Ep. 15 Înecarea în PROVIZIUNI Pentru familia noastră de șase! Nu cred că CATAMARANUL nostru are suficient SPAȚIU!

Ep.  15 Înecarea în PROVIZIUNI Pentru familia noastră de șase!  Nu cred că CATAMARANUL nostru are suficient SPAȚIU!

Urmăriți-vă în timp ce pregătim familia noastră de 6 și apoi încercați să găsiți un loc pentru tot în catamaranul nostru Lagoon. Trebuie să părăsim Florida până pe 15 aprilie… și poate fi necesar să ne atașăm proviziile de acoperiș în stil Beverly Hillbilly. Toată muzica oferită de Epidemic Sound.


9 thoughts on “Ep. 15 Înecarea în PROVIZIUNI Pentru familia noastră de șase! Nu cred că CATAMARANUL nostru are suficient SPAȚIU!

  1. I can not wait to see all of your faces when you get out on the ocean. The joy you will experience will be fun to watch and make everything you are going through now worth it.

  2. Oh the comment of don't shop with your parents they take too slow shop forever oh my God I almost peed my pants thank you Hope you have fun with your family in town see you next week thank you for the beautiful smiles

  3. I say this with lots of love and compassion… please, please, please don't use that sunscreen if you plan to do any diving, snorkeling or surfing in the ocean. I know that stuff is expensive. Those are chemical based sunscreens with either benzophenone or oxybenzone as an active ingredient. This will kill coral and marine life. One may say, the ocean is huge and it will be diluted. It takes 62 parts per trillon to prevent coral larva to replicate. To put that in perspective, one drop of benzophenone or oxybenzone in 6 olympic size swimming pools has enough to prevent coral larva from replicating. If the coral spawns it won't replicate. It also causes coral to bleach at a much lower temperature. It also kills marine life, like little nemo. I am a skin cancer survivor, diver, and surfer. I used the same sunscreens until I was educated on the matter and with extensive research on my own part. This all goes without saying what it could do to our bodies as it is absorbed into our skin. Also be aware of companies selling mineral sunscreen (which is good to use) IF they are not doing their own manufacturing. There are only a few sunscreen manufacturers in the US and if these companies use them to manufacture their "reef safe" sunscreen it will have been subjected to cross contamination. The FDA and other studies have run numerous tests on these sunscreens, and everyone has come back with cross contamination in their product. The only company that I know of currently that is doing their own manufacturing and is 100% reef safe is "stream2sea". Let's hope more companies jump onboard and do what they are doing.

  4. Okay – here it goes! ""99 Problems" kickoff is the best one i have seen yet – and I watch a lot of these! High Five! Really funny & REALLY REAL…..still chuckling and came back just to watch that intro and brighten my day.

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