DIRT CHEAP Fifty-Foot Custom DREAM Yacht! Merită ea? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor

DIRT CHEAP Fifty-Foot Custom DREAM Yacht!  Merită ea? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor

1984 Custom Cantieri Navali Scia 50 „Constellation” este echipat ca o goeletă cu un raport de aspect ridicat. Ea a fost construită în Genova, Italia, pe bază semi-personalizată. Mai jos sunt patru cabine plus două capete. Există un inventar foarte extins de vele plus electronice complete. Barca a stat într-un depozit acoperit și are ceva mucegai dedesubt, cu toate acestea, prețul este probabil negociabil și poate fi o oportunitate pentru cineva care caută o barcă mare la un preț relativ accesibil. „Constellation” are un aspect foarte unic; există o cabină privată la pupa, cu dane babord și tribord și spațiu amplu de depozitare. Mergând înainte, există un cap de pupa și o bucătărie frumoasă în formă de U pe port și o stație de navigație orientată spre înainte pe partea tribord. Salonul are două canapele drepte și o masă mare montată în centru cu două foi rabatabile. Continuând înainte, există două cabine private cu paturi superioare și inferioare. Ambele aceste cabine au uși care se îndreaptă într-un cap înainte. Dincolo de cap este o dană în V cu spațiu de depozitare. Ce părere aveți? Spuneți-ne în comentariile de mai jos. Doriți ajutor în găsirea unei ambarcațiuni de croazieră? https://www.patreon.com/notabrokerconsulting Pentru a recomanda iahturi pentru tur: jordan@learningthelines. com Pentru întrebări media/sponsorizare: jordan@learningthelines.com ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –– Preț cerut: 85.000 USD (Negociabil) Informații de listare: https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/1984-custom-cantieri-navali-scia-50-8424961/ Listat cu Holland Yacht Sales în Macatawa, MI. Contactați Henry DeJong la 616-443-1435 pentru mai multe informații. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––– Consulting Not-A-Broker: https://www.patreon.com/notabrokerconsulting Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/learningthelines/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learningthelines/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com /@learningthelines


24 thoughts on “DIRT CHEAP Fifty-Foot Custom DREAM Yacht! Merită ea? [Full Tour] Învățarea liniilor

  1. I lived on a 46’LOD boat for 20 years and I recommend thinking with your head before buying something like this. It’s a commitment that can ruin your life… Not a fan of flush decks for offshore sailing. This thing can cost you a lot of money to keep.

  2. Thank you for all the tours. There have been several boats I've seen that I'm very interested in. I'd like to mention a few things about your tours that might be an improvement, in my opinion. Firstly, you should keep your hand out of view. People who watch this type of program already know something about boats and don't need to have a winch or a portal or a block pointed out to them. It is sort of insulting to the viewers. Also, we may be trying to take screenshots of the video for our own folders on the boats we are researching, and your body parts are in the way. Your dialog is mostly unnecessary. All you are doing is naming everything we are looking at. We can identify those items in a second and your dialog may be interfering with our thought processes, and therefore a hindrance. What is helpful is to point out details that we may not be able to see very well, in which case you could also move the camera in for a closer look. It isn't at all necessary to point out things that are important to you, like the lifeline height. Instead, you could stand next to it and say this lifeline comes up to mid-thigh on me standing 5'9", or whatever would be helpful to all of us, if you thought it was a significant factor. Personally, I would never base the purchase of a boat on the height of the lifelines. They can be raised. 

    By all means, let us know the things the owner or broker let you know that would be of interest to us. Since there is no owner to question for this boat, I did visit the Yachtworld website of the listing by the yard owner. It shows a pic of the boat under sail and saw that the mizzen sail is a rectangular one and I was very interested in how the lines might be run from the top of the main mast forward to the aft head of the mizzen sail. I have been looking for a schooner with this configuration.

    If you follow Mads on Sail Life, you know he is looking for another project boat to begin work on. He is looking for a 50'-60' center cockpit boat that is in need of renovation. I will send him this one even though it isn't a c/c and it is likely out of reach of his budget. But like you said, this price may be negotiable. He preferred one on the east coast, where a great abundance of neglected boats might be found. If you see something he might be interested in, note it in the comments of his latest vlog post.

