Răsfățați-vă cu lux: o scufundare adâncă în MSC Yacht Club

Răsfățați-vă cu lux: o scufundare adâncă în MSC Yacht Club

Acesta este un videoclip introductiv al experienței mele MSC Yacht Club. Voi acoperi zonele principale ale zonei Yacht Club, voi aborda mâncarea și băuturile și voi discuta despre serviciul excelent de majordom. Alăturați-vă cu mine în croaziere emoționante, fiți la curent cu știrile despre croazieră și obțineți hituri și sfaturi pentru a vă face vacanța de croazieră mai ușoară și mai distractivă. Sunt David și m-am îmbarcat într-o aventură de-a lungul vieții pentru a explora lumea pe vase de croazieră. Relația mea de dragoste cu croaziera a început la începutul anilor 2000, aprinzându-mi pasiunea de a descoperi necunoscutul. De la metropole pline de viață până la peisaje senine, am lăsat urme în peste 100 de destinații și nu mai mult. Fiecare nouă croazieră îmi alimentează pofta de călătorie și curiozitatea, propulsându-mă înainte în expediții de croazieră palpitante.


21 thoughts on “Răsfățați-vă cu lux: o scufundare adâncă în MSC Yacht Club

  1. Thanks David
    I enjoyed your video. 
    My hubby and I are going to be in Yacht Club on the Virtuosa in December when it sails out of Dubai, so I will look forward to your other reviews!

  2. Hi both – great to meet you when we boarded together on 2 September. We have just discovered your video on YouTube. Very informative for anyone wanting to know more about MSC Yacht Club. Also great for us to relive that fantastic cruise. Not sure if you remember us or not but I am the one wearing the turquoise jacket (Sarah) and Alan is carrying the red travel bag! We have learnt something already from watching you as we never realised you could fast-track the lift using your cruise card! We are booked to go again in 2025 to the Canaries so will definitely use your top tip then! Great video and we will be tuning in to all your forthcoming ones. Once again, a pleasure to meet you both – it's a shame we never got a chance to say cheerio on the last morning. Best wishes. Alan and Sarah

  3. Fantastic review. We did the YC on Virtuosa a couple of years ago and have booked the Fjords for next Summer. Looking forward to seeing more from your cruise and we also holiday on our stomachs and are keen to see your food choices for inspiration 😊

  4. If you plan your own excursions and the ship has to change, it's tough luck🙄😒
    So one saves if no change, but loses if it does. It's a gamble !

  5. 17 is an unlucky number in Italy, because In Roman numerals, 17 is XVII.
    One anagram for XVII is VIXI. In Latin, vixi means “I have lived,” the implication being that now I am dead. So they're superstitious about it !🤣

  6. I have cruises booked for this and next year, never really gave MSc a thought, heard they were very busy etc, however because of videos like this I'm definitely interested in doing YC, did you notice if it was wheelchair friendly, thanks

  7. Even on mega ships I never take the elevators. I’ll walk up 10 flights of stairs because I get so fed up with how the elevator stops at every floor. I never gave a thought to classes, 1st, 2nd, steerage, etc. but forcing others to skip their floors must really make them feel like the Hoi polio.😂

  8. Brilliant video! You've made our mind up to pay extra for YC!

    My wife and I can't agree where your accent is from?!

    North West is all we agree on! She says Southport, I say Cheshire?

    Anyway, thank you for your excellent film

  9. Fantastic video! I'm preparing for my first experience with YC. We're heading to the Bahamas from New York. As vegans, the food is the only thing that worries me. We don't consume any meat, pasta, eggs, or cheese. I'm hoping they will fulfill our needs. I appreciate you taking the time and making the effort to share your very informative movie with all of us. Hugs to you and your husband 🙂

  10. Great video!!!! Interesting story about the missing bag. I usually carry a Swiss army knife with me. I know now to leave it at home. Thanks.

  11. I love how you pronounce pasta!! ❤ My husband and I are booked on MSC Seashore in 11 days. I upgraded to YC, but I have not told my husband about the upgrade. I'm hoping that he won't find out until embarkation. I hid the form with my documents, and the e-tickets are digital. I'm looking forward to our trip, thank you for your video. Very informative ❤

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