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Cum trăim 100% reducere la grilă pe barca noastră cu pânze (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 197)

23 thoughts on “Cum trăim 100% reducere la grilă pe barca noastră cu pânze (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 197)”
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I’ve only boated in the Sea of Cortez a few times and never seen mobula rays so I really enjoyed your video of them. They’re amazing animals.
Such a beautiful, peaceful, quiet environ, until that weather rolls in
. So nice to see you relaxing in mind and body
Neat isolated beach! Enjoy!
Sure do miss the good ol' adult summer camp days.
Another groovy episode. I love your Day In The Life episodes. Simple, flowing, to the point. Plus flying rays, a cute dog and yummy cook with friends. What could be better. Stay safe and stay groovy.
My hard guess on the jumping rays: the impact on the water cleans their (vulrnerable skin on the) belly from barnacle growth and other parasites.
Loving the video once again!
Thankyou Grace and Bill for yet another wonderful video, Grace your editing skills are amazing and Bill you explain your projects well showing us how well thought out your boat world is. I love this series of videos because we too are in the sea of Cortez hope to be floating again in a month. 38 degrees in the cabin in Guaymas.
Remembering the endless boatyard work, the health issues and the unknown answers at the time! You Both deserve this Chill time. I love the back lighting you added inside the boat, it looks great. You have made her a nice home! I loved the video, the Manta's jumping was so cool and love your underwater filming as well! Great job you two. Taco Bowls looked great as well. Thank you for bringing us along! Stay safe, Fair winds and following seas my friends!
I’d imagine not many places to top up gasoline for the dinghy.
Nice one. Love the visuals. Always a good idea to filter your diesel. You have no idea where it comes from any way especially in the more remote areas. Food looked real tasty. (Almost supper time in my part of the world so I am hungry LOL).
I can understand how it would seem so long since you were here with your buddies. You two have been through so much in the past months! I have followed you all along and really appreciate all your challenges! But it is so great to see how far you have come and how much you have accomplished! Love you two and am rooting for your success and happiness every day! Love you both, Doc
Bill, Nice fix on the water maker. Having one is a game changer. Having solar to power the unit is really a game changer. I use to run the main engine 45 minutes a day, just for water. And another 45 minutes for everything else.
Are you guys doing Annapolis this year.
Some awesome wildlife footage! You guys seem to be back in groove. So happy for you, and keep the great vids coming!
What brand are the solar panel
I just got a total "peace" vibe from this vid. Yeah…I know there were water issues, and a storm. But you guys are at peace. Thank you for sharing!
Such a calm video. Thank you for sharing.
The video of the breaching mobula rays was so cool. I’ve never seen that before and was a definite highlight of this video for me!
Grace, does "Small World" have a You Tube channel? I don't seem to find it on a search.
So much nature. Can’t wait. Curious if your boat buddies like the Pudgy dinghy?
And now I'll be having a taco bowl for lunch.
Awesome video guys…great to see you cruising again
Another great video guys! One slight correction… The fish that BIll shot at and missed was not a hogfish. I'm pretty certain it was a large humphead parrot fish. Either way, both are great eating fish although I couldn't shoot a parrot fish because of the fond memories I have of them when I had my saltwater aquarium.