Dacă doriți să întrebați despre un pachet de internet personalizat pentru barca dumneavoastră, trebuie să contactați FMC globalsat aici: https://fmcglobalsat.com/maritime/ Deoarece am găsit o fisură în tachelajul Lagoon 450, avem timp să facem o operațiune adecvată. instalarea sistemului nostru Starlink Maritime pe care îl vom testa pentru FMC GlobalSat în timp ce traversăm Oceanul Pacific. Între timp, instalăm și troliul electric Selden, roțile Danard și tensionăm trambulinele noastre cu plase Multicoca! Începe numărătoarea inversă pentru ca traversarea noastră să înceapă! SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Au găsit avarii în peretele etanșului catamaranului lor din Panama, așa că au reparat-o și sunt aproape gata să traverseze Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! https://parlayrevival.com/collections Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ym5nvt Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! https://www.instagram.com/parlayrevival_colin/ Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parlayrevival Editat de @flippyhipped (instagram)
Cum am obținut internet nelimitat peste Oceanul Pacific! – (Episodul 218)

42 thoughts on “Cum am obținut internet nelimitat peste Oceanul Pacific! – (Episodul 218)”
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Weekly updates on passage is so past tense; Starlink makes daily youtube videos possible, and hopefully, will quickly become the norm.
so cool seeing you setup starlink bro, i setup wifi for events – peplink is great, and glad you've gone for the marine unit. much bigger antenna – will be super keen to see how it goes across the pacific as many queries have come my way re larger ships and starlink maritime service ships quality. love your content and can't wait to see parlay in NZ!!
Upload speed Colin?
Would love to hear about the reliability of starlink on the open ocean once you guys set sail
just vary the throttle every 15 minutes and your outboard will be fine.
Finding, fixing, upgrading, delegating and training. Delay of plans and pressiing on.
Holy heck, those seldén e40i winches along with the power supply units are expensive
Imagine taking on a subscriber who is Bi Polar and exactly half way across the Pacific turns into an absolute jerk, screaming 24/7, throwing things about and spitting at everyone

You really are quite far behind,but at one stage,you were heading to French Polynesia,and crossed the equator, what's with going back in time?.
After watching this episode I wonder how anyone that isn’t an Engineer can make changes that are done safely and correctly. It seems every installation of new equipment requires drilling new holes somewhere. Colin I can see that you have chosen your crew wisely, and thanks for bringing me along.
Just one long commercial! Lol get that bread
I’ll be watching for more updates on your new Starlink service. Thanks for covering this topic.
Beyond excited for this new internet system that will allow you all to keep an eye on the weather as you embark on the fantastic voyage you are getting ready to start! You and they crew's safety is the most important thing. Thank you for your time and effort in keeping us all in the loop with the progress on the boat and trip. Praying for a safe trip across the Pacific
Sail on Colin!
The stay lines flex from side to side as you jibe and tack. This causes stress cracks in the hardware as you now know. Some use thick bungy cord to tie port lines together and also starboard lines. they are just tight enough so when they would normally loosen a bit they stay taught.
Barefoot Doctors Sailing on youtube showed this setup and why you need it. Supershok Shock Cord from west marine is the way to go. It can double the life of your hardware. Hope this helps.
What are your upload speeds? example I get 544.2 Mbps down and 22.1 up. Also they have different plans that might give you more upload. I have 500meg service for home if I went to business I would get 800meg down and 100 meg up. I do not need more upload but you do.
Hopefully starlink will keep getting cheaper watched them launch more satellites last week! Hoping to work from my boat in the not too distant future.
I live in the UK, in an area where I get 3mgbs, some times I'm lucky and might get 4. So jealous ATM
Wow learned so much about workings of boat. Now I remember why I could never buy a sailboat, cuz you need to know how to engineer the boat. love your youtube
Do me and my lady need to be signed up for your patreon gold membership to be eligible for the year trip. Or does she get a plus 1?
Yet another Great video! On our St Francis 47 MKII cat we have the RV and the Marine Starlink and have used while at sea from NZ to New Caledonia and around New Cal. The marine version never looses signal and can download a YouTube video very quick and the RV looses satellite connection sometimes… I kept the small dishy for when we are near shore and use the unlimited plan and have the big dishy in pause, then when we have a big passage such as when we sail from Vanuatu to Australia we will pause the small dishy and use the big one. It's not the cost difference in the plans for us, yet the power draw difference between the two dishy's, which is the reason for keeping both.
beggars can't be chosers
Answer: we have a YouTube channel
Colin, super install on the Maritime Starlink! Hopefully you'll meet another promising weather window.
waht an awesome adventure, love the statement. "20 Years from now you will regret the things you didnt do"
love your channel~!
You guys are killing it.
Are you the ‘Colin’ (chief engineer) on the Channel 4 UK tv program ‘Below Deck – Sailing Yacht’ ? The sailing boat is called ‘Parsifal’ …..
I wish (disappointed) we didn't get more real time videos or lives other than the equator crossing. I really thought you would utilize the Starlink to its fullest.
Doodles has it also.
Coming a long

Waste of money! Standard Starlink with roaming works brilliantly. You just have to change to the international roaming plan.
Can you recycle dog poop to make food.
Great episode chap, just one thought. Your new winch, no mechanical assist if elec failes?
Better safe! You have souls to protect, yours included

Great info, I've been trying to catch up, one question I have is you have alot of crew vs other channels, how does that work and where are they all coming from and why? I love the channel and look forward to updates.
Another couple of years and I reckon these guys will embark on their Pacific crossing
Nobody is better then you, you not only take us around the world exploring amazing places, but give us some great all round boat knowledge!
Great job, keep them coming!
Would love to see a entire episode about how inverters work, why, what, etc, pretty much no clue here?!! Thanks!