DiCaprio a fost surprins că postează pe Twitter despre schimbările climatice de la elicopterul privat al iahturilor de lux

DiCaprio a fost surprins că postează pe Twitter despre schimbările climatice de la elicopterul privat al iahturilor de lux

Actorul și presupusul activist pentru schimbările climatice, Leonardo DiCaprio, a fost surprins în flagrant pe Twitter despre mediu din confortul elicopterului privat al unui iaht de lux. ABONAȚI-VĂ LA PODCAST https://link.chtbl.com/hDPO8U2P Înscrieți-vă pentru buletinul informativ Benny: https://www.bennyjohnson.com/newsletter Urmărește-l pe Benny pe toate canalele sale: https://www.bennyjohnson.com /sociale


47 thoughts on “DiCaprio a fost surprins că postează pe Twitter despre schimbările climatice de la elicopterul privat al iahturilor de lux

  1. If they're concerned with air pollution and climate change and cow farts what about the trillions of people on earth that fart several times a day?😂

  2. Speaking of the environment again. There is a song on the 1969 Hair soundtrack that you'll probably find amusing. It's called the air look it up and listen to it.😂

  3. No matter how much good the United States does, if the rest of the world doesn't do their share then what good will our cutting out everything in our lives do?

  4. To bad co2 cannot build up in the atmosphere the more co2 the more plants absorb the faster plants grow and the more oxygen they produce they even convert monoxide into dioxide. Water vapor is more of a green house gas then co2. I never hear anyone mention how our magnetic field has decreased by 10% just from the 1800s. Or how governments around the world have detonated over 2025 nuclear weapons in the past 80 years. Or how every single time we send a rocket into space it rips a hole through the atmosphere. No it's always the average persons fault and we need bigger government with more power over our every day life. Its clearly not a threat to humanity the only threat is big tyrannical governments using fear as a means of control like every single tyrant has done throughout history. Big government is the root of all problems.

  5. Sadly, many can’t even drive their old beat up car to home & work because of the gas price. How much do they care about cutting back the fuel?

  6. The climate has always changed thousands of years ago there were ferns everywhere and it was steaming hot this climate bulshit it's just the way the government is going to get you under control I say f uck them right up there bunghole

  7. Well.. and not to mention. They bought all their mansions off the backs of We The American Peoples tax money. Thats right, they're crooks AND frauds.

  8. Leo is a mal-adjusted, childhood truama suffering, Self Important pos. ( yes We have actual experience to say this)

  9. If they are put in your face. They are either pedophiles, victims of pedophilia or both. None of these people are famous coincidentally

  10. As far as clomaye goes it's only reliable nack to about 1975. Before that it was four seasons and like it or not. Now the sky is falling everyday. In fact the late 70's the the Ice Age was coming aftter some brutal winters.

  11. People plant trees, bushes, stop doing the stupid zeroscape and the water issues will work themselves out and carbon will reduce as well. Instead we cut down all forests and do no yards as eesult higher carbon and less water. Look at sahara desert once was vegitated it was cut all down and it turned into a dessert. They are slowly revegitating it and the plants cause its own micro climate in which it begins to get more rainfall.

  12. He had his initiation years ago and Harvey's buddies wanted a piece of his butt and he gave it up and liked it too much. All for fame and relationships with nut jobs making him one himself. He's the devil's spawn. Always has a beautiful woman on his arm to make him look straight. Same with Brad's Pitt.

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