USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) a fost un crucișător cu rachete ghidate al Marinei Statelor Unite. A fost pus în funcțiune în 1983 și a funcționat mai mult de trei decenii. Cu toate acestea, în 2004, nava a fost scoasă din funcțiune, marcând sfârșitul serviciului său. Decizia de dezafectare a navei s-a bazat pe o serie de factori, inclusiv vechimea acesteia, costurile de întreținere și nevoia de modernizare a flotei Marinei. Unul dintre principalele motive pentru dezafectare a fost vechimea navei. USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) a servit de mai bine de trei decenii și întreținerea era din ce în ce mai costisitoare. Nava devenea, de asemenea, mai puțin eficientă în războiul modern, pe măsură ce erau dezvoltate nave mai noi și mai avansate. Un alt factor care a contribuit la dezafectare a fost nevoia de modernizare a flotei Marinei. USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) a fost înlocuit cu nave mai noi și mai avansate, inclusiv distrugătoarele cu rachete ghidate din clasa Arleigh Burke. Aceste nave erau echipate cu sisteme de arme mai avansate și erau mai rentabile de întreținut.
De ce a fost dezafectat USS Ticonderoga (CG-47)? #pantaloni scurti
27 thoughts on “De ce a fost dezafectat USS Ticonderoga (CG-47)? #pantaloni scurti”
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Thanks for the info
Now they can be used as decoys in the conflict with China, they’ll never know what hit them🤔
30 years is too much for a ship 🤨 maybe theres a maintenance issue. I’m sure military ships get beat up more than civilian
It's called: well that maintenance repair of $50,000 dollars gets bids of 2.5 million and a final bill of 12 million. America the land of political corruption!
Commission in 83 decommissioned in 03 = 20 years and not thirty.
But the ticonderoga class are great still serving cruisers
No argument about the need to modernize the Fleet but I don't agree that the need for Guided Missile Cruisers is gone. Especially in the protection role for Super Carriers. The more platforms, with the greater number of ship to air missiles, the better the protective umbrella for the Carrier. With adversaries like China, that aim to overwhelm the defensive capabilities of the Carrier Task Force, the necessity of a Cruiser or other platform with the size to carry an impressive number of surface to air missiles becomes apparent.
Why don’t they sell these to second World navies?
I am getting very very old. She was newly Commissioned when i enlisted August of 1983! Ugh….retirement is good for the CG.
Forgot the most important part of the "modernization" of the fleet. The Tico and the first 4 CG's after her had twin rail missile launchers fore and aft. That limited the rate of fire and was slow to rearm at sea. The later CG's and all the Arleigh Burke class DDG's have vertical missile launchers. The cost to retrofit the first five Tico's were cost prohibitive along with keeping up with other Aegis Combat System updates. That's why the Navy said retire and buy more DDG's.
I herd it was the twin armed bandits that did them in
Hopefully, the Navy embraces the notion that a modern battle fleet will always have a place for a cruiser of some discription.
It’s the reason all Navy ships get decommissioned.
there are no eternal ships. this one has done its job.
I've asked this before but ships that are decommissioned and serve as museums now. Can the be updated and put back into service? Like the uss Texas or other cruisers, destroyers, battleships and carriers.
you could have added at least one more "the USS Ticonderoga CG-47" 😀
If it was commissioned in 1983 and retired in 2004 it was only in service for 21 years not 3 decades dude forgot basic math
It just annoys me that he repeated keep saying 3 decades when the ship served 21 years. Technically he’s right but your painting a 30 year picture when it’s a 20 year. The moment I hear something that simple off I no longer trust the rest of what your saying.
The navy bean counters believe that 3 destroyers can outlast a cruser. While the tonnage for destroyers is getting skirted. The ceasing of all cruser production is short sighted.
The issue is that the US has since the 90s lacked repair and refit facilities. We have a blue water navy of 400 ships, but the reality its somewhere in the high 190-220 range due to repairs and refits not being addressed.
So 80s…and we are still pumping out the BURKEs….back to the future
Turn it into a battleship
She went to the breakers in 2021.
Use the name on a new ship. Lets the Chinese pronounce that😂😂😂🇦🇺🇬🇧🇺🇲
Actually, Ticonderoga was originally supposed to be DDG-47! Congress suffered sticker shock defiantly proclaiming they were not going to buy such expensive Destroyers. So the Navy reclassified them as CG. Congress exclaimed "WOW! Cheap Cruisers! We'll take it!" Just when the Navy thought they had pulled a fast one, Congress cancelled the Agis variant of the Virginia class CGN's proclaiming "You already have your Agis Cruisers!"
Sir, your comments are incorrect when it comes to the Ticonderoga’s age. She was commissioned in 1983 and decommissioned in 2004. That’s 21 years. You said she served for 3 decades, but she only served for 2 decades. I served on a Ticonderoga class ship CG 59.
Arleigh burkes are great but they have an obvious flaw. Look aft from the bow at the aegis and think about it from the perspective of the actual radar..
The only Cruisers being presently decommissioned are the first patch of cruisers with the Mk26 Missile System also known as the Two Arm Bandit for having a rotatable launching system with rails for the missile to be loaded and launched from unlike the majority of cruisers with the MK41 Vertical Launch System that has not rotable launcher just missile cells that hold the missiles on boxes until launched.