Haz în apă fierbinte în timp ce William a expus planului de divorț al lui Charles Sussex pentru a-i escroca banii

Haz în apă fierbinte în timp ce William a expus planului de divorț al lui Charles Sussex pentru a-i escroca banii

Haz în apă caldă în timp ce William a expus planului de divorț al lui Charles Sussex pentru a-și escroca banii 👉👉Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul meu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Z-SRHwTuMJGXyuPBW1pRA 👉👉Puteți vedea mai multe videoclipuri ca acesta HERE : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7NpQzS4NIGZjKSxRAPxYkcJIY8M9E2C Prințul Harry a încercat să obțină câteva sfaturi și să-și ușureze grijile, contactând fratele său, Prințul William, pentru sfaturi, relatează Mirror. Potrivit sursei, Ducele de Sussex și-a telefonat fratele pentru a discuta despre posibilitatea ca acesta să se întoarcă în Marea Britanie „pentru a-l servi pe Regele Charles” după divorțul de Meghan. Dar nici nu se teme să-i ceară lui William să-l convingă pe tatăl lor să-i dea niște bani pentru a-și putea menține viața în SUA… #princeharry #meghanmarkle #lilibet #princewilliam #katemiddleton #royal #kingcharles #archie #queenelizabeth #queen # anne #andrew #catherine #sophie #edward #princessanne #camilla #queencamilla #charles #coronation


34 thoughts on “Haz în apă fierbinte în timp ce William a expus planului de divorț al lui Charles Sussex pentru a-i escroca banii

  1. What is harry up to and that savenger wife of his, they must be stopped how cruel these two are so please king Charles it must be hard how harry treated your parents book and now this but do not give him a penny let alone a pound 😮

  2. Harry can wait, he does not deserve any money but if he returns to the UK, he can go and look for a job and do something ordinary with his life. Find someone new and remarry, then after 10 years if proving he is stable, he can start getting a small amount each month , like a stipend, from his trust.

  3. That is what they are doing! Pretending a divorce, so Harry can get money from Charles to pay Meghan off; but actually, they want that money. This is fraud!

  4. They really think that people won't be able to figure their little scams out, that's been their problem all along, they take everyone for fools, instead of just living their lives!

  5. If the King cave in and support those 2 lazy for work to sustain their luxury life, it will be the beginning of the end of the Monarchy.

  6. Scammers will use their last breath to make one last deal with the 😈

    Also there is a very real prospect that should there be a divorce part of the cost H would have to pay to see the children would be updated info from inside the RF. IMO

  7. And the way they spend they are just desperate enough to try for such a stunt. Both of them
    Appear to be without morals/values with what they have done already.

  8. It will never be over for the Royals. Harry wants the monarchy dead, if it’s the last thing he ever does. He will go after the Prince and Princess of Wales and their three children until they are no more. They are unstable and dangerous.

  9. They will never stop!!! A leopard can't change its spots, neither can the Harkles. Having them around could be dan gerous. They are so jealous, they may be willing to do anything!

  10. Didn't Harry also try to get money from his father for Doria saying that she was unable to continue working due to her daughter's "fame"??
    Charles would try to help Harry but not pay anything to Megaliar who had wasted Harry's fortune of £34 million plus whatever they've earned. Shouldn't proof that the children exist and are theirs also be shown?

  11. William is strong in mind ,and knows harry for what he has always been ,hot headed ,easily lead by a strong woman ,and throws a tantrum if he cant get his own way and lashes out

  12. I thought King Charles had already said no more money. If you
    want to get rid of the assylum escapee, don't answer her calls,
    don't mention that name in any of your homes and take away
    any hope she has of getting one more red cent from the coffers
    of the royals because she's not and never will be a royal. She's
    a lowlife and a grifter –that's her only claim to fame.

  13. I thought King Charles had already said no more money. If you
    want to get rid of the assylum escapee, don't answer her calls,
    don't mention that name in any of your homes and take away
    any hope she has of getting one more red cent from the coffers
    of the royals because she's not and never will be a royal. She's
    a lowlife and a grifter –that's her only claim to fame.

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