Trebuia să se schimbe ceva, altfel nu vom fi niciodată fericiți

Trebuia să se schimbe ceva, altfel nu vom fi niciodată fericiți

Când Nigel a venit și a ajutat la construirea părților de bază ale cadrului carlingului, el a lipit-o împreună, astfel încât să putem trăi puțin cu el și apoi să facem orice modificări de care avem nevoie în timp. Este o treabă bună că am făcut-o așa pentru că, după ce am trăit cu ea, am găsit multe lucruri pe care trebuia să le schimbăm. În acest episod, Andy abordează realizarea unor modificări destul de radicale la design. De asemenea, facem alte câteva lucruri mici în jurul bărcii și începem să ne pregătim pentru instalare. Nu putem recomanda Precision Sails suficient de mult, le puteți găsi la _________________________________________________________________ Sponsorii și partenerii noștri Pânze personalizate. Asigurare ambarcațiunilor pentru ambarcațiuni. Autodirecție Hydrovane. Ancore Mantus. Încălzitoare plane Autoterm. Pro Marine Store Chandlery online. ________________________________________________________________ Cum ne puteți sprijini. NICIODATĂ nu cerem nimănui să ne ajute, dar mai multe persoane au cerut modalități de a face acest lucru, așa că iată modalitățile prin care puteți contribui la acest proiect: PATREON: Deveniți un Patron și obțineți lansări timpurii și filmări bonus și actualizări în timp real pentru cât mai puțin 3 USD pe lună sau puteți face și donații o singură dată. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: KO-FI: Ko-fi este un pic ca Patron, dar nu are o donație obișnuită decât dacă alegi să înființezi una. Avantajul Ko-fi este că primim mai mulți bani, așa că ne-am luat mai puțini decât Patron. Pay-pal: Dacă faci o donație „prieteni și familie” prin Paypal, atunci vedem fiecare bănuț din donația ta, deoarece nu primesc deloc comision. Lecții de chitară și produse Pentru lecțiile de chitară cu Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la: Tricourile și cănile sunt disponibile aici: Verificați Lista noastră de dorințe de pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE Card cadou Lista de dorințe https://www. Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă doriți să ne ajutați deloc în această călătorie uimitoare. ___________________________________________________________________________ Echipamentul nostru Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 Gimbal GoPro Hero 11 Creator Edition GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Wireless Go II Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini


38 thoughts on “Trebuia să se schimbe ceva, altfel nu vom fi niciodată fericiți

  1. Hi it always worries me to see people using hose pipes to fill up their fresh water as garden hoses and their fittings are not suitable for drinking water as the labels on new hoses will show. Most hoses will leach toxic plastics as well as heavy metals (lead being one of the main ones) into the water especially if the hose has not been used for a few days and has been in the sun. Have a look at
    Is Your Garden Hose Toxic? | Plastic Pollution Coalition
    Keep up the good work Mark

  2. whilst you had the manifold off i would have added the hoselock adapters to the spare ports to avoid having to take it off again. I would have used brass hoselock adapters as well.

  3. I take it you will use angle trim to join the two solar panels together so not to let water in though the roof sections will be interesting how you tackle it. Also how long is your yacht?

  4. Andy, Melissa and Captain Jack.

    Cap'n Jack, what a wonderful life you are going to have sailing all over the world 🌎 with your parents to take care of you! You will learn so much more about our amazing home the Earth than most people learn in all of their lives . I'm sure you know that the world isn't always a happy place and you might see some bad things as well as good ones but that too will be part of your worldly education to serve you well in your later life. Have a fantastic time!

    Andy and Melissa, I have been thinking about you all if you,as I'm sure you will, get into the hot, humid tropics where I have spent much of my life. Let me tell you, it is so important to keep as cool and comfortable as possible. Some people don't seem to feel the steamy heat but I am definitely not one and I have always suffered as a result. What I am saying in a convoluted way is that I'm sure that you will need to find an affordable way to stay cool below. This leads me to suggest that you investigate portable marinised aircon units. Those little marvels can run off ship's power and you simply place the unit in the room in use. I believe it's just as important to keep comfortable as it is to eat well! Well, I'm enjoying a stretch in hospital right now so must go to sleep or I will incur the 5 of the night crew ! Cheers!

  5. Great Job on the hard top! It got me thinking if you have a "Maker Space" nearby that you could utilize? Might make some of the projects a little easier.

  6. Andy, wind PTFE tape off the roll the other way, so it's always under a slight tension. Think of a letter 'S' with the fitting thread being in one of the loops of the 'S' and the tape roll being in the other.

