În acest videoclip, mă aflu pe Norfolk Broads din East Anglia navigând Lullaby, un crucișător din lemn de epocă din anii 1930 cu prietenul meu Bob. Avem două zile pentru a explora o parte a râului Thurne și în Horsey Mere sub vele, petrecând noaptea la ancora pe apă în timp ce păsările strigă și ceața se rostogolește. Am închiriat această barcă magnifică de la Hunters Yard din Ludham. A fost construit de familia Hunter în 1932 și este disponibil pentru închiriere. Acesta găzduiește patru persoane în două cabine separate sub acoperișul cabinei pop-top și are o bucătărie de bază completă cu vesela de epocă și o toaletă la bord. Să călătorești pe Broads cu vele este o încântare – fără motor diesel zgomotos, doar sunetul vântului, stufurile foșnind și păsările cântând în timp ce treci în tăcere. Când vântul scade sau un pod te face să cobori catargul, atunci iese cantitatea pe care o poți folosi pentru a împinge barca. Vânătorii au în flotă bărci care sunt echipate cu motoare electrice, așa că dacă preferați să nu fiți nevoit să cuantificați barca, există această opțiune (deși nu la fel de distractivă!) Mulțumesc Bob, am avut câteva zile fantastice – un mod cu adevărat minunat de a experimenta căile navigabile sub instruirea pacientului și o companie grozavă! Sper să vă placă videoclipul. Multumesc pentru vizionare. Link-uri Hunters Yard Vintage Fleet, Ludham. https://www.huntersyard.co.uk Site-ul lui Bob pentru cărți broșate https://www.timbuktu-publishing.co.uk Sau Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bob-Goddard/e/B005NAJTWW Simon, un tip în pădure Mărfuri https://simon-a-bloke-in-the-woods.teemill.com/collection/t-shirts/ Contactați-mă la: simonablokeinthewoods@gmail.com Sau prin e-mail la: Simon, un tip în pădure PO Box 384 Diss Norfolk IP22 9DB Marea Britanie Facebook – Simon, un tip în pădure https://www.facebook.com/Simon-a-bloke-in-the-woods-636523033219227/?ref=br_rs Instagram – simon_a_bloke_in_the_woods https://www.instagram.com/simon_a_bloke_in_the_woods/?hl=en Music As I Said – Birelli Snow Free Hands – Isobelle Walton Still Me – Harper-Rose Peterson
Excursie de două zile cu navigație pe un crucișător din lemn de epocă din anii 1930. Cazare la Anchor. Norfolk Broads.

37 thoughts on “Excursie de două zile cu navigație pe un crucișător din lemn de epocă din anii 1930. Cazare la Anchor. Norfolk Broads.”
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I wish that you’d inserted the adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia for the shots of the boat course if through the broad. Love that piece
Thank you, there is something very calming about your videos, thank you again x You are a decent chap, sadly a rare thing nowadays
What a beautiful craft. so graceful. Another great film. Thanks
Simon, i will not sound pathetic, but your videos are a huge part of my soul sanitation these days. You cant imagine how i appreciate your work and love to watch your stuff. Music, your personality, your camaraangels, all is well matching together, like a symphony orchestra. I would have turned the earth from north to south, to be with you on that boat! Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Quanting is a an art that is dying out. Great to see it celebrated. Even some Hunter boats have electric help. I fear most yacht skippers are trained to sail with engines! I believe it is because most yacht sailing is from marinas and it’s almost impossible to get out and in to a marina without an engine. So we need more paddlers and dingy sailors on the Broads showing those with engines how the sport of Broads sailing is really done. That is when there’s no wind, get out the Quant .
Fantastic Simon, is the main main counter balanced for lowering and lifting?
How far do you have to go for water for actual sailing? Or in that area, is that it? What is the draft of that boat?… interesting design.
Super nice
My friend Simon,I've never been much of one to express my feelings. But I wanted to tell you (and Andy) how much you and your videos, mean to me. I'm old and tired and kinda beat all to hell(retired firefighter) .I know I'm getting near the end. Cancer,heart attack ,stroke, copd and
emphysema.(too much smoke).Somedays,when I don't feel I can go on and I decide to watch a few videos, I go on YouTube and a new video from you ( and Andy) pops up and I realize I'm smiling. I always feel that I am right there with you. You take me places I've never been before. I get to see the beauty of your home and listen to you describe what I see and I get to hear your laugh. It takes me away from my life for awhile. Thank you and God bless you and your family. I hope that when God calls me home, my last thought is walking with you and Andy somewhere on one of your adventures. Thank you my friend.
Lovely video but it made me very nostalgic – my dad and I used to have a traditional 1960 ex Herbert Woods yacht on The Broads. Sadly he got ill (and later passed away)and we had to sell it – but I really miss it and the happy days spent up there, drinking Woodforde's Wherry and complaining about idiots in motor cruisers!
An absolutely wonderful trip! That boat is a dream! Not really a fan of sailing due to childhood trauma of witnessing a large catamaran as it capsized coupled with

But this….this I could get behind and enjoy very much! Bob seems like a a wonderful companion and great captain. I can assure you, that if I was in charge of the quant, I would promptly launch myself overboard, because not only do I have strange little quirky phobias but I am also clumsy as all get out! But this was an extremely enjoyable trip to watch and I appreciate your efforts to bring it to us, Simon along with Captain Bob! Take care and be safe out there! Until the next adventure! 

