200 de ore de transformare a iahtului în 20 de minute

200 de ore de transformare a iahtului în 20 de minute

Acestea sunt ultimele 200 de ore de muncă frenetică cu barca pe care le-am făcut chiar înainte de a ne stropi barca înapoi în apă. Este cea mai mare muncă cu barca pe care am făcut-o vreodată într-un episod. Mulțumim lui @ParlayRevival pentru că ne-a învățat cum să facem toate aceste reparații! Am făcut lucruri pe care nu ne-am imaginat niciodată că le-am putea, de la instalarea de traverse până la montarea cârmei din fibră de sticlă până la construirea unui coborâtor pentru sărituri de pe barcă de care sunt mult prea mândru. Vă mulțumim @TotalBoat pentru minunata vopsea epoxidică și grund și pentru fund! Obțineți câteva aici cu 5% reducere http://bit.ly/40xsPaF Pentru videoclipuri suplimentare și pentru a vă alătura grupului nostru de chat secret https://www.patreon.com/davidshihsails Urmărește-ne 🙂 https://www.instagram.com /david_shih_sails/ https://www.facebook.com/david.shih.sails


38 thoughts on “200 de ore de transformare a iahtului în 20 de minute

  1. Will gladly subscribe when your postings become more regular. Excellent work. Happy to see you splashed.

  2. Hey Mary! Since you read all of these I just wanted to say you are a Saint for putting up with him ON TOP OF DEALING WITH THE KIDS. Enjoy seeing you in the videos and your efforts haven't gone unnoticed. Happy Sailing!

  3. Great video! I love the color! You guys are crazy good!

    ( I like it more when people clean surfaces with Acetone :] )

  4. New SubScriber ! Seriously one crazy dude ! I love it !!!! It has to be the name Dave ! LMAO . Keep it up and keep them coming plus please LIFE JACKETS on the kids !

  5. David, you of the lot of them deserve a ton more…..a very special person and family, an equally special YT channel you've created…..knew it from the beginning. We now need to see your butts out on the water. Cheers and hugs,

  6. I got rid of cable tv and really only watch YT now a days. Your videos are super fun to watch. Tremendous energy and just great fun. Your deep love for your Family shines through! Cheers to you guys! wp.

  7. All most the same boat. The Jamie 45. every inch counts. lol much love happy safe travels yall

  8. Gee, trying to copy Parlay much? You're not funny, clever, spontaneous or entertaining. Just a Man Clown trying to fit in with people that are way out of your league. Parlay crew should have thrown you overboard the second you started screaming like a scared child and acting like a fool. Go do your own thing, stop copying Colin and Parlay!

  9. David,
    We refer to "boat work" as…

    "Russian Nesting Cans of Worms"
    No matter how many cans you open…
    Worms ALL THE WAY DOWN baby!!

    'Blue Eyes' says that. We met you at the 2022 ABS and you called CJ that… and she liked it. =]
    We are 3 to 4 weeks from splashing ourselves… (if all goes as planned) We have been refitting Rocinante for a tad over a year now.
    Wish us luck as we do ya'll!!

    "Fair seas and following winds!"
    CJ&JD =/|)=

  10. "He went up stairs to hold the nuts "?! I thought you had to go down to hold the nuts ?? Well at least that is what my wife says !! LOL 😂

  11. Okay, I admit it. I've watched this video 3 times now. First with the patreon release, then with my wife, and now on a rainy morning for motivation to keep working on our new (old) O'Day 23. I love the energy and edits of the videos. Freaking awesome 🤘🤘🤘

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