marine lithium-iron-phosphate batteries mounted in the boat, but external gadget batteries? The chemistry here is a huge issue, and to my knowledge, LiFePo4 batteries are nearly as safe as absorbent glass mat (AGM) batteries.
Fully Over some one else's Boat Vlog. Still you have not addressed the Fire Needs on any of the Vlogs you have done and seeing Battery fires on Electric Cars and Electric Bikes is more a issue that has come to be noticed By the Powers of the Insurance World with new Rules to be Made to Hulls before they can get Insurance on there Boats. ?????????????? just saying lol.
Just more questions about the clear vinyl/ solar screen enclosure for the aft deck. Nick still going to sew it up?
I'm trying to picture the keder rail path, where foredeck access panels will go, roll up window smiles, what color canvas triming… Just more questions. LOL
Thanks for sharing.
Is this thing ever gonna be done?
Now I am interested in seeing Hull #5 to get a look at the expanded entertainment package
Supernatural is going to be a great boat, and I'm sure the owners are going to be very happy with it. But, as you've repeatedly stated, RR2 is going to be a world travelling yacht, go anywhere, do anything, home for you and Terysa. So, I'm interested in seeing what is different on RR2 to meet that requirement of a full time floating home.
I was in to the Build But I can’t Go Threw another One it’s Too Much !!
Thoughts the flooring in the cockpit… whilst flexiteek (and some other brands) delay fire.. these soft Floors ( at least those we tested) burned like crazy .. something to consider.
Loved your question… is there a manual override? … that’s why you don’t have it I presume. Is an override even possible for that? Unless you hook up a second system…or can disengage the motor..
Other thoughts? The boat looks okay, I think it’s too small and those beds way too high..
Storage is being sold as “soo much” but personally I think it’s just normal, which is great for a holiday.. like you we live on board and that adds up. Also in weight.
Whilst you may have volume you don’t want to overload.. in that perspective ..you will have space in the wrong places.. and lack it where you want it.. this all comes from thinking the boat is large, but that only applies to close quarters, budgets and costs.. on the ocean all boats are small, this being no exception. Having said that it looks mostly well made and I am sure you will have many great journeys on RR2.
Love it, thanks, the 1370 is a "dream boat"
And who's idea was the bum gun ehh? 😂 SeaYa 🎉
But u need the vinegar wash to stop the calcification of the pipes, salt water makes it stink. The loo..
Not a sailor, but how the hell do you see anything forward of bow, from the wheelhouse?
What I took from this video is lucky you are a Dentist and have access to Laughing Gas otherwise you would be on rations for quite a while with all those Terysa references .😂😂
The door to saloon sucks and what’s worse is navigating at the helm while asking everyone to stay seated so I can see. Terrible helm design 🤦🏼♂️🤷♂️