Am cumpărat o barcă cu vele Jeanneau 37ft din 2001 pentru a naviga în jurul insulelor grecești pentru vară. Încă nu am echipaj nou, așa că deocamdată navighez singur, „cu o mână” în insulele ionice din vestul Greciei. Încă am putut să zbor spinnakerul din vele de precizie pe această velă! Consultați FMC Globalsat Vedeți Precision Sails doodles Acest canal este finanțat de spectatori ca tine. Vă rugăm să ne ajutați să menținem acest canal să creeze conținut grozav devenind un patron. Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: Donați prin Paypal pentru a ajuta
Navigă singur pe Mediterana

40 thoughts on “Navigă singur pe Mediterana”
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we are newer sailers from annapolis and have learned so much from your channel the past 2 years. Any recommendations on where to replace/upgrade mattresses for a 38' sailboat?
I’m behind on the videos. anyone know when Bobby is getting his new hybrid cat?
Robert keep videoing the small things in life. Definitely interesting. The girls are nice sideshow but sailing singlehanded through the Med Wow once in a lifetime experience
Continue filming! You solo sailing is very interesting!
The new sail looks good! Very dynamic!
Awesome video. I really enjoy listening/watching you discuss sailing!
Disagree Bobby, the starlink is functional, and you did a very decent job mounting it for a temporary mount. Cheers! I would love to be there learning and helping… one day.
Hang in there Bobby. A lot of us have been through. With time you will feel stronger. Follow your passion and things will fall into place.
Great video sans the ladies and gents. Bobby it's good to get into the details of sailing. Enjoyed the education and visuals.
Bobby, I’ve watched you and your adventures since the beginning alone with Goose & Maverick, then smartly adding Megan. I know people view it differently, but I know how much time and effort goes into your trips, crew selection, and the editing; God the editing. Much respect, thank you, and please carry on.
I’m in the same situation with my sweetheart, but for her health reasons. And no comparison to yours because I’m traveling full-time in a motorhome here in the states.
one of the best videos this year yet, no boobs, tits, ass, just sailing stuff
stunning monohull, love love this boat
your wrong, I would totally do patron if was just you doing sailing stuff, but not paying for soft porn
The feeling of ultimate freedom is hard to describe. But the first time I got that feeling was my first solo flight at 17. Every time I solo sail my boat its the same feeling every time.
I sensed Bobby gets that vibe taking off solo also👍. Its a difficult feeling to put into words.
Bobby we just did 2 weeks in Italy land based trip. Have chartered Croatia back in 2006 just two of us. This last trip has me eyeing boat ideas in the med.
From the comments the feeling is generally good for sailing content without distractions. Crew matter but ever now and then itsgood to see you sail solo. Great video Bobby. Thanks for doing this.
Chin up Bobby… keep up the good work. You have a dream job & I'd love to do it
How does registering works if you bought it in Greece? Did you flag it with another country or were you able to US flag it without having to take the boat to US waters?
So it was you Bobby indeed at the sailing club in Aegina! I thought you looked familiar but was hard to understand seeing you alone without the usual entourage. Sorry for not saying hi in person!
Don't get oneitis. There's always another woman.
Nice humbling video of boat life. It’s not all about one big party.. nice to see the workings of your boat, your future plans along with a relaxed environment. Stay strong!
Virtually nothing you said about Starlink plans is factual
Hi Bobby . My husband and I have been watching you for years. it was so sad to see Steph leave. You don't have to end your relationship just because she is going to school. If she is the right one don't let her go. Lots of people have long distance relationships. I hope she will be on one of your videos soon. Good luck
Damn Bobby hate to see you sale your boat.. but your new cat will be ready soon ? .
Life will be a breeze again. Hold on to your halyards
Boats and no hoes
Simply the best Bobby, I get so much energy and motivation from you.
I’ve never sailed and I’m a land lubber but I love your videos. Fantastic to see you travel the world and adventure. Keep your chin up Bobby we’re all supporting you 😊
Put a ding in the dingy 😅
Bobby has turned into a 20 minute ad service. Saw it coming. Hope he gets back to sailing again soon.
I’m sure you are sad without Steph and the crew, but you never know what the future holds. Everything happens for a reason. You’ll get through this. Time heals wounds. If it’s meant to be she’ll be back. If not new adventures come. We all love your channel and will remain here with you! Safe travels! 😊🎉❤
It's like back in the old day's minus Goose and Maverick. Great vid Bobby.
Bobby I admire your courage to continue on your journey. Obviously, we all miss Steph and wish her all the best in her own personal life. Be safe in all you do and I'll continue to enjoy your channel.
A great distraction from the break up , a boat refit . There's always more fish in the sea. LOL Some guys get depressed some go fishing. 😊
Bobby I sail in that area a lot. There’s a bay around from Little Vathy called Spartahori. As you enter in the far corner to your port side there’s a Taverna called Spilla. You can moor there for nothing if you eat at the Taverna. There’s a bar up on the hill and the views are stunning.
I would have come out and crewed for you if I’d known you were single handed
It’s obvious your bummed brother, but this too shall pass. Who knows what the future holds but the smiles will return. Keep sailing…..
Love your solo context Bobby!! Learn way more about sailing !!
Starlink sounds like a complete avoid company!
…… is how we shoot this – is there a mouse in your pocket ? Nice episode