Explorați comorile ascunse ale Maltei – Blue Hole, Marea interioară, Popeye Village și multe altele!
Alăturați-vă nouă într-o aventură navigabilă de neuitat în timp ce descoperim frumusețea uluitoare a celor mai încântătoare locuri din Malta!
Descoperirea Blue Hole: Asistați la fascinanta Blue Hole de sus
Explorarea Mării Interioare: faceți o aventură cu barca cu barca printr-o minune naturală, Marea Interioară. Uimește-te de stâncile sale dramatice și de laguna senină ascunsă înăuntru.
Aventurare în satul Popeye: Pășește în lumea faimosului marinar! Explorați fermecătorul Popeye Village, unde aventura și nostalgia prind viață.
Savurând cocktailuri la Happy Hour: Încheiați câteva săptămâni incitante în Malta și felicităm pentru amintirile făcute în această călătorie epică!
Nu rata această aventură epică de navigație în Malta! Abonați-vă și apăsați clopoțelul de notificare pentru a ni se alătura aventurile viitoare.
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Great vlog guys and thanks for sharing your paradise

So glad you stopped using that battery on the drone!!!! Did you manage to get another??
Jason you are looking good baby, don’t let her pick on you.

Hey you two another great video to send us off to our Balkan tour. Jason I do the same suck the tummy in, but then it makes you look as though you are constipated or trying to take a crap lol. That Pop-Eye place was cool did not realize there was a true story about the guy. And that little hidden cove corteze Jason calls it that was awesome. Anyhow you two enjoy stay safe catch you in approx 2 weeks
Just buy a new battery for your drone, you no need a new one.
Would getting a new battery solve the problem for the drone? I had something like this happen when my battery went out on my cell phone.
If that battery is swelling, you should be careful. It could be at risk of spontaneous combustion.
Another great episode! You two are living the life!
and those kitties are already looking so healthy!! Regards from Arizona.
you two make me sick…………..with envy. thanks for a great video!
Great video, it made me want to pack a bag & go! It just wouldn’t be the same without you guy’s there though!
Get that drone off your boat. That battery is probably going to burst into flames. It’s most likely the salt environment causing it.
Cheers guys!
Popeyes Island took me straight back to the film, really great loved this video ug! ug!ug! ug! ug! ug!

The battery for your drone, if it's swelling the battery is shot. Please look to replace it before all the bad things happen. Your drone shots are awesome!
Really enjoy your adventures. Side note- Janay's body is absolutely bangin'

You have the most beautiful blue eyes!!!!
Some cool places guys .
Great view you ever eat fish toasties?
That was a great episode! You two are a riot. Jason changes the joker valve then makes breakfast. When he was posing for the camera, that got Janae laughing! Jason says, I've never pushed you off a cliff even once. Funny stuff! My only complaint about this vid was the fast motion while Janae was dropping the anchor, should be in slo-mo!
The two of you are so fortunate to have one another. Godspeed on your life journey with one another.
Don't store lithium batteries fully charged, run them down to 70% before leaving them for any time or they will swell.
Malta or Greece? Which one you like more?
Laughing along with the best show on YouTube, still wondering what is happening next Tuesday

Thank you for sharing these beautiful places… i didn't even know they existed… cheers and God Bless.
That old Mavic is kicking out some great vid! Awesome shots.
Awesome episode. Those natural harbors and hidden coves are breathtaking. Can't wait to follow in some of your wakes next year.
Краще позбудьтесь тієї батареї від дрона, вона може вибухнути.
The entire Popeye Movie , sorry about the ads….https://youtu.be/AS_JjVwU-Qk?si=-5r1d8k1PFO1KjyC

I laughed along with Jason & U about finding the right pose. Welcome to life as a woman! Thank U 4 sharing your time in Malta. It's a beautiful country! Safe travels
If the battery on your drone is "puffed", it's on the way out. Probably best to take care when charging it, in case it catches fire.