Haz în sudoare rece, în timp ce vărul său L0uis moștenește casa Dianei și interzice Sussex de la Spencer Assets pentru totdeauna Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul meu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Z-SRHwTuMJGXyuPBW1pRA
Poți vedea mai multe videoclipuri. AICI: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7NpQzS4NIGZjKSxRAPxYkcJIY8M9E2C L0uis Spencer, vărul prințului William Harry, este gata să moștenească casa din copilărie a Prințesei Diana, moșia Althorpe de 13.500 de acri din Northamptonshire. Cu toate acestea, el a impus lui Meghan și Harry o interdicție, care este în vigoare din momentul în care a intrat în posesia terenului. #princeharry #meghanmarkle #lilibet #princewilliam #katemiddleton #royal #kingcharles #archie #queenelizabeth #queen #anne #andrew #catherine #sophie #edward #princessanne #camilla #queencamilla #charles #coronation
Haz în sudoare rece, în timp ce vărul său L0uis moștenește casa Dianei și interzice Sussex de la Spencer Assets pentru totdeauna

39 thoughts on “Haz în sudoare rece, în timp ce vărul său L0uis moștenește casa Dianei și interzice Sussex de la Spencer Assets pentru totdeauna”
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This Harry is really no brain, this is the Spencer family home and noit his home. all he wants to take, take, and keep taking, go get a job or you should shut up and shut you old wife's mouth and stayed in, you left the Family so you have no right to get anything.
Seems like Harry is a man with no country and is homeless at the moment. What a fall from grace, he should have listened to his Brother William. He's neither a Windsor nor a Spencer. He gave it up to be Mrs. Meghan Markle, he made his be let him lie on it. Now the only titles they have and deserve is the Duke and Duchess of Dumbarton, so appropriate for these 2.
Cousin Louis well done
They were never entitled to anything from the Spencer family. It was never going to go Princess Diana.
There isn't any way Harkle could inherit Althorpe,it's the Spencer ancestral home,the RF have plenty of their own, and the Earl has his own family to pass it down to
Lol…Harry has no right to anything Spencer, & he knows it.
I am so glad that harry and Meghan have been cut off from that horrid woman who thinks she is the late princess Diana and there is no way in hell.
Well done, he does not deserve anything.
Louis is 5..what on earth does he want his grandmother's house for..it is known Dianacstsyed in Kensington Palace, apartment 1 after her divorce…calling this BS
William and Harry never had any claim to Althorp. It goes through the male line, Diana’s brothers family. Karma is good. William becomes King one day and Harry has nothing.
Why does Henry think hes entitled to get anything from the Spencer family.
Its passed down through the son's of the Spencer family.
Anything that has value that markle could use shes after it to claim it as there's.
Harry was never going to have inherited Althorp house.
It's entailed.
Allegedly she performed an obscene act by Diana's grave.was caught on card that she didn't know about.
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Demonic is the closest description to Harry's wife I can think of!
Was haz hoping to inherit it? Hahahahaha….NO!!!
I believe it is pronounced VI-count, even in Britain.
YOUR STORY IS A "CROCK". Althorp House was previously owned by Princess Diana's father, Earl John Spencer, and is now home to her brother, Charles, the 9th Earl Spencer. The house has to remain in the SPENCER family. Neither Harry nor William could ever inherit the estate. So, why tell such vicious lies? The Spencer family has never been unkind to Harry nor William, and the late Princess Diana two sisters flew to California for the christening of Harry's daughter. STOP THE HATE!
This is just wrong. i didn't think someone could be so dramatic, discrasful
It's no wonder The Spencer's have banned the aged yacht-girl! She 'allegedly' peed on Diana's grave!
Louis Spencer would always inherit the Spencer home and title Harry would never have been in line to take over from Charles Spencer so don’t know why he is out in a cold sweat
Harry is aware the Spencer wealth will pass down to the eldest by changing his name to Spencer it will make any difference to their schemes.
Please don't make up stories, the history of the Spencer holds nothing for the Marklrs.
H was bad looking, and had also ugly look and smile since young. Besides all his party and dark behavorism .
This is a bot
He was always going to inherit Althrop.
Not sure of reason behind posting this video. This home belongs to Spencer family. It was never property of royal family. Harry, or William for that matter, were never in line to inherit this house so nothing has been taken away from them. Even if Harry had stayed active in royal family he would not have had any entitlement to this property. Finally, their mother would not have inherited. Many of these videos are being posted to fuel the fire of outrage against Harry. I understand the outrage. But I disagree with posting things, ie: videos/storys that are just not factually correct.
No reason at all for Hazbin to have anything from the Spencer’s and hope they do ban him
Is it true Meghan stole 10 million in Diana's jewelry and that's why it was announced she was not allowed any jewelry from the Queen?
Harry does not have inheritance rights to the Spencer assets. They go to the children of his uncle the Earl Spencer.
It's Diana's CHILDHOOD home, not her home. Harry has no claim on any part of the Spencer estate, nor does william. Charlotte will not inherit the tiara because she's not a direct female of the house of Spencer. The tiara is part of the estate and does not belong to any individual.
This whole piece is rubbish.
Only fitting Spencer is not having it entitlement has backfired on the two incorrigible spoiled narcissists!
The current Earl Spencer is the late Princess Diana’s younger brother, Charles, who is the 9th Earl Spencer.
His son, Louis, is currently Viscount Althorpe, and will remain so until his father’s death, which I’m sure he and the Spencer family hope will be many years in the future.
Ban Meghan from the althrope estate so she can’t channel Diana from the grave. Creepy grifter.
Harry, Meghan and the kids were never in the running. Allthorp has been in the Spencer family for umpteen generations and for sure there it will stay.
Harry grow up you knew that home wouldn’t fall to you it’s all for attention
Well she is mentally derange. Full stop
Louis is the handome one.
She is demonic n possessed, crazy to talk about insane people