Haz & Nacho se luptă în timp ce jucătorul argentinian îl invită pe William să se alăture echipei sale de polo, să se confrunte cu Haz Sentebale Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul meu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Z-SRHwTuMJGXyuPBW1pRA
Puteți vedea mai multe videoclipuri ca acesta AICI: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7NpQzS4NIGZjKSxRAPxYkcJIY8M9E2C În această dimineață, contul de Instagram al organizației caritabile – care crește 28.900 de urmăritori – a dezvăluit detalii despre evenimentul din acest an și planurile sale de a participa și la un summit la Tokyo. Prințul Harry va participa la Cupa anuală de polo Sentebale ISPS Handa la Singapore Polo Club pe 12 august. El va juca în echipa Royal Salute Sentebale, împotriva echipei Singapore Polo Club, condusă de ambasadorul și prietenul de multă vreme al organizației, Nacho Figueras. #princeharry #meghanmarkle #lilibet #princewilliam #katemiddleton #royal #kingcharles #archie #queenelizabeth #queen #anne #andrew #catherine #sophie #edward #princessanne #camilla #queencamilla #charles #coronation
Haz și Nacho se luptă în timp ce jucătorul argentinian îl invită pe William să se alăture echipei sale de polo, să se confrunte cu Haz Sentebale

23 thoughts on “Haz și Nacho se luptă în timp ce jucătorul argentinian îl invită pe William să se alăture echipei sale de polo, să se confrunte cu Haz Sentebale”
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I am surprised that The Chinese Government is letting him in the country. They have the most strictly rules about drugs. If caught bye-bye freedom. Cruelty is his namesake. Seen pictures of the horses , they look stressed out. I know because I rode for more then twenty years. Nasty piece of work.
Harry should have been banned from Polo a long time ago for cruelty to the Polo ponies. He should be uninvited.
Cruelty of any sort should not be tolerated to any animal, whether Prince to Elite Pony or Beggar to Stray Dog.
Can the Polo Ponies just be allowed to walk up to Harry rather quickly so he falls over then the ponies could go straight into Canter as trained, but on top of Harry…..just to teach him a lesson? Just a short Canter of four ponies would suffice.
Bring William, uninvite Harry and his horsey wife.
BAN HARRY from EVER having anything to do or even be NEAR animals ever again in his life!!!!! He is a cruel and demented piece of work. I wonder how many insect had their legs and wings pulled out by this red mist devil in his childhood!
Haz also has information from the RF that he would have access to. He could bury her & I really hope he does. The mattress actress needs a reality check.
Thanks for your watching!

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He needs to be charged with animal cruelty & abuse. Harry should never be allowed to ride or play polo. He is not interested in anything but beating his brother & isn't interested in charity.
Who will ride with the Duke of Dolt?
William isn’t safe around Harry because of his fierce anger and jealousy.
I hope William has a lot of security, and put 1/3 on watching Harry.
He is too mean to animals. Try putting An animal on his back.
why did they invite Harry he is cruel to animals? he might kill the horse!
I’m surprised he was allowed because he abused those 4 ponies
“Nowhere for her to wear a fugly dress!” This! My new favorite quote!
Harry should be arrested for animal abuse !
And Henry has supporters with all his stupidity.. thanks was borned spare
Prince William would never be so foolish as to accept.
Great News that Prince William might play in the Polo Match in Singapore
The Traitor Harry Has has always been cruel to the Polo Ponies (that’s loaned to him)
He is a Sore Looser, one incident he kick and beat the horse so bad
I think the horse had a heart attack and died….he should be sued and banned
From playing Polo…his Nuttermeg wife is just as cruel to her pets…
This will not be happening.
What Harry needs is a shot of that horse tranqualizer that is taking over Philadelphia and many other countries too where people are turning to zombies and then die I’m surprised Meg and her mother are not giving him some that he may not even know about ,so give him that and the last thing he’ll want to do is get up on a horse ,as for the two brothers playing polo ,is a no no not a good idea,Harry could spook Williams horse he falls either is left paralysed or dead no.
Wait. So he can kill more horses? He is brutal on his horses and does not care as long as he looks good. We should ban polo for life!
Prince William is not going to murder the horses and perhaps he can bring his own horses. Don’t even ask Harry if he’s so violent and dangerous to the mans horses. Why does that woman need to even be at polo match she’s just sickening she looked like Joan Crawford with huge hat sunglasses and standing in the middle of the polo team trying to take the trophy from a player and the guy yanked it back she’s clapping in midair she is just an embarrassment and then she’s grabbing Harry by face kissing Harry and he looks embarrassed. He needs to be rid of her and the whole fake situation it’s beyond disgusting! Just my opinion of the situation.
Harry: Is this the guy that abused a pregnant horse and eventually killed it. This is not a loving man to animal, keep him away from horses.