Traversarea Atlanticului de Nord – PLECĂM | Navigarea Florenței Ep.159

Traversarea Atlanticului de Nord - PLECĂM |  Navigarea Florenței Ep.159

Această traversare oceanică NU ÎNCEPE BINE. Este timpul să îndreptăm Florența spre est pentru prima dată pe această circumnavigație. Este timpul să traversăm din nou Oceanul Atlantic de Nord, a cincea noastră traversare majoră a oceanului. Ne vom confrunta cu vânturi în contra, vânturi puternice și calme în încercarea noastră de a finaliza acest pasaj oceanic de 4000 de mile în larg și de a ne întoarce acasă în Anglia. Conținut suplimentar și actualizări în timp real pe Patreon: Navim în jurul lumii de 7 ani după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul ambarcațiunii noastre de 37 de picioare Florence. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile, minimele și provocările călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. Viața cu barca în larg, pe ocean și în afara rețelei. Ne puteți urmări și prin blogul nostru la Echipament: Link afiliat: Obțineți un selfie stick invizibil gratuit pentru Insta 360 X3 aici, camera pe care o folosim pentru a captura fotografii asemănătoare dronei când navigați în larg fără dronă: 00:00 – Introducere 01:31 – Pregătirea ambarcațiunii pentru o traversare a oceanului 05:34 – Plecare pentru a naviga prin nord Oceanul Atlantic 08:04 – Pregătirea finală pentru navigația în ocean deschis 10:54 – Marinarii din oceane încă au rău de mare 14:32 – A 4-a zi la mare 18:10 – Bucuria navigării în ocean deschis 21:25 – Data viitoare #Sailing #Ocean #sailingaroundtheworld #circumnavigation #SailingYachtFlorence #BoatLife #boatlifestyle #yacht #SYFlorence #SailingDoubleHanded #Caribbeanboatlife #Bahamas Muzica în ordinea redată: The New World – – Licensed Sunny Day – – Licensed Bridge – – Licențiat Dangerous Mission – – Licențiat Refreshing – – Licențiat Keep Walking – – Creative Commons – Atribuire Creative Commons 4.0 license


28 thoughts on “Traversarea Atlanticului de Nord – PLECĂM | Navigarea Florenței Ep.159

  1. One other random comment from me. As I watch you navigate, I wonder about the early Polynesians, and how they used the stars and water to navigate In the ridiculously vast Pacific. Can you imagine being out there without your modern navigation techniques? Your thoughts?

  2. Your resilience and good humor in the rough conditions is inspiring! Hope the remaining passage to Bermuda is less daunting and you can enjoy some more relaxing days at sea.If you should decide its time for a career change after completing your journey, you could easily become cinematographers, such superb camera work!

  3. Thank you for a beautiful episode, I was hoping for more as it was lovely to watch and listening too

  4. Looking forward 1st to your arrival in Bermuda. My dad was a SeaBee and worked on the roofs water catching systems there for the population. Fair travel 🙏👍🌬️🌝

  5. Fabulous stuff gang xx🤗🤗 Matt will have his sea legs back in no time, very few are immune (including me, half fish etc.). Rocking it (bad ref 😅😅??) as usual guys, thanks for bringing us along xx🤗🤗

  6. Absolutely splendid – as usual. It being the middle of June I am going to assume that if you had been wrecked I'd have heard about it, so you must be, if not safe and well in England, then at least a lot nearer. I hope you're not in the Western Approaches 'cos it's blowing a gale at the moment. Good luck; I look forward to the next one.

  7. This video just proves my theory about how easy navigation on a sailboat is. Firmly decide on a destination. As the waveform of the universe senses it's been observed, the wind will shift. Now, head out on a beat because your destination will be directly upwind. No matter where you go. And somehow, for every sailor on the sea all over the globe at the same time 😂😂😂
    Damn I love sailing.

  8. These passages are getting fewer now as you near England. Thru supurb photography, editing, sound track etc you have made passagemaking an art form! Just love this channel! Hope the rest is just as good as this last day!

  9. Proper sailing it gets rough at sea it is a challenge, something to over come. It is not all down wind calm seas. You made the seas look as big as they where.

  10. In many ways I don't want you to get back to the UK… you have been my inspiration to get going myself since before Covid. I have taken on board so many things you have said… especially things like turning off chart plotter at night… and having the wind vane steering. And not going for too big a boat. I still have not made it… but I will.

  11. Did you stay your have a 2nd inner stay. It looked like you took the forward inner stay to be your forestay for the stay sail? So that would give you a secone stay to replace the inner one you used for the stay sail?

  12. This is so reminiscent of my current passage from Tahiti to Mexico! Yes upwind all the way. We do what we can and I won’t take any risks in the galley as early on in the passage despite clinging on in the galley I was thrown right back to port side landed in aft cabin floor! Luckily no damage!

  13. Do you ever heave to to cook or use the bathroom easier? And if you don’t why don’t cruisers? Does it really cost that much time to stop a couple of times a day for half a hour while you do life things?

  14. Magnificent episode, yet again. I'm inspired by the way you deal with challenges and how consistently you have engaged with people and shared you circumnavigation. Thank you.

  15. That is mighty impressive, living on 2X 125 watt panels– does that run your fridge as well?? You guys are very impressive sailors…

  16. Go Florence 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡. You guys are the best sailors out there. Brave and no nonsense 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

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