Submechanophobia – I know, it's complicated and ridiculous! .
There was me thinking you were going for a bit of luxury but you certainly had to work for it. Lol
Another great video Simon thanks to you both for sharing your sailing experience, did you like hard work at times.
Dave B Thailand.
curry, yuk
Idyllic! the beautiful old boat; your camera work; editing and choice of music. I don't think you have made a better video, this was truly outstanding.
Even the food was making me hungry. I'm surprised your wife didn't want to come with you on such a peaceful trip, once you told her she didn't have to paddle.
The boat seems in great condition for having been built in the thirties.
Thanks for uploading, it was a truly beautiful adventure.
Best wishes.
What a wonderful video. It was so interesting to see the beautiful boat and "meet" Bob. It must have been so peaceful without the noise of an engine blasting.
That was exceptional Simon. Very relaxing. Your camera work was spot on. This was a great mini adventure and something different. Cheers!
Thanks Simon, Thanks Bob… beautiful.
Very nice sailing on the river . The scenery was lovely , thank you for Bob and Simon .
Wonderful. I live in Canada and found a teacup in a thrift shop with illustrations of the Norfolk broads, it was a throwback to my British roots. My mom, who passed this last month , was the daughter and sister to avid sailors and emigrated here from the UK in her teens. This video reminds me of her and my roots. Thank you Simon.
Fans of Arthur Ransome's stories might be interested to know that the 1980's film 'Swallows & Amazons Forever! – The Coot Club' featured this same boat. Teasel in the film was in fact Lullaby!
Hi Simon. Another wonderful video! I love the idea of wind powered water travel. So peaceful. One day. Hey how about a new series? “Simon: A bloke in the workshop building a traditional wooden sailing boat” ??? I’d definitely watch!
I'm going to give you a 10 out of 10 for your tackling skills.
Buy a military ration pack for £9 three meals and brew kit etc. I also use these meals as the mrs doesn't like the egg in the all day breakfast. These are ideal rather than taking tins as once used the waste is minimal compared to cans.
Fry the paneer with the spices! It gives a nice, spicy outside.
Looked a lovely trip
Good on ya Bob the Boater!!
I grew up on a 44 foot Gaff Rig Ketch, I know sailing, lived and breathed it for a large portion of my life. What stood out to me was "Mud weight". Watching you lower what looked like a rounded anchor, made me wonder what it was. I've literally never seen one of those and its hard to catch me off guard. Though most will over look that, that stood out for me. Great editing as always, really enjoyed this episode!
Can't beat a nice Abbott Ale!
Simon, a bloke in the wood…What about "Simon, the chef on the boat?"
Another great video, but slow and calm. Normally you have a time scale to get somewhere. Thanks for doing that one. I love Norfolk.
Well done Simon. You sure put your back into this one to make sure us viewers had a pleasant peaceful trip with you. Always great content . Still? Would have enjoyed a comedy moment if you had walked off the stern with pole in hand . Ahh well !!!
That is some of the most beautiful stuff I've seen, Simon. Thank you SO much!
Ooh Noo ! Yet another activity Simon has persuaded me to put on the bucket-list ! However, the seed was already sown when I had to lean my canoe's lugsail away from the boom of one of these magnificent boats sailing in the opposite direction last year. Those channels can seem awfully narrow at times like that. Some of the reeds lining the edges have hard centres too. Look out !!
Love those old boats Simon, you had a great trip
Please never stop making videos Simon. Wow. Love everything about this.
This is a wonderful adventure! I love boats having been raised in Minnesota. Minnesota's motto is The Land Of 10,000 Lakes. Not true, by the way. 11,483 lakes. Not that I've counted them myself. I haven't been fishing yet this year, not even ice fishing!
. Love
Bob looks like an amiable man, and he let you do the cooking! Smart guy. The curry looked fabulous!
Thank you for reminding me how restorative it is to be on the water.
I'll dream of canoeing tonight and awaken refreshed in the
A beautiful boat. Your smile suggests that sailing may now be added to your long list? Very relaxing to see.