Alăturați-vă nouă pe barca noastră monococă Hunter de 42 de picioare în timp ce navigam către paradisul din Mediterana. Vă arătăm exact cum arată un pasaj de 3 zile în largul țărmului îndreptându-ne de la Gibraltar la Insulele Baleare din Spania, unde în sfârșit ajungem să ancoram în ape turcoaz limpezi și să ne bucurăm de toate cele mai bune părți ale unui stil de viață minim, făcând toate lucrurile de viață cu barca! VIDEO NOI ÎN FIECARE VINERI! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipurile noastre – fiecare sprijin este foarte apreciat, ne continuă călătoria și conținutul să vină! MÂNERELE NOASTRE DE TROLIU – The Flipper by Easysea – Folosiți codul nostru de cupon: JIBSEA10 pentru o reducere de 5%! o achiziție efectuată prin link-ul de mai jos ajută să ne susținem călătoria fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs. APARATORUL NOSTRU – SeaWaterPro AC Double Membrane – o achiziție efectuată prin linkul de mai jos ajută la susține călătoria noastră fără costuri suplimentare pentru tine VIZITĂȚI MAGAZINUL NOSTRU DE SWAG – arată-ți sprijinul pentru canalul nostru punând niște lucruri interesante /jibsea-swag-shop DACĂ DORIȚI SĂ SINIȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA – primiți actualizări exclusive și filmări bonus ALTE MODALITĂȚI DE A NE SPRIJINĂ – pentru a contribui o singură dată pentru a ne sprijini călătoria și canal PayPal: Interac E-Transfer: VREI MAI MULT? Urmărește-ne AICI https :// #sailing #offshoresailing #paradise #boatlife
3 zile NONSTOP SAIL către PARADIS, cum este cu adevărat. – Ep 146

34 thoughts on “3 zile NONSTOP SAIL către PARADIS, cum este cu adevărat. – Ep 146”
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Loved the latest vid! That was such a funny comment on Spain vs Gilbralter. Trust me, I loved when I got to visit London on business trips. Such a worldly town with multiple cultures and welcoming people. But yes, the comment on the clouds and rain was quite funny:-) I really liked to insight into the 3 day trip including the night shift switch. Always curious about this and yes normally skipped in a lot of vids. I still have hopes and dreams of this and was quite curious. Also, no fair. Once again, the spring rolls were perfectly uniform. I actually got fired from wrapping whereas my kids still get to wrap. Mine were seriously all over the place LOL. Been watching a lot of vids on types of boats and funny, yours was mentioned as one of the tops (It was a Lady K sailing channel vid). Since you also had to motor a fair amount, may I ask what a full tank (not including jerry cans) would conservatively get you in regard to distance? Just curious what you would normally budget for. BTW, everyone: I got my Sailing Jibsea swag (T-Shirt) today and love the fit! Happy to support this channel so I can live my dream a lil-early:-)
Yeah, but the tea gets much better over by the rock.
Finally…. bikini's .
Raw hands… I am perplexed as to why more sailors aren't wearing gloves.
Thx for the vid. Passages are interesting.
Girl dreams… they all recount them the same way!
I'd totally want the 2am to 8am shift. Sunrise is a magical time out there.
Hey you 2 great video of you and Jibsea at the Med. Looking forward following your adventures
Hopefully see some clubing in Ibiza, makes sure you stop at the HulaHula bar in split Croatia, if you plan on going there.
What a great adventure! How much anchor chain do you Carry?
aoooo… the fishfarm being towed at sea usually is a cage being brought in for transfer of purse seine fished Tuna… The jellyfish that stings is called Pelagia noctiluca (Actually glows at night) and the combination of both tells me you are a good month behind in videos

Welcome to the med anyways…. we are still on Sardinia, slowly sailing south!
Perhaps see you in Sicily
you should make a stop AT ALBUFIEIRA IN Portugal.. TRUST ME. Check the ( Algarve région ). So many beautyful beaches along that cost.
Also watching Only Murders In The Building “. Try What we do in the Shadows. You two are amazing.
Steph, would you be so kind and send me the recipe for your peanut sauce. I've been making prawn rice roles for years but I don't no how to make the peanut dipping sauce.
Cool following the cormorant under water.
The way to a mans heart is via the stomach, great cooking Steff
Hope all is well with you guys and still living the dream.
May you be protected from harm and get to see exotic places the World has to offer .
Nice video
Awesome vid guys. Those fishing boats should be stopped. Med can't support that much harvesting ! great video of you two.. cheers.
would have loved to see you guys check out the forts at gibralter but others have done that. great to see you back in a comfortable element and my god that big sail yaht was pretty!
Production quality just soooooo good! The microphones you use provide some of the clearest 'voice' of any outdoors videos I have seen – even on those occasions when there is wind noise it doesn't overwhelm the spoken word. Really enjoy when you guys are on passage because we get to experience the reality of boat life as per the time stamps you post. Much to like!!
Another great video guys, and the under water shots are amazing, thanks for sharing. Nz folk.
Beautiful video. The water, a different kind of blue. I enjoy every minute of your video. Chasing summer..nice ..

Groovy video
Man that water was EIPC! So glad you guys are enjoying what that area has to offer, ive seen many videos of Formentera, your parking spot the second time was sweet!!!! Enjoy you guys, you deserve it!!!!
We were there same time as you doing our Day Skipper. I like la linea. Nice vibe.
…. like how you use the seat cushion propped up as a lea cloth …. yes I would imagine those big sailers have crew that positions the yachts to where the owners or charterers want it for their time aboard .. definitely a different life style, I wouldn't want it either. Just cannot imagine always having staff lurking … a friend of mines niece works as deckhand on the JCB's owners yacht that is currently in refit in the UK for a year and all the while she is still on full wage. She loves the job I hear tell. .. great shots of the birds underwater .. have you ever seen that breed of bird that flies under water. Cannot remember the name, just remember seeing them in the aquarium part of Sealand in Victoria …. thx for the share .. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ….
wow you saw a Cuttle fish, fantastic there aren't any in the Caribbean….great following your travels…cheers
So glad you Canadians made it pasted the wales into the Med. Smart to hug the coastline
You had me worried
Formally from Port Credit area, now Meaford On.
Have fun guys
you didn't have any trouble with the killer wales ??? cool.
Gibraltar is huge eh" went by it when I was in the Navy.
Fascinating site to see.
Hi! I love your guys's lifestyle, it so amazing how you two have succeeded in escaping a regular life of paycheck to paycheck and fear to this wonderful, adventurous, yet simple life. I'm 24 years old and sometimes I abandon those dreams because of fear, but I'm currently in a career in finance so I can make enough money to make this dream a possibility. So I'd just love to know about how you guys did it? What were your careers before this? Thanks and God bless!
Great episode guys. And yayy to warmer destinations!!
Great to see you back in the sunshine.
A good wire brush on that chain will do wonders eh?