Aceasta este o zi FOARTE specială pentru mine!

Aceasta este o zi FOARTE specială pentru mine!

Nimic din toate acestea nu ar fi fost posibil fără VOI! ⇩ Susține videoclipurile mele pentru a obține actualizări video în timp real și acces la grupul UTL-Whatsapp! ⇩ ► PATREON ⇩ Vrei să-mi cumperi o băutură sau un răsfăț pentru Boga? ⇩ ► PAY PAL **** Bună, tuturor! Numele meu este Nike și trăiesc și navighez pe barca mea Karl din 2013. După un maraton masiv de reparații, în sfârșit am renunțat la linii și am învățat să navighez singur cu Reinke Super 10 de 37 de picioare pe care l-am numit „Karl”. Public clipuri video (momentan la fiecare două săptămâni) despre suișurile și coborâșurile de a trăi, repara și naviga cu barca mea. Din ianuarie 2022, am un nou membru permanent al echipajului: prietenul meu blănos Boga. Când am început, nu știam prea multe despre repararea bărcii sau navigarea solo. Din moment ce sunt încă acolo, sper că povestea mea îi inspiră pe alții, să-și urmărească visele, chiar dacă ar putea crede că nu sunt făcuți pentru asta. Întotdeauna există o cale, așa că ne vedem acolo! 👉 Urmărește-mi aventura de navigație solo de la început ⇩ Mai multe despre călătoria mea cu barca mea cu velier SV Karl @WhiteSpotPirates ⇩ ► INSTAGRAM WhiteSpotPirates ► FACEBOOK ► MY BOAT KARL ⇩ Urmăriți filmul complet „Untie The Lines” ⇩ Descărcați sau transmite filmul complet cu informații de fundal despre călătoria mea, interviuri cu prietenii și familia mea și filmări nevăzute la ***** Mulțumesc tuturor celor care au susținut crearea acestor videoclipuri și au împărtășit acest film aventură epică cu mine până acum. Nu ar fi fost la fel fără tine! Multă dragoste oceanică, Nike🧜‍♀, Boga 🐾 și KARL ⛵


33 thoughts on “Aceasta este o zi FOARTE specială pentru mine!

  1. Watched from the start – con't believe its 10 years – ahhh, I miss Uniform Motion and 'there is no way' to close out :)))))

  2. Thank you! You are indescribable. Talented, adventurous, fearless, courageous and much more. Congratulations on ten years at sea. SV BROOKLYN

  3. Love your videos, they helped me when I was in a really bad place. Things are going in the right direction, I'm not there yet but you give me inspiration and piece. I just watched your first video again, you haven't changed at all. Thanks

  4. Nike … I'm sure most of your followers will echo the same sentiment I am sharing with You … We ALL Thank YOU for Sharing Your Amazing Journey Thru Life over the past 10 years … and may You have 10 more Amazing Years You, Boga & Karl will Share With Us and make Our Lives that much more rich & full than they otherwise would be … We ALL Love You, Girl … Bart

  5. Really? 10 years? Only last month i realized, that I had pretty exactly spent the last five years on my boat. And yes, you ARE indeed one of the most inspiring youtubers around. I followed you quite from the beginning, had my own struggles in life and in early August 2018 was boarded on a flight from Frankfurt to Durban, to finally live the dream I had dreamed. Refitting and updating a not so young catamaran and then living and sailing on it. And even though things have not always worked out as I would have liked them and plans changed over time, you are still an inspiration for me and a lot of us, who glimpse over your shoulder. Carry on with it 🙂

    Fair winds!

  6. 10 years, from the jungle of mold, to the perforations in the hull, to the piece of wood that was in your tank blocking the fuel, to the engine sheding a timing belt and all the rest of the issues you have encountered. You are still here with a smile on your face. 11/10 for persistence. I, too, have become a boat owner. Your yt channel, chuffed, and others shaped the decision on the type of boat I bought (it wasn't an aluminium boat). Keep up the good work.

  7. Lige as it is,
    Thats the secret i think . Almost 100k but stil after 10y, thats more important ! I hope your life has now a goal and keep going 💪. Yess indeed you’re an insperation for a lot of people ❤. Thx for sharing your life (as it is) on yt ! Greetings

  8. Congratulations Nike! I first followed you because I was interested in your Reinke. In time though, my focus shifted to the troubles you were having with Karl and the personal challenges you had to deal with. You have a group of followers who are genuinely fond of you, and even if they don't add up to the mystical 100,000, it is their quality as humans rather than their quantity that counts. Take care.!

  9. I'm late checking all my mail and media. But it's not the 30'th so I'm early. 😁 Congratulations Nike. And thank you for sharing your ride with all of us. I smile when times are good and feel bad when things are hard for you. It's not a TV show. You've become our friend. It's gotta be weird for so many people that you've never met to feel like they know you. But in many ways they do. You're an inspiration to a lot of people including me. Here you are a decade later, and still capturing our hearts and our minds. ❤

  10. Congrats on 10 years. I've been following you almost since the beginning. Actually, you were the first sailing channel I started following. To 10 more…!!!

  11. Happy Anniversary Nike, and Congratulations. You are simply a very wonderful and accomplished "Woman", "Sailboat Captain" and "World Class Role Model". All 93.2K subscribers love and respect you for exactly who you are. Your base will continue to grow, expand, and develop as you become the woman that you are searching to become. Enjoy the journey. You have brightened my life.

  12. I stopped following because I wanted more for you. Talented, wonderful girl deserves better. I hope you continue finding ways to make yourself happy.

  13. Congratulations and a big thank you for your inspiration, openness and for sharing, the world would be a far more nicer place with more people like you Nike !

  14. Hi, Just to say, I think your site has been hacked. I was asked to contact you through Telegram and am getting a request to send you money.

  15. Hello, I have been following you for quite some time, I found you are a fantastic woman. You are sweet, friendly and want to do good for everyone. I know you are of German descent, so also some in German.
    Machen Sie weiter so, Sie haben bereits viele Herzen gewonnen, die Ihren Kanal lieben. Viele liebe Grüße aus dem kalten Belgien 🇧🇪❤❤👍👍

  16. Thank you for the past ten years, it has helped me, in the spring of this I started my journey on Venture, a 34 foot sailboat, starting on Lake Huron through the Great Lakes, the Erie Canal to NYC and now , today I have sailed on my first ocean!, my adventure has just started! You have inspired me to go after a dream, have no idea what is happening next, everyday I learn, everyday new experiences. At the age of 67 and everything is new everyday I learn, thanks to you. You have shown that nothing is impossible, thank you

  17. Thank you Nike!!!! I still remember the first videos when you got to Karl the first time and you start to fix it!!
    i can't wait for the next 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Nike, now you have made a very special day for me too!!!!! It has been a terrific journey watching you experience real life and taking us along with you in spirit. Looking forward to "Hearing More About That Next Ten Years".

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