  3. ,its an IOR racer. It sleeps 12 at the dock or 6 on the weather side when beating. The Skipper and his Matie plus a 10 person crew. Oil lamps, 2 full heads, diesel heater plenty of Canvas prolly a golly walber and i bet a blooper too.❤ 85k offer 65k it'll take lots of elbow grease to get her up n sailing again.
    Check the sail inventory, auxiliary, cordage and a competent Survey!!

  4. I get the impression you've hardly sailed/raced much at all, nor does it appear you have much knowledge or certifications. Videoing boats may keep you busy, but its poor viewing.

  5. Très belle coque! Mais un intérieur dis fonctionnel. On a juste à regarder la hache avant qui glisse , c’est bien! Mais c’est là que l’on devrait retrouver les voiles et les cordages. C’est un lit , c’est aberrant. Une douche pour 8 , c’est aberrant. Une cuisine avec de très petites espaces pour concevoir des plats pour 8 personnes. Et je pourrais continuer…..l’intérieur en bois est chaleureux et c’est une copie conforme d’un quarante pieds qui reçoit un couple avec deux invités. Le pont est aussi mal aménagé puisque les manœuvres ne sont pas tous au cockpit. Et que dire d’un aussi petit cokpit pour 8 personnes.
    Les lignes sont belles! Mais tout est à repenser.

  6. Opportunity, looks good, everything is fine, deck is looks good until, F_ck the bilge pump is not working, engine needs an overhaul done, and so on until we subscribe and then the problem really starts and we have to watch the nightmare of things to fix and buy . Really nightmarish I will not subscribe so good luck and good buy

  7. I have watched your channel since it’s inception. You guys have done a phenomenal job of building a great can you give out great information you sound very knowledgeable you sound sincere and I personally want to thank you for many many good viewings of mini boat keep up the good work your friend Rusty hope to see you out in the water sometime😊

  8. I am sorry but your comment about the cockpit traveler sounded like a direct quote from Ferenc Mate without any thought as to the actual situation. On a tiller boat and many wheel boats, the cross-cockpit traveler is indeed a problem as far as movement in the cockpit. On this boat, that comment is completely nonapplicable. It crosses the cockpit just in front of the wheel where the cockpit opens up to a T. In this location you have already stepped up onto the seats to get around the wheel and you are above the traveler. Another Mate quote is the forward facing nav table. This is only applicable if you can see outside from the nav. If you cannot see the water, it does not matter which way it faces.

  9. You asked for an opinion, so here is my opinion:
    It is no coincidence that this relatively large sailing schooner is in storage and does not travel the seas.
    This design was designed according to the racing/sports boat ideas of the early 60s with its now smiling design…
    Compared to its length, it has a very narrow body (4 meters) and a maximum depth of over two meters.
    Hand laminated fiberglass polyester resin body. (Made in Italy.) In today's eyes, this is quite difficult for a racing boat. The main concept of interior design is to accommodate many people in a short time and without comfort. It has a cave-like narrow interior living space, with small windows and a dark interior.
    This boat would only be suitable for retro racing without conversion.
    Such boats sail in a sporty manner. They have serious inclinations and their advantage is that they can cut through the waves and sail sharply, so the deck is almost constantly wet.
    The small cockpit is an unprotected water tank. The deck is not even worthy of a sports boat; full of obstacles and wooden decorations and scattered not self-collecting oldy winches. The traffic surfaces are extremely narrow.
    It would take a lot of serious upgrades and a complete interior makeover to convert this sailboat into an ocean cruising boat.
    However, its possible transformation, re-equipment and development would cost a very large amount.
    I just ask quietly: where are the really useful, practical equipment? I am thinking here of a dinghy, generator, AIS transceiver, water maker, radar, individual electronic indicators, collective rescue device etc.
    All together, the realistic price of this watercraft would be between 10 and 15 thousand dollars. (85K WTFCK!?) I don't even know if there is any serious interest in her as a result of this YouTube report. Not to mention a dream yacht – well… she can be a nightmare.

  10. Since when is dirt cheap ? I could live on this yacht right now. Its very nice ! But the price ? Who knows ! Probably only Trump could afford it !

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