Lumea întunecată a modelării atmosferei (și gazde VIP)

Lumea întunecată a modelării atmosferei (și gazde VIP)

Faceți o scufundare adâncă în industria secretă a modelării atmosferei. În timp ce Las Vegas este un punct fierbinte, modelele de atmosferă pot fi găsite în fiecare oraș important din întreaga lume și există șansa să fi întâlnit deja unul fără să știi. ▼Oddities pe Internet▼ ►INSTAGRAM ►TIKTOK


25 thoughts on “Lumea întunecată a modelării atmosferei (și gazde VIP)

  1. As a women writing this, I’m sorry if you work in this industry and in this line alone you KNOW the risks. What kind of people you will be surrounded with… be smart, don’t be naive.

  2. What garbage. If you had money and or fame than 95% of girls will throw themselves at you, especially if they are in an appearance business like bartending or modeling

  3. Ghb is definitely possible to taste, it is pure salt, you can get too much very fast and just dose off to sleep.. it made from drain cleaner and car cleaning products (gbl)

    Pro tip for these women ; take speed/amphetamines, it keeps you sober, awake and works against the effects of GHB

  4. You're doing WAY too much censoring, dude. There are several times in this video where you actually forgot to censor the "naughty" words and yet your video is still up and performing well. That should tell you something…

  5. It's playing with fire, how many of these guys will be willing to throw money away without getting something in return, if you know what I mean.
    Easy money is mostly a myth, there is always something more to things, even if you don't notice or don't understand it at the time.

  6. attractive young females looking for money get paid to spend time with ugly rich old guys hoping to have sex with them while the young females hope to avoid it ? – OMG I've never seen that happen anywhere before ! … 😉 😎

  7. People no need to explain us this things , we know looooong time ago, this is just expensive toys for bankers , rich families and Arabs . This is not something new

  8. They get paid for more than that. Some will even eat shit if you paid them enough. You really wouldn't believe it, and there are dudes making these women their wives.

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