  7. Please do not weld them , replacements are available. If its a deleted foil clamp call foulkes boat yard Burseldon Southampton. Anthony should be able to help

  8. Funny to see something that looked good when build, now has to change a lot because of one test with the new main sail 😉 But its fine, some things you just have to test in real situations before you know if the concept works. At least you are now still close and docked in the harbor so its an easy job. It definitely looks better like this, and the idea of the shifting end is pretty cool, I only wonder if sea water which enters those pipes wont be getting the pipes stuck? I love those roller reefing, its very handy when sailing alone or with limited crew. Things are progressing nicely ..

  9. Garden hoses were not designed to supply potable (drinking quality) water. The hose and its brass fittings can release lead, antimony, bromine and other toxic minerals. Also, phthalates are used to make the hose more flexible and these too are toxic. BPA is also found in many hoses. The most common plastic used in making garden hose is polyvinyl chloride, which may give off toxic vinyl chloride. Of course, what the hose is made from and what leaches into the water it produces can be very different, but even so…

    A study published in 2016 by the Ecology Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan that tested 32 commercially available garden hoses found lead levels exceeding safe levels in water in half the garden hoses tested while the water produced by some hoses had very high levels of phthalates and BPA.
    Love your work not trying to be that guy i just care bout water quality 😊

  10. The Proper hose is white in color and are used in motor homes etc for potable service. garden hose is made from a different compound and can chemically break down in potable water service. Plus the garden hose develops a chemical odor and taste as it ages.

  11. It would be a shame to spend all the money and time to make the boat safe for your family to sail in open water and Not care about a cheap garden hose for the water system…

  12. Please don’t extend the solar beyond the curved metal frame. It will leave a corner you will crash into and break the solar or yourself. Tripping in a big sea and falling onto the corner of a solar panel will result in more trouble than you want. Use a steel brow or resize the panels. Sorry to be so negative but it’s your family’s safety I’m thinking of.

  13. I was going to say have you tried gorilla tape but it’s totally a joke 🤪 I’ve been looking for a while I really think you guys are brilliant I just love the way you problem solve it’s so important to think and you both do it so well even under pressure amazing that’s what you both are you have had me glued to my channel watching your every move I’m so happy to be here thank you I enjoy every second great great great ❤

  14. As a fellow boater, also with 2 young children (6 year old boy and girls twins) that absolutely love going out on the boat and sleeping on it for the weekend, I honestly couldn’t imagine trying to live on it!

    Interesting to see how this pans out for you guys, very best of luck, if it doesn’t work though, make sure you admit so and get them little ones back on land.

    Wishing you all the best.

  15. As a fellow boater, also with 2 young children (6 year old boy and girls twins) that absolutely love going out on the boat and sleeping on it for the weekend, I honestly couldn’t imagine trying to live on it!

    Interesting to see how this pans out for you guys, very best of luck, if it doesn’t work though, make sure you admit so and get them little ones back on land.

    Wishing you all the best.

  16. Good day Ocean Melody & Crew, Andy I truly believe you have considered EVERY possibility and angle from esthetic to practical application of the cockpit cover/solar panel support and it will be perfect. Just remember only God is perfectio! Real life will make the final decision and changes can be made. Im pretty sure you've considered purchasing from the furling mfg the connectors for the tubes! They always carry replacement parts and probably will give them to you for the exposure of their name for advertising purposes. Certainly worth the try. It appears to this old sailor you and family require some some type relaxation time. Perhaps a sail on a close friends sailboat? It will help you mentally as well as physically believe from my experience. FWCS Fair Winds Calm Seas ⛵️ dear friends

  17. Can Mark show us how he welded those joining rods together mate? They hold the torque along the leading edge of an ( didnt hear properly) 18m luff of a jib and that is one fuckin huge sail. Some serious and sustained forces all along that leading edge pulling all those joints in two directions based on the tack.

  18. Andy make the angels on the end off roof rounder the power from your sail is so bick it breaks your totale roof in one smasch off. But for the rest it looks beautyfull.

  19. Don't bother with a rain catching system, the majority of the time the boat will be salty from sea spray and you also run the risk of illness or dysentery from bird droppings being fed into your water tanks and ruining your entire store of water. Trust me it's not worth it. Just have enough tankage and or add a water maker.

  20. Hello. May I suggest thar you use house grade white plastic plumbing pipe and John Guest fittings. These I think will give you more peace of mind and zero leaks and I think would be more appropriate materials for your plumbing system.

  21. The inside of the garden hose will dissolve.
    Tank cleaner will dissolve it anyway.
    The connectors wear out on the thresds.
    Ptfe tape will leak on the tiniest movement.
    Use hemp.
    Good luck